Any news on this? I'm living on Mainland and thus on the main server release (i think). Tested my own board script on a magnum region today and still get a 403 reply from the shoutcast servers.
I replaced the old code:
fetch() { HTTPRequest=llHTTPRequest (URL + "/7.html HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: LSL Script (Mozilla Compatible)\n\n",[],""); }
with this new:
fetch() {HTTPRequest=llHTTPRequest(URL + "/7.html",[HTTP_USER_AGENT, "Stream-Script/1.0 (Mozilla Compatible)"],"");}
I still get a 403 response from the shoutcast servers (this test was run with the stream). Funny thing i did notice is that apparently the old code do pull the meta data from shoutcast v1.x, but not from the newer v2.x - which Big Daddys are running.
Stream Info Board V1.8a: d82154a4-0e7c-b1c7-8205-e3589d959bff, d82154a4-0e7c-b1c7-8205-e3589d959bff, 403,