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Dilbert Dilweg

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Posts posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. If you are wanting to 3D model mesh avatars. Then that will need to be done with programs such as Blender, Maya, 3D Studio Max, Daz3D etc. etc. Not sure if Cinema 4D can do that. But you can build in world with regular prims. Right click on the ground and chose build and fumble around the basic prims to get to know building in SL.

    There are a lot of Newbie starter posts for mesh modeling on the Mesh Forums @ http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/bd-p/Mesh

    Also look for some mesh groups to join in world such as Blender Avastar group and Mesh Volunteers where you can ask questions and get help from fellow residents.. I will be in world a lot this weekend. Feel free to hit me up And I will help you if you need it, if I can.

    You should be able to find a lot of tutorials for mesh character creation on youtube


    I would say your best bet to get started would be to Use Blender. It is free and frankly I think it has some of the best support out there as far as tutorials. Youtube is full of them and Many other sites. Learning is readily available.

  2. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

    @ Maryanne, 15, Trinity, Leia36, Dilbert, Porky, Drake1, Marcus &.... well everyone else too

    It's just possible that... a spokesperson will be handling the announcement later today.

    Cuz  I'm leavin' on a jet plane

    Don't know when I'll be back again

    Oh baby, I hate to go

    Nah, I'll be here.

    /me returns to digging escape tunnels

    LMAO! you know we just playins with ya :)   Having fun with it lol


  3. Leia36 wrote:

    Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

    Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

    So what time on Friday? Any specific time?? gotta set my alarm clock!

    Back at msg #97 Elite Runner generously provided a count down clock link:

    The plan is to hold off the announcement until after the NYSE close.  Caution is my byword.  I am anxious to proceed of course.  Really trying not to jump the gun though.

    (18 hours 50 minutes at this writing)



    /me grumbles, but thats Saturday not Friday......................Hurrry up.... I know where to get RLV chipmunk cages, this better be good

    I have my box of rocks ready!  lmao!

  4. There has actually been a couple of additions to the uploader in the deformer project viewer. Download the project viewer or update the current one you have if you do have it installed ,

    The defermer now has the ability to include the shape that you created the outfits with as a base mesh to deform to ..

    I think a lot of the delay has been the lack of uploads with the deformer project viewer. So it is hard for them to troubleshoot and collect data if no onew is uploading models for testing


    You can follow the progress here https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-1716? and download the deformer viewer @ http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Downloading_test_builds

    • Like 1

  5. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

      It's still possible for the blue one to work while the pink one is broken.  So it's possible you did everything right even though it didn't work.  I've been to clubs where certain sets of pose balls were broken and others worked fine.  Or am I over assuming? 

    Thats pretty much what I was thinking is the problem.  A nice script reset may help if she owns them .

    It is very common for this to happen at clubs. Specially around rolling restarts time. If an avatar is still on the dance ball while the sim goes down. It breaks the poseball. If there is no one on one side (male or female) that side will still work. But if somone was still on the posball on the opposite side. that pose will be broken untill a script reset occurs. Contact the owner if you do not own them and ask them to reset them Or right click and go  to BUILD/SCRIPTS and reset the scripts


  6. Charolotte Caxton wrote:

    Isn't Mr. Obama as much white as he is black? I believe his mother is white and his father black, right? Doesn't this make him our first bi-racial President, rather than our first 'black' President? Not that it should matter, skin color is just that, a color, but I wonder why he keeps being called black when at a lot of schools I went to he would have been called a half, or worse actually.

    You raise an interesting point. I Think everyone is a mixed race of some sort (bi-racial). Maybe not mixed with black. But bi racial of some sort. even if white. You dont have to be black to be a race... /me wonders how he fills out application for a drivers license for his race now.

    Makes me wonder if you went to a school of children and held his picture up and asked them to describe the mans features,How would they describe him these daYS? ,,I seen a similar "What Would you do" TV show that touched on this topic,

    Regardless of being mixed. Mixed is not an accurate description, Why does a person have to be mixed with black to be bi-racial?  I am American Mixed with German and god knows what else down the line..

    Interesting indeed. I do not mean any disrespect saying He is black in no way at all. I am proud of my President and the amazing history that has been made regardless

     One of the words that really bothers me is "Minority" How can a human be a minority. they are everywhere and why does a race have to be the defining factor

  7. Sounds like the poseball scripts just needs to be reset to me or possible scripts are turned off

    Also Check your Blocked/Mute list and make sure you have not accidently blocked the common poseball objects or the owner to the poseballs

  8. LOLz the people have stood up and spoken again. Voter suppression didn't work, laffs, redistricting didn't work, disenfranchisement didn't work. Preaching hate towards a man instead of directing it to a party didn't work. Hopefully the republicans can start taking care of the people and stop all the filibusters and acting like school ground bullies



    that's all Im gonna say lol


    I think it is an awesome acheivment for America. and President Obama. First Black President and he serves 2 terms... God Bless America :)

  9. Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

    Wow, he Imed lucinda a week ago, about her chat in the mesh group, he was clearly on the side of those attacking lucinda, so i didnt have a good view of him, he said he might ban luci from the mesh group, i stopped using the sandbox after our chat, but the odd thing is this is the third linden to be sacked a week or so after imming luci, this is very odd, i will try imming myself and see if i get banned, lots of you may have found him ok but i found him hostile to me and one of the reasons as to why i am giving up on sl. with him and the hostile red tops it was getting all to much.




    Lucinda was spreading false accusations as usual

    I seen the whole thing in the particular group chat you refer to. Pies and lies Luci


    If he did message you It was because she/U were way out of line as many seen it. For  which he was defending the lab.

    The chat was off topic also

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