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Linnrenate Crosby

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Everything posted by Linnrenate Crosby

  1. Dear Linden Labs... you really make the impression to me that you roll out features nobody need/want. First you replaced windlight that worked perfectly good with this EEP crap, that are a disaster (just look at all the bad feedback here). Now you do the same *****ing ting with PBR which i suspect one need a very powerful Pc/Mac to use, no doubt equipped with at least 64 gb memory and a graphics card that will cost a month's salary or more. This is my opinion that you just ***** up sl and make it worse, when so high hardware requirements you will for sure see less new users joining SL. To me, well i think within the summer of 2024 i'm gone for good
  2. I uploaded a png file of the Star Wars Deathstar and i try to use it as the moon, however during the night it's hardly showing at all How can i make it show
  3. Føler at jeg er den eneste norske personen i SL, står hele dagen i mitt hjem å kjeder meg. Ønsker meg norske og nordiske venner som forstår norsk. Fint om du er kretatv uten å være nerd
  4. I need to get rid of this before May 4th as i revert to free account 5456 sq.m protected roadside parcel for sale 10.000$L Buy for group and you stay within the 22 USD tier plan 1873 prims http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nadata/200/35/100
  5. Sadly that don't cover it, but thanks for the link... might be useful some day
  6. I know this is a old post, but throwing me on here anyway. I want to totally disable the hotkey for hover tool tip because 1. i hate that damn thing, and 2. Sometimes when i build and need to see the faces i have set transparent i hit ctrl+shift+t instead of ctrl+alt+t - which turn on that annoying feature. Please tell me how @Whirly Fizzle
  7. I just had to teleport to see Mocha, i have to agree... that sim look like a egoistic dump where everyone owning there think they are on their own sim not caring at all about the person living next to them. So yes, maybe my suggestion is a bad one If we at least could have the grids monkeys come and do some terrain changes beyond the terraform limits for us that would be good. I had to do this 2 times since i started to owning mainland, and both times it was just a matter of them lowering the land (on linden owned parcel) so i could connect my driveway to the linden road.
  8. Since the dawn of SL (or there about) mainland has been restricted to +/- 4 meters of terraforming (with some exceptions). Isn't it about time (as we see a lot of people that actually want to make their mainland pretty (and more usable) to double this old limit? I know i'm not the only one that could do so much different with a +/- 8 meter limit and i doubt very much that i'm the only one. I hope more people agree about this and if we get enough posts maybe people like @Patch Linden and the higher ranking Lindens will take notice, maybe we even will get this change. Fingers crossed
  9. Well... this sucks. While creating a custom day cycle on estate level just are a pain in the butt it's a different story on parcel level. This happen both in the LL viewer and firestorm, also if you click the camera icon to play the timeline it crashes.... again on both viewers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJD-NzyKLXw
  10. Is it a way to speed up the day cycle so it pass faster than 4 hours? I'm trying to make my automatic street lights to turn on when they should and with 4 hrs. cycle this has now taken me 2 days.. .and still not done
  11. Nope it didn't , i really don't understand what he talk about at all in the last post. Can't wait for the 25th
  12. I don't think so, just tried now with a totally clear sky and it still show like that
  13. What is it that cast shadows on my off-sim terrain? I have nothing above it and as you see if i cam closer the mysterious shadow go away https://gyazo.com/ba293ba64b52d6a5d23d39ef6e0184ab
  14. I have to ask for help here because the custom day-cycle thing drive me nuts and my nights are way too long. So can someone please tell me how to cut it down so i get a 1 hr. long night... nothing more nothing less. I don't use any kind of other EEP settings. @Rider LindenYou guys made this EEP thing way to complicated for us that aren't geeks or into uber technical stuff
  15. And would i chat in a group where only moderators are listed, and where i know they are only active chatting if someone are rude and breaking the rules? Not likely.... most groups with Mods the mods are AFK and thus seldom provide help.... previously listed participants do provide help and a good chat
  16. What a stupid change this is Like in helpful groups like Builders Brewery, and Blender Benders 2.0 it actually help to see ALL participants in the list, because someone might have helped you in the past and in the list they are easy to find if you didn't save their name in the past or sort of just vaguely recall their name. With this change you leave us with a big guessing game. Maybe instead not list participants that hasn't been active chatting in the group for like 2 hrs. ago?
  17. Actually i did enable "Use shared environment" but then at 2000m up i get midnight instead of midday. And the day cycle are listed as none EDIT: I figured it out
  18. Thank you Penny for the simple and easy tutorial to follow I made my changes according to that and my needs, do i need to change anything in my firestorm quick-prefs to active them? Right now they are listed as water and sky: day cycle based and day cycle: default Even at 2000 m where i want to always have 12 AM. Including a picture of my land settings
  19. I tried to understand this EEP crap and i've given up... reverting back to Firestorm 6.3.9 (58205) Release now. This is the usual crap from the Lab: "we add a new feature for you but you have to figure out the rest yourself" I just hope for the future that firestorm will will include a option to select to disable eep for us that really don't need it. I don't understand why LL had to make ...correction, force their feature upon us when we had windlight working fine for many years - really LL didn't you have better things to do? All i wanted was to have mainland default sky, water, day-cycle at ground level and always midday at 2000m... wasn't (too stupid i guess) able to do that
  20. I sort of fixed my problem with dark midday, but i have to keep reload the default day cycle to make the sun move
  21. That's the Lab in a nutshell my friend, they think they can make things better by putting loads on their overworked servers. I stand by what i previously said
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