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Dilbert Dilweg

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Posts posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. I always just buy the insides. Motherboard, cpu, ram and vidcard if I need it. It's Cheaper and can get more Power for my buck.

    Usualy works great when you already have a Box, dvd burner, monitor and soundcard, power supply and all other extras like fans etc. No sense in throwing out good hardware. Then I take me old parts and put together a low end box and sell it . makes some of my money back for the upgrades lol

  2. If you wore a freebie or something from the celebration. Try removing the gift or item and see of the lag stops

    If the lag is due to being on the celebration regions then you can expect that and try to move to another region/sim . Those regions are very laggy for some reason.

    • Like 1
  3. That PC looks like it can handle Sl very well. The video card is a little bit on the lower end but will run SL fine.

    Sl runs good with a quad core CPU. Not sure how well the card will handle shadows. I dont use Radeon my self

    Looks like it has a Radeon HD6670 and is optomized for video processing.

  4. Your Pay-Pal account should tell you exactly what your limitations are. If it limits you from making online purchases then you need to get verified.


    Log into PayPal and go to https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_show-limits&req_from=view_limits to view your limits


    Try to purchase 5 dollars worth of Lindens thru Sl website . If it fails then you need verification

    • Like 1
  5. A lot of people search in world for yard sales. If you own land. Change the name of it to Yardsale and make it show in search and put up a 50L ad in classified. I sold all my  stuff that was transferable that way. you might be able to find some consignment shops that run yardsales daily for a percentage of the sale.. You might try search and find one if you don't have land. It might speed up your sales :)



  6. Friend of mine gave me this the other day , Not sure how well it works but might help. Seems that they would have to disable features just to stop it. Some filters would be nice. . It is a never ending process chasing exlpoits in general.


    Contains information on how to adjust a few debug settings that will allow your viewer to automatically derender rezzed or worn graphics crashers-

    -SecondLife Viewer-

    Open Debug settings and set the following values:

    Me---> Preferences---> Check Show Advanced Menu--->Debug---> Debug Settings

    RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit  114

    RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit   2100

    RenderAttachedLights    FALSE

    -Firestorm Viewer-

    Open Debug settings and set the following values:

    Hold (Ctrl / Alt / Shift / S)

    RenderSculptSAThreshold  114.000

    RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit  114.000

    RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit   2100

    RenderAttachedLights    FALSE

    -Singularity Viewer-

    Open Debug settings and set the following values:

    Advanced----> Debug Settings

    RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit  114

    RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit   2100

    RenderAttachedLights    FALSE

    Once set your viewer will automatically defender any worn or rezzed linksets that lag & crash your graphics driver

  7. Notecards don't bother me. But I am finding this new CHUI viewer has an easy access to your conversation logs. Don't miss any messages. Sl emails can fail as well. Not 100% reliable. Might help on reducing notecard bombardment LOL


    Some times I can miss messages sent to me while being AFK and then come back to see your viewer has crashed to desktop and any messages that was sent would be lost and not emailed. I guess it is just as easy to delete the notecards as easy it was to receive them

  8. Trinity Yazimoto wrote

    when i clik on a "likes" or "shares" button, its bec i really like it or i want to share this with others.. this is deeply sincere.. and i dont really need financial incentive for this...




    It seems like it will be a system that will be gamed to death, and if likes are driven by financial gain, then it seems less genuine and people really dont give a craP  about the product or service or even you as a person.. All they will care about is filling their pockets..

  9. Wonder how they think of it being viral before it even released. Sounds like a gamble and a pyramid scheme LOL but for them to claim it is a viral app and hasn't been released nor has gone viral yet is rather odd


    Rippln is currently at invite only stage.
    Only a lucky few will be picked to join the inner circle over the next 30 days 



    If you are in it. How about an invite so I can see whats up lol

  10. Yeah. Like some massage recliners :)


    To the OP: You  can probably find a lot of inspiration teleporting to many stores. Not saying copy anyone. But gain a great deal of ideas probably

  11. I found the best way to do it by having a yard sale event in world. If you don't have land, there are some yardsale land owners who will loan the land on commission for a percentage of sales.. There used to be one a long time ago. But not sure about it now. Use inworld search and search events for yard sale and also places search for the term yardsale and see if you can fins one that does consigment

  12. I have been using it. Over all, I Like it. It has added features many have been asking for. I don't find it hard to use at all and just the other day before using CHUI, I was complaining how I had so many chat windows up and can't see what is going on. I have better control now. Doesn't seem clunky to me. The only thing I do not like about it so far is the " Chose Resident " pane. It has 3 tabs "search" "Friends" and "Near Me". There are no indicators telling you who is online in the Friends List. Just an alphabetical list. That could use a fixn . Other than that I am happy with it so far.

  13. Open Preferences and go to the graphics tab,  While on Low Setting. look at your advanced settings for graphics and under Avatar Rendering. Enable Hardware Skinning and Avatar Cloth.

    I would suggest getting a new video card if you can if that doesnt work.

  14. Phil Deakins wrote:

    The OP doesn't want real money back, and the OP has made LL aware of the fraud, so, at the very least, LL should refund their share of the illgotten gains. It wouldn't soothe the OP but it would be something.

    Imo, LL does not have a leg to stand on if they don't accept that they are part of the fraud, and act accordingly.

    Yes exactly. I would hope they would at least refund the commission they got from the sale if they were unable to recover the money stolen from the other avatar.  So many say that LL takes the position this is a resident dispute and they will recover 0 from the complaint. I think that's kinda BS too since their system was used as a vehicle to commit fraud. They are and have been aware of this kind of fraud but take any steps to correct it? / me wonders if they do since we have seen nothing.. Free accounts able to set up a MP at will , anonymous names ready to swindle. No verification systems in place.

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