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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Oh good, I am not the only one who does that! 😄
  2. Well I wasn't till you mentioned it and in any case don't see your point as I am more concerned about its content then who or what posted it. One cannot become awakened/woken until one is in full possession of the truth. From that perspective I have had to even change my default search engine from Google to https://duckduckgo.com/ as Google is very lopsided in its search hits being predominantly alt-left.
  3. Yes, she is very passionate and makes some good points about the need to clean up their own backyards first since there is way more to worry about from other blacks then there is from police. She mentioned Chicago a couple times and and a quick search shows how murders are way up in several American cities since this all started and police response is down: https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2020/6/8/21281998/chicago-deadliest-day-violence-murder-history-police-crime but BLM seems to ignore that and continues its demands to defund the police and in effect shackle those that remain from dealing with it
  4. White woman tries to convince a black woman that she's oppressed.
  5. Seriously Luna, where do you come up with some of this stuff? Just because I don't contest every utterance that comes from you, does not mean I agree with each. In my decades of participating and facilitating 1000's of various recovery groups, I have never heard anyone share that the pain of being rejected for their color or race was any different depending on their geographical location. In fact, it is because the pain of rejection in general is very much the same for any type of predjudice and discrimination that allows others to empathize with those who feel rejected because they are not the dominant color or race of the area they are in. The pain of American prejudice is simply no different then the pain of the prejudice in any other country. The crux of the issue is the pain, not the geographical location.
  6. Racism has neither national nor political boundaries.
  7. As an outside observer of americans national sport of politics, I say there is more of that on the Democrats side.
  8. Trump also used the arm-thrashing act when making fun of himself during an interview with Larry King in 2005; when imitating a bank president in October; and when mocking an Army general at the same November speech in which he made the original Kovaleski comments.
  9. All through the thread. Every time you were mentioning how blacks were treated 50, 100, 400 years ago it was being used as a justification for some sort of reparations which is in effect a punishment.
  10. Except there is data showing there is less police issues per black crime then there has been police issues per white crime. It shows that the police if anything are softer on Blacks out of fear of backlash of discrimination charges and this unfortunately has resulted in worse inner city policing.
  11. I would say it was more the white helpers who have been racists, overtly to whites and and more subtly to the ones they are supposedly helping. In my own mind i been thinking of them as the AWW brigade. ie Angry White Women brigade which will undoubtedly land me on the ignore list of some of the more fragile ones.
  12. I have brought up such an undo feature in a couple viewer meetings and at least Rider Linden was interested in looking at such a thing if someone where to put it in as a viewer feature request. I found it indispensable in Imvu when they put it in their viewer as it saves oodles of time when trying on different combinations of skin/hair/head/outfits. No need to constantly search for something I took off 2 changes before.
  13. The OP did not mention the discussion was only for American racism or wokeness. Though I had been pooh poohing the idea of white privilege up to now I have to admit that the the more of your postings I read on this topic, the more I am having to admit it is a thing for you, being that you as a white person, feel you have the privilege to dictate as to which minorities and from where are allowed to have an opinion or share their own thoughts on the topic.
  14. Psychology 201 recognizes that some get stuck at one of the stages and may need a gentle nudge to the next level. Someone with some empathy who has traveled the same path is probably the best suited to do so. I felt Arkane being a POC was entirely appropriate in doing so.
  15. No, it was a reference to a post by Mollymews a few pages back. Perhaps you missed its significance to the thread. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/456197-getting-woke-and-sl/page/28/?tab=comments#comment-2150227
  16. I'd say you would have been faster off refuting his points rather then finding articles that attack the man. Or is that the only argument you can bring to the table?
  17. So how is the new Marxism going to avoid the killing of millions to bring about the utopia promised? You're hoping the 1% will get woke and just voluntarily give away their riches to the poor? What are the differences between the Marxists of the past and the ones today?
  18. But also to rewrite american history through the taking down of statues and other icons representing that past. That its leaders have empathized they are trained Marxists, should be a clue. Between them and the necklaced Pākehā, I think there is more to this then what is publicly promoted.
  19. But are college kids being taught what happened with the the 20th century experimentation with Marxism? I like Peterson's thoughts on it:
  20. Do you not think that if the BLM movement had been started and organized by a Capitalist group or a Christian coalition or a Black supremacist group, the tone and nature of the movement would have been different? I really can't see that one's ideology especially if one is steeped in it, would not have an effect on the nature of the movement that is birthed by that person.
  21. I don't think there is much doubt that there is a bunch of white ones out there who support BLM simply for the Marxist agenda and are rah rah for where they hope these protests will lead. They are more interested in the state of anarchy so as to piggyback the movement to a state where everyone is a minority and a slave to the state. To that sort, it is immaterial whether PoC is pulled up to a state of equality or everyone else gets pulled down to bring about the same thing.
  22. Latest is that the IOS app is in beta and more shall be revealed soon™
  23. There are grief support groups out there that can be very helpful and non-threatening for newly bereaved people. Perhaps suggesting such an avenue to her might be of help. Once she tones down on that and seeing the benefits, she might be open to going further.
  24. Maybe the wage appears low because they subtract room and board after the tax deductions.
  25. Perhaps it is different in the USA but in Canada they have made court ordered rehabs illegal. They can be offered as part of the sentence but I believe the prisoner has the right to refuse.
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