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Frigga Freidman

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Everything posted by Frigga Freidman

  1. Trads, houseboats and campers now on the Land Page, 7:58am SL time.
  2. 7:30pm SL time - Houseboats and campers on the Land page as first choice. 7:32pm SL time: Trad and houseboat 7:35pm SL time: Trad and houseboat still showing after 10 refreshes and 2 logins. 7:39pm SL time: Only houseboat showing, but trad was still on the page after 20 more refreshes and a total of 4 logins. 7:56pm SL time: Houseboat and camper 8:00pm SL time: Camper 8:03pm SL time: Houseboat and camper (In case anyone's wondering, I'm listening to the impeachment hearing, otherwise I'd be asleep by now ) 8:05pm SL time: Trad and camper - still there after half a dozen refreshes. And, as Washington is adjourning, so am I... but I think this exercise makes it clear that if you want a home in Bellisseria, you can get one easily enough if you stick around 'after office hours'. Trad and camper sticky on Land page until 8:21pm SL time, when Meadowbrook the default choice again.
  3. Spotted - rather late in the day (7:18pm SL time - 3:18am mine ) - Moonstruck Mole pondering the landscape underwater in SSPE378.
  4. Belli trad now showing as first option on the land page. Mine or another.
  5. 5 of the 7 other houses I've just checked are all still unclaimed - at 6pm SL time there are still only 9 green dots in the region. If only I could find a Vic with this view! (Also a view towards the sea to the left/east.) EDIT: Whitney Linden still in the sky above at 6:39pm SL time. Several houses in Levity have been abandoned and are still unclaimed. (I'm about to abandon mine.) Just got and released a trad in Phelps Place. And just got and abandoned another plot in Levity. Whitney Linden still up there at 7:03pm SL time.
  6. Levity being released NOW - 5:40pm SL time - but Belli in the dropdown! (That's Whitney Linden up in the sky!)
  7. When I was collecting objects from my Pickford Vic, I noticed that SSPE360 and SSPE361 were offline. I see that SSPE361 had been named as Pratt Falls earlier today, but can now add that SSPE360 is Innside. Checked out several other coastal regions to the east, but none had received names yet.
  8. A nice parcel - I'd just been using it for 10 days or so to try different houses/decorating ideas that I could use for my alt's Vic with a more interesting location (backing onto a river, view of a bridge, house set at an angle to the road). This account has another 3 weeks to find something even better if she's to remain as premium...
  9. I will abandon my Victorian in Pickford at 4:40pm SL time (in 5 minutes). Gone in 2 seconds!!
  10. What you’ve been seeing are the campers, which are the type of Linden home that’s most available at the moment. Unfortunately, you’ve missed the *mass* release of the Victorian houses in December - but more are being built, as are more of the Traditional style houses, both of which are on larger plots with the full 351 prim allowance. Only a small number of these are likely to be released at a time, but people also abandon them, adding more to the pool of available houses.
  11. Excellent resource! Just click on a color and then click on Details for the RGB values. Plus they offer links to coordinating and similar colors.
  12. You can even save a series of up to a dozen palettes to your phone, giving each its own name! And there are lots of sample palettes to get you started 🙂
  13. For developing your own color palettes (up to 9 colors in a single palette), there are a number of free apps you can use in the absence of Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, etc. I’ve been looking at Pocket Palette, which allows you to match colors from photos/screengrabs in your camera roll, and even from photos that you take within the app. Or just play with colors without an external reference. It’s very easy to adjust colors, and easy to read the RGB values.
  14. I just got this a couple of minutes ago, so I expect it's changed hands a couple of times. Will probably hang onto it for a while...
  15. That was me! And it seemed that they were released v-e-r-y slowly, because when I saw half a dozen dots scattered in that region I went to look at a parcel I'd bookmarked before and noticed it had been taken, then saw that another one I liked close by that was still unclaimed, as was the one next to it. I managed to get and release two in that region very easily in the next 20 minutes or so, and there were still only another 8 people there.
  16. I'm surprised that no one's mentioned the release of Cobb's Market*, one-by-one by the look of it... (*better things to do on a Friday night, no doubt ;)) And very persistent traditionals on the land page for the last half hour or more.
  17. Going to release a corner plot trad in Blueberry Patch at 3:48PM SLtime - i.e. in 5 minutes. (Brown picket fence on the left, rocky outcrop at the rear.)
  18. Just got my third Spinoza again, despite refreshing the page 5 times. I guess lots of the 'regulars' are AFK this afternoon!
  19. Just got my third Spinoza, an amber Winchester across the street from my first, steps down to the house and a slightly more interesting parcel, but I've got my sights set on hillier land, so will release.
  20. Hmmm, mine was a green Winchester. Not proving too popular a neighborhood, is it?
  21. Worried about your recently-acquired Victorian home deteriorating? This appeared in my Instagram feed earlier today 😉🍰
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