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Dilbert Dilweg

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Posts posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. Lol sounds like you have your self a heck of a firestorm issue. Maybe try the official viewer? No time to read really if you have. But Ll dont answer these posts so you may want to create a JIRA. Sounds pretty isolated


    PS you can hit PERMALINK on the bottom of anyons answer to have a conversation rather than editing your anser . Yea I know. they should rename it to "comments" lol

    • Like 2
  2. Well Like I said the cloud should be white. Not orange, and since you mention that the cloud that you see is Orange. It is pretty much the official color of Halloween, Orange and Black. So you may be on to something there if there was something you may have picked up at that Halloween party. I would detach all and not attach any objects to your avatar until you see if this clears up, As well look in your inventory for WORN items. You can open your inventory and open the Filters to search your inventory and possibly try to count back the days you went to that party and enter that number in the "days ago" box and see if you can find what you picked up on that day and delete them if they seem strange to you

    Hopefully you can sort your inventory list by that date and see what you picked up and hopefully get rid of it


    I really wish we had a setting on our inventory filters to enter a specific date we received items.


    It is really starting to sound like you maY have picked something up


    Or maybe something tripped up in your video card on that day // Have you run any kind of video card ebnchmark to check your video card for issues?

    EDIT: maybe reinstall your graphics drivers to wipe clean your video card cache

  3. The WHITE cloud and the names (???)(???) are indications that information is not reaching your viewer from some reason or another. Possible packet loss on your end or Sl end..



    But usually the cloud should be white, not orange . I wonder if this is a resident using some type of graphics crasher and can't get his or her name to block them . I would try settings your graphics settings to LOW and turn off particles to see if this changes and maybe get a name of the resident to block them

  4. Yes that probably should be done since they have been unable secure these forums from it. Some users have claimed they have been able to post on these forums without even logging in .

    I do not think it would dicourage users as long as they have read access but then it may pose a problem for Second Life Answers when  new users needs help fast. waiting 3 days tro ask a question may be discouraging


    Who knows, but I think the spam can be more discouraging than making them wait because finding their answer in the flood of Spam is impossible sometimes

  5. LOL, Yea I saw that in the events the other day and said hmmm how disgusting, and moved on. It is by the way showing up in the events scroller which is automatic and only shown to those with ADULT search enabled. As vile and disgusting as it is, it is not illegal and freedom of fantasy. You would be surprised at the amount of real life rape fantasy role play that goes on in the RL> You have a choice to not go there or visit it altho is would be nice to see a checkbox on these events and ads to allow me to click and  " Not Show this to me again" so it  doesnt popup as an interest to me. I think it would serve and awesome purpose on those ads and destinations because it is offensive to many. But in a little reasearch I was reading


    45.8% of men in a 1980 study reported fantasizing during heterosexual intercourse about "a scene where [they had] the impression of being raped by a woman" (3.2% often and 42.6% sometimes), 44.7% of scenes where a seduced woman "pretends resisting" and 33% of raping a woman. Where male rape fantasies centre around raping rather than being raped, they may bring sexual arousal either from imagining a scene in which first a woman objects but then comes to like and eventually participate in the intercourse, or else one in which the woman does not like it and arousal is associated with the idea of hurting the woman.

    A study of college-age women found over half had engaged in fantasies of rape or coercion which, another study claims, are within the normal range of female sexuality.


    One form of sexual roleplaying is the rape fantasy, also called ravishment or forced sex roleplay. Ravishment has become a more preferred term in BDSM circles, as it makes a distinction between consensual roleplay and non-consensual assault.
    Though consensuality is an important component of sexual roleplay, the illusion of non-consensuality (i.e., rape) is important to maintaining the fantasy. Crossing the line may constitute an assault.

    Since the illusion of non-consensuality is important to the fantasy, one or more safewords are typically employed. This way, a participant can protest without stopping the scene, unless the safeword is used. Often a variation on the "stop-light" system is used, with different colors designating different messages: "red" to stop everything, "yellow" to slow down or take it easy, and so forth. For scenes where there is an element of surprise, the top or "ravisher" may use a "startword" or other identifying signal.

    In consensual ravishment scenes, all participants carefully negotiate what will transpire beforehand. Limits are respected and made very clear, to maintain safe, sane and consensual play. Such negotiation would also include discussion of emotional issues for both partners, especially if there has been a prior history of actual sexual abuse or assault.


    But yes it would be awesome to be able to click on a checkbox that says " Do Not show this to me again" kinda like FB does. I think it would be an awesome feature for our splash page and everyone can be happy at what is shown to them

    Just because i have adult checked in search doesnt mean I should be shown this type of content if it offends me. Giving me the choice to block it would be wonderful

  6. I have seen a lot of my friends fall by the wayside in the past few years. But recently have seen some come back in world. Most of the reasons why they left SL was affordability. The economy tanked and it had a residual affect on many residents causing them to chose from eating dinner the next day or paying for internet.... Some cuts had to be made and I am sure that accounts for a good percentage of loss. The rest is " girl trouble" "wife at home said stop playing" " man trouble" "abuse"

     But this is just another one of her alts lol

  7. If you are trying to stream directly from your PC without a stream host. Then you "MAY" have issues . Your ISP (internet service provider) will block incoming connections to your stream if trying to stream directly from your PC on specific ports. specially HTTP . But when the button doesn't work in world. It means it is either blocked. Or not running...

    You can find inexpensive stream hosting services in world for a fraction of the cost of Rl world  hosting services. Just use search and search "stream host"


    When you ask these technical questions it is best to provide all the information possible because there are several scenarios that can cause it to not work.

    You can edit your question by clicking the options tab on the top right of the post or click the permalink button down below to add a comment


    I agree the Viewer 2 right click menu goes directly to Delete and is a major issue that should be corrected immediately../me doesn't have the time or patience any more to file a JIRA..


    You should have got your friends SL name and teleported them around all the nonsense. But we know that is hard to do when they join and you are not around. That's probably why not many will tell their friends about SL. They don;t want to put their friends thru the odd experience lol


    Your fridns name wasnt Lucinda was it? lol

  9. Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

    AR's don't work, plus if the lindens get more money out of the abuser than you then they will ban you.

    They do work for residents who are " In good standing" with LL


    To the OP

    It is best to report right away. I believe chat logs are kept 30 days by the system





  10. if you are trying to get them to play in Sequence. you need to activate "Play Mode" if you do not have play mode set then you will have to touch the ball again to play the next animation . Perhaps you could explain what you are trying to do and what exactly is not working and what you have done according to the INSTRUCTIONS


    This post may be moved to the scripting help forum but Ignore the nastiness from some residents Since this system does not require scripting knowledge  :)

    There is a good chance when you copied the dump data for the notecard, you inserted chat time stamps, but a little more info would help from your end

    If you are in need of more direct assistance, you can always contact the creator of the system


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