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Butch Daddy

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Everything posted by Butch Daddy

  1. Oh look! they did update http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Marketplace-and-Direct-Delivery-Update/td-p/1462915
  2. Fiona Scorfield wrote: Dear Marketplace ! The Idea of Marketplace is basically a good idea. The bad thing about is, instead of to make it easier and better, it makes our life harder and harder and harder... It was not enough to change XStreet into marketplace and to take all the good functions away. It was not enough to make it even more difficult to search for an item - you search for kitchen stuff and it shows you cloths or you search for a shirt and it shows you makeup etc. Since you changed this listings, I never understood how it works and how you filter items. You do realize that the above is because of the idiot sellers who seem to think that "spam" is a marketing technique? If you search for kitchen and get a pair of pants, that is because the seller is an A$$ who doesn't give a damn about how bad they are making the place for everyone and only cares about trying to get more people to see their garbage and hopefully buy it? But now with this "direct delivery crap" it makes it even more difficult ! Currently I have 256 objects in marketplace, and since weeks I am thinking about the damn work to change all my 256 objects in marketplace into direct delivery. But since you don't let us an other choice, I must do this damn work ! So you have spent weeks stressing about this long before you even started, and now you are freaking the hell out? No Surprise there. You have 256 items, it should take you less than 15 minutes to migrate all of them over to the new system. Open your inventory window create a folder called Migration Edit the Magic Box Open the contents tab of the Magic Box Copy everything from the content to the folder delete the Xstreet scripts Copy 50-75 of the items and drag them to your merchant outbox send. copy the next 50-75 items to the outbox making sure you dont get any dupicates send. copy the rest without duplicatess send Boom! done verify all of the items are set to direct delivery. So I started today with it and after my 5th object im complete pissed off ! Nothing works and I am sure it will never work ! Did you contact support with the information regarindg the "nothing" that is happening? And yes, I don't have anything better to do than to sit in front of my computer for MONTHS and change it, because its not that I have like 5 objects in my marketplace, NO I have damn 256 objects and this will take ages ! I better don't want to think about the poor ppl who have even more objects than I have ! Wont take "ages". see above And its also not that your wonderful direct delivery system works perfectly so as soon as we marketplace shop owner changed everything, then everything will work perfectly. No, its like that you know now that it "can happen that the customer will get an object with changed permissions". All I can say is WONDERFUL ! Permissions issues happen all the time in world. Not limited to the Marketplace and not caused by direct delivery. And now I have one question. I am wondering what would happen if everyone who has a marketplace shop stops to sell in marketplace and go back to the good old SL shop where you are not forced to update every few weeks all your items just because Marketplace has a new crazy idea. What would happen with Marketplace then ? Wont happen. too many people have no problems selling through the web site, and a ton of us like buying through the web site. And I really don't feel like to update items when everyone knows your new system still doesn't work without problems. If there are bugs, file a bug report. So why don't you just give us more time (than October), work on your new system, create a new system which helps everyone - buyer & seller, and when you are really sure it works, THEN force us to update our shops !! This new system does help everyone, you are just overly stressing and thinking yourself into making this harder than it is. see my infor above for dog simple steps ^^ Also, they claim everyone wil have at least 4 weeks notice. they haven't given 4 weeks notice, so I am betting the date will be changed.. again.. for the 4th time.. or is it 5 now? It has changed so many time I cannot even keep track.
  3. Voodoo Schnyder wrote: I dont see how that answers any of the topic of the thread, I had the opportunity to deal with Onrez much later after they sold the xstreetsl and they were still had building services in SL and other services in other virtual worlds Saying that LL rebuilt an whole system from scratch that was already build when they could just modify it... i dont know what that is, but if you want to make a competition out of here go ahead, just do it without me cause i have better things to do, that wasnt even the point of this thread It is pertinent to your baseless arguement. You asked why something was removed. It wasn't removed, it was never there to begin with, as others have pointed out. You then laid a claim that LL changed Onrez into Xstreet and then the MKT, which they didn't. If the Marketplace wasn't built from scratch, then explain why the Xstreet SL web site still exists, and you can still log into it, and we still get emails from it? It is because it still exists. They just hid all of the products so no one could see them on that site. That is why the Magic Boxes work.
  4. Arielle Simondsen wrote: Perhaps if anyone at sl technical help actually read our responses, we could get proper help and sl technical help could actually give us support that works. Thankfully there are sl residents who help each other through these things. Because sadly, it seems we are all we have. thanks anyway. I guess this can be closed now. At least they tried to help you. After all, the issue is with the viewers that do not support the Merchant Outbox, not with the Merchant Outbox itself. The only people complaining about the issues with the Merchant Outbox are those who have or do use 3rd party viewers. Are you honestly blaming LL for something the creators of the 3rd party viewer let you do? They do enough stuff on their own, no need to blame them for stuff other people do too.
  5. Voodoo Schnyder wrote: Umm, the only difference is that linden labs bought the system from onrez and changed its name, redirecting the old url to the actual, if they are not the same I wouldnt be able to migrate my items from xstreetsl to marketplace why they removed this feature and kept useless things like sales tracker is beyond my understanding, anyway i guess the question is answered. No they didn't. LL Bought both Onrez and SL Exchange/Xstreet SL. They then shut down Onrez because it was failing and the owners had been trying to dump/sell off Onrez for over a year. LL then built the MP using the Magic Boxes from XStreet as the way to send items in world. Because the Magic Boxes code and set up was being used, they migrated the items from SLX/Xstreet to the new Marketplace trying to save us time so that we didnt have to do it ourselves. In order to ditch the left over SLX/Xstreet stuff they have to get rid of the boxes. So now we got Direct Delivery.
  6. I am not sure why anyone is surprised, stunned, whatever. Rod is a gamer. Rod comes from a gamer backbround. Rod hired gamers when he took over as CEO. 99.9999999% of gamer companies do not have public bug reports.
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: I remember you from SLX, Jacob -- wish more old SLXers would drop by here. I think the down ecomony has hit a lot of us. I pulled my items back when the change to this new site happened and all of the talk of charging for free items etc and I just haven't bothered to start creating again. I still lurk, but mostly figured I would wait out all of the growing pains that the rest of you are going through before I considered jumping back into the mix again LOL. Guiniea pigs running on the wheels is not who I wanted to be this time around.
  8. Czari Zenovka wrote: Kampu Oyen wrote: http://tribes.tribe.net/secondlifemarketplaceproductsearch/thread/2ddce358-ef5a-4dfa-8022-061e9f36cd44 My reading of that didn't assume that the word "prim" was the keyword spam. Of course I have no idea what keywords you used, but the only listing of the word "prim" in that letter was within the name of your product. I gotta agree here. There is nothing that says prim was the keyword that caused them to pull your item. Assuming so just adds to the view that you are a conspiracy freak who jumps to conclusions without facts.
  9. Lasher Oh wrote: LOL - the nutters are taking over the nut house. I was recently busted for having a listing called 'Empty Box' I created it for evaluating and testing search. It was just a single prim listed as such and stated on the description that it was a search test only. Not knowing what category was best suited I chose to put it in building components after all it is a prim and they are always used for building. Well not according to the marketplace police who removed it because it was in the wrong category. Off course they didn't sugest which category my single prim empty box should be placed in - that would involve thinking and we can't have too much of that can we? ^L^ Your listing was junk then using something that you didn't make, you just rezzed a blank prim. You should have unlisted it after you did your test. if you didn't unlist it, then you contributed to the junkification of the site and deserved to have it removed, even if the reason listed for the removal isn't one that makes sense.
  10. Can you post a copy of the email showing that the word prim is keyword spam? I want to know who to complain about when I send an email to Rod cause this is just really stupid.
  11. Kouki Elska wrote: A hoodie, which was made to imitate a game character's design Learn to read!!! Branding Guidelines Branded items may be listed or sold only by the brand or intellectual property owner or its authorized agents. A "branded item" is an item that: replicates or closely imitates the appearance of a celebrity, famous person, or fictional character from a copyrighted work (for example, avatars that replicate the appearance of movie stars or characters from a book, film, television program, or game) You specifically created an item that used characters that you do NOT own, have NO rights to, and are trying to make money off of. Of course you got busted for it. Go make something original and stop stealing from other people.
  12. Tantra Breen wrote: So it turns out the forum keyword to search on is "DD" and NOT "merchant outbox," jeeez, sorry I'm not an "insider." I found a seven page instruction sheet from Darrius Gothly, the link is here for anybody else that needs to know this: http://bit.ly/UpdDDProd Seven pages and no, you CANNOT use the REAL item name when you upload it, the SAME product now needs to have a DIFFERENT name in order to SPOOF the system, ugh.. This used to be as easy as 1) delete the old item in the Magic Box, 2) drop in the new item and 3) go play SL. It's now an excrutiating and confusing 10 step process. Sorry I was late to yet another painful implementation. Thanks http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-Marketplace-store/ta-p/700191#Section_.1.6
  13. Tantra Breen wrote: I tried uploading an item with the exact same name, BUT on the old item listing when you press the "Edit associated object" button, THE LIST IT RETURNS FILTERS OUT ITEMS WITH THE SAME NAME. It wouldn't show it to me when it was unassociated, nor would it show in the list after I created an empty listing for it. So far it seems that there is no way to perform a simple and necessary task that 99.9% of merchants would do on a regular basis. :-((( Anybody? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-Marketplace-store/ta-p/700191#Section_.1.6
  14. Tantra Breen wrote: Thanks Arwen, but it didn't quite work that way. I dropped a newer version with exactly the same name into the Merchant Outbox dialog, and yes, when I went to the Marketplace it was unassociated. The only options were Create and Delete. When I touched the name it automatically "created" a new, empty item listing,which is not at all what I wanted to do. I then had two listings for the same item. It seems really strange to me that I cannot find the procedures to UPDATE a product, and that nobody else seems to be asking the question here either (despite what Pamela implies.) Again, am I just missing some basic concept? So I ask again, does anyone know how to update an existing Marketplace product with contents of exactly the same name? What I am trying to do should be SUPER SIMPLE, as in almost everyone would be doing this on a regular basis. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-your-Marketplace-store/ta-p/700191#Section_.1.6
  15. I got quoted the terms of service when I complained. Linden Labs is not responsible, you deal with others at your own risk, you promise not to demand Linden Labs pay for someone elses scamming. Then they asked me if I would demand that the owner of a shopping mall pay me back the money I lost when someone who rented a kiosk in their mall ripped me off. *shrugs* I would hope the owner would stop letting scammers rent space, but I cannot really expect the owner of the mall to pay me back, or demand that the renter of the kiosk make good on what they sold me. I would have to take them to court or something to get my money back. Not doing that over 10 bucks worth of virtual stuff.
  16. Linden Labs just needs to fix category searching and they wouldn't have to keep making more blasted categories. They are confusing enough as it is. I am perfectly cabable of picking the category I want to search in, and then entering a keyword. But NO, the Lindens think we should only be able to search the higher categories. Try it! Why cant I search in the breedables for a horse? I can only search the main animals for horses. Fix category searching so it actually works, instead of dumbing down the system by adding more damn categories.
  17. It was called SL Exchange. Notification was sent out that Linden Lab would begin enforcing their Trademarks on "SL" and would forbid access to the system for anyone using SL in their name without having 2 other terms included. Apotheus changed the name to XstreetSL to comply with the requirements on the "SL" trademark. Shortly after the name change, Linden Lab purchased both XstreetSL and Onrez. OnRez was dead, for all intents and purposes, and the owners were had been trying to dump/sell the site for a year with no buyers. Since XstreetSL was better established, with a larger user base, Onrez was shut down and XstreetSL was used as the basis to build a new Marketplace and migrated all of the XstreetSL users to the new system.
  18. http://blog.eset.com/2011/06/16/bitcoin-%E2%80%9Cwallet%E2%80%9D-hacked-%E2%80%93-heisted-500k http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/world/9663618/digital-pickpockets-target-bitcoin-virtual-currency/ http://gizmodo.com/5813039/theres-a-virus-that-will-steal-all-your-bitcoins http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2011/06/17/the-clock-is-ticking-on-bitcoin/ http://www.pcworld.com/article/230084/us_senators_want_to_shut_down_bitcoins_currency_of_internet_drug_trade.html
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