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Dilbert Dilweg

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Posts posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. I would like to suggest you use a notecard to contact landlords or merchants. IM's can be lost when they log in because of message capping. Always use a notecard for contact. This does 2 things. It gives a better guranteee they will get your message. And your Requests are well doccumented..

    Also read their group Charter on how or who to contact for Support. Often times they will not use their regular avatar all the time and would like you to contact their other one for help or one of their managers... Also they may have this contact information in their profile

    But the biggest thing is never rely on an instant message. Specially if they are off line...

  2. This is actually more common than most would think. I have run into older residents a lot in my Club running days that didn't know what to do and were 3 or 4 years old in SL some even older than me... They either haven't logged in in years . Or they just only logged in a couple times and never hung around... I think there is a lot of them that are simply lost as what to do or how to get involved with in SL. So they leave and then venture again several years later...

    That's that percentage of lost users who never got shown what to do or how to do it

  3. Price fixing is an agreement between participants on the same side in a market to buy or sell a product, service, or commodity only at a fixed price, or maintain the market conditions such that the price is maintained at a given level by controlling supply and demand.


    one would think that  flooding the market with land to fix prices and corner markets is just as illegal

    But alas. We are saved by the TOS. Linden Dollars are not real money or have 0 value! laffs


    Maybe they should look into being legal experts lol

  4. I think it could be users using the CHUI Project viewer.. This is a new communications enriched viewer that The lab will soon release.


    CHUI also makes it easier to move your voice connection among your open conversations, including nearby chat, private IM, conference chat or group chat. Click the “add voice” button on any conversation to move your voice connection to that conversation. Click the “hang up” button and your voice connection is returned to nearby chat.

    Normally the  (???.???)  is an indication that the SL servers are not sending you proper name info. It may be a bug in the CHUI viewer


    I doubt this is an exploit

  5. There had been a lot of issues today and unscheduled mainteneance on MP. This may be why.. I can not say for sure.. But I wouldnt doubt it too much


    [updated 1:14pm PST, 8 January 2013] We are also currently undergoing unscheduled maintenance to our homepage and related services, such as Marketplace, Live Chat and support case submission services. Some residents may be unable to connect or experience delays connecting to our website or any of these services during this time.  Please watch this blog for further details as we have them.

  6. From reading the note from the Landlord he/she clearly will let it go till the 28th of january. Thats giving you darn near 2 months to comply, thus letting most of your rent time run out.. (Not Unfair at all) ( not sure how long you payed for of course)

    I do not see anything unreasonable the landlord is doing...

    And the fact that there is this

    6) Our best efforts to drive traffic to xxxxxxx
    7) Our best efforts to help you succeed.


    How many landlords will offer this? I beleive this is the reason they want your rules set up immediately . Because if they advertise and  work their groups to send traffic to you, they dont want their people being sent there to be unware of any rules and have a bad experience.. I think the OP needs to sit down and get er done :)


    And for future . Read the terms before you rent.....



    Not sure how I replied to my self lol Gotta love the bugs

  7. Second Life is currently experiencing heavy issues with their network grid wide. There will be some issues with almost everything untill they get it sorted



    [Posted 12:52pm PST, 8 December 2013] We are aware that some regions may be experiencing performance issues and slow response times. This may also cause some residents to be unable to access some regions. Our engineers are working to correct this issue as quickly as possible. Please monitor this blog for additional updates.

    • Like 1
  8. Heh,

    Yea, I am a Construction Contractor in RL . Depending on the job, I make 50 to 150 USD an hour.. I know damn well I wont get that in SL. LOL

    Second Life is more of a hobiest venture type thing. There are some people that will pay good money for a logo .

    This is where you have to trim down your expertise and do a decent job with minimal time to make your time worth. There is a lot of designers that can create a logo for somone in an hour.. Do they spend mounds of time on it to make it perfect? Probably not lol

    The thing about Sl is.. It takes several hours to create a product. Like Mesh for instance... But once it is created. It doesnt cost me anything to reproduce the item and sell hundreds and hundreds of copies. Mannufacturing overhead is low to none.

    It is a matter of what you are willing to do for the money. .


  9. that only says what you recieve.

    That is not a terms of service agreement.  You, should have read the agreemtn before renting. Not the  " what you get"


    Asking you to Complete the 2 is in no way limiting your use...If they sent you the terms on the 10th and you have failed to meet them in a timely maner then you are at fault... And they probably wont give you estate rights untill you complete them


    I can not say for sure wehat the issue is. But it seems like you are just thinking you have unlimted use and do not have to obey a terms of service


    Linden Lab shows you what you get on the main page also.. But you also have to read their terms and obey them as well. Don't pay for something unless you are absolutely clear that you can meet the terms of agreement.

  10. You are bound by the terms of lease from any resident you rent from. It is up to you to read and know the terms before and after renting. If you fail to pay attention to these terms they can and will terminate the agreement. Looks like You are being given time and  warnings before termination which means they are working as best they can with you and you are not completing the terms...


    If they sent you the " terms" then you better get on it immediately before you lose your money. YES you entered a legal and binding contract when you payed for the rental. Once you pay. You have accepted the terms and the terms should be pretty clear... If you did not agreee with the terms, then you should never make payment

    I do not know what they sent you. But if you ignore it. You will lose


  11. It really depends on the site you used the tutorials from . Always read their site/ or Youtube info for content rights. Most sites will let you know that what you make from the tutorial can be used and sold as your own work. It is up to you to really seek that Info before going thru all the work and find out that you can't. But for the most part they are all pretty good about it..


    A quick example is Gaias website. It has a tutorial License Posted




    Techniques learned from tutorials can not be copy protected


    If you are following the tutorial and making a copy of the same item they made. Then you have made a copy of their work So always best to make sure how you are able to use the copies



    By the way, this is far from a silly question. Most people think right away that copying others work on a tutorial, that they can use it and sell it as their own work. It is not always the case. So you asking this question saves you from a lot of future hassle and that in it self is priceless

    • Like 1
  12. Alexi if you have found the offending object. Right Click on it and find the report abuse button and file and abuse report. Tick the spot that says Include a screenshot so they can see the proof... Make sure you are facing all of it when you hit the report button so it records the screen

    Live chat will not help with this. You need to take it to the proper channels if you want something done. At the same time block the resident and instruct the guests to also block them or turn off Particles for the time being untill LL gets to it... Good properly filed abuse reports do get answered. Sometimes it can take a while tho.. I had to wait a whole day once for stuff to be removed.  A Little sad that we have to handle thins this way but that's all ya got


    If you have friends who see it also and staff . Ask them to help and file a report as well

  13. Pamela Galli wrote:

    Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    Perrie Juran wrote:


    Banning would still be at Linden Labs discretion. I'm too lazy to look up the pertinent statement in the TOS right now, but the Lab states repeat offenders are subject to having their accounts cancelled by LL.

    The question is though what does LL consider to be a repeat offender? How many time do have to repeat before you are banned? And how many  fresh alts can you use?

    Another question is: How many land must you own to get away with it?


    (I know about a repeative infringer, who uses an alt to sell his illegal content in world. The main avatar pays for two sims, both main avatar and alt are still around in SL. Banning this person seems not an option for LL.)

    BINGO! You don't accidentally copybot and/
    or accidentally sell other people's content.


    It is possible to accidently sell content that is not yours and or copybotted if the seller purchased the items on another site or even on MP not knowing it had been stolen.. But it is no accident to copybot


    But that being said. Content theifs generally do not respond/challenge DMCA

  14. I would think if you felt somone was "stalking you" or following you, and they do nothing to bring grief. It would be safe to say they are harmelss. Most stalkers follow you to harass you... If this is not happening then you have nothing really to worry about... Like Monti says there are a lot of data collecting bots out there for many websites that keep track of regions and they connect several times a day to update data.

    Drop them a message and say hello or investigate their profile to see what's up :) You just might make a new friend :)

    Read their feed or post on it :)

  15. Marcus Hancroft wrote:

    Dilbert Dilweg wrote:


    Yeah I am tired of reporting them lol

    I got in trouble for reporting them a couple weeks ago.  The moderator IM'ed me and told me to stop reporting the spam posts cause it just makes more work for them and they already know about the spam and they are working on getting rid of it all.  

    From now on...I'll leave the spam reporting to the rest of you and YOU can get into trouble.  I've had my butt chewing for the year.  

    And to think...I thought the moderators would appreciate being notified of it all.  Come to find out, they don't.  

    Man thats just crazy. I guess the "report inappropriate content" link is just for comfort?

    Thats why I dont care to report anymore spam. Not worth my time or effort. specially when there are tools and scripts with the ability to block such spam.. Makes you wonder if being allowed on purpose... lol


    It would deffinately make me uncomfortable to get blasted for that considering our/my passion for these forums and SL

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