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Tiola Violet

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Everything posted by Tiola Violet

  1. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  2. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  3. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  4. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  5. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  6. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  7. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  8. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  9. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  10. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  11. Maybe this will interested you, i'm starting a MESH Agency. Its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. I'm sure we can answer your request. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  12. You should check out the MESH Agency its a professional service that only hires reliable creators. You have a selection of talented 3D mesh creators at you service. Drop in and see for yourself, if your interested fill out a project application form.: SURL MESH AGENCY
  13. Sorry link is broken try this : SURL MESH AGENCY
  14. Sorry link is broken try this : SURL MESH AGENCY
  15. When it comes to house there are so many i think there needs to be extra sorting options : - number off m2 - number of rooms - dominant color maybe
  16. I like Ganelon Darkfold ideas especialy the no demos choice and the link to rent when the box is deleated althow a standard marketplace box would have to be a choice not an obligation because it would imply way to much work for everybody. I'm sure i can find a script to do that, its a good idea.
  17. 1- They are going to change magixbox in near future, so guessyou'll have to wait a lot to see this done ^^' >If they are changing it then they should plan to do this with the new one 2- To search for a customer use the other orders page. Go to Orders - Transaction history, and write customer name in the "customer" box ;-) >WHERE IS THIS PAGE :YAY i found it but it, thanks for the solution that has been bugging me forever.
  18. I'm sure we all have ideas of what we would like to see in marketplace, here are a few of mine. As a marketplace seller 1) We all know marketplace has serious delivery problems, I get notes, IM and emails every week about this. I want a redelivery box, this would be so awsome !!! a box that clients can come and click inworld to get there article redeliverd. This would only work of corse for copy/mod and copy/mod/trans objects. - Clients are satisfied - Sellers get less hastel - and it can add an extra inworld experience 2) A seach box at the top of the order list, i make about 70 sales a day and looking for a client is a nightmare. As a maketplace buyer 1) I would love to be able to hava a favoret store list to follow my fav creators, maybe even a "whats new with your fav creators" page. 2) well this is usfull for both selles and buyers, we NEED photos on our "order history". How can we rate stuff when we can't see what it is, since the matrketplace has changed people hardly rate anymore. Also when i am looking forsomthing and can't remember the name photos are nécessary. Oh and while I'm here : DASHBOARD whats with the number of showing transaction history limited to 500? Not practical at all having to always export .CSV so see mounthly results.
  19. I'm sure we all have ideas of what we would like to see in marketplace, here are a few of mine. As a marketplace seller 1) We all know marketplace has serious delivery problems, I get notes, IM and emails every week about this. I want a redelivery box, this would be so awsome !!! a box that clients can come and click inworld to get there article redeliverd. This would only work of corse for copy/mod and copy/mod/trans objects. - Clients are satisfied - Sellers get less hastel - and it can add an extra inworld experience 2) A seach box at the top of the order list, i make about 70 sales a day and looking for a client is a nightmare. As a maketplace buyer 1) I would love to be able to hava a favoret store list to follow my fav creators, maybe even a "whats new with your fav creators" page. 2) well this is usfull for both selles and buyers, we NEED photos on our "order history". How can we rate stuff when we can't see what it is, since the matrketplace has changed people hardly rate anymore. Also when i am looking forsomthing and can't remember the name photos are nécessary. Oh and while I'm here : DASHBOARD whats with the number of showing transaction history limited to 500? Not practical at all having to always export .CSV so see mounthly results.
  20. Thanks for the ideas guys maybe we could help each other and give the few notions we have : For me i just found that the word "kinky" set of the moderator replaced by "sexy" worked just fine ... strange choice .... lol
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