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Jordyn McGregor

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Posts posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. 12 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    Muting people also mutes the objects that they own. If you're still hearing their chat, it's most likely being relayed by an object they don't own. Try muting the club owner instead.

    Will give this a go next time I venture far from home!

    11 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Do an area search (on Firestorm viewer) for Chat Extenders or Chat.  Mute the objects found.  

    Will try this too.  

  2. Is there any way to mute people who use those chat over-ride thingies they use in clubs when they want to beat the chat range?  It's so annoying having to watch the "look at me, look at me" from silly bimbos you want to mute but the over-ride thingie won't mute them!!!

  3. 7 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Today's peeve is about ME:   Letting myself get sucked in to conversations that are nothing but debates based on personal views when I have made a vow to avoid all such discussions.

    This reminds me of a tiktok clip I saw on a youtube post.

    Question - Give me a phrase that someone born after 2000 wouldn't understand.

    Reply - Oh I haven't considered that point of view before, and although I disagree with your opinion, we're still friends.

    These days, that question applies to MANY "someones" I feel. 

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  4. 34 minutes ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

    @Jordan WhittOh we get taught to do that from birth in England.... we just say "sorry" in an apologetic manner instead. This behaviour has made the rest of the world think the English are a very polite people.

    Oh how we secretly laugh.... 😜 

    I am actually English...just been in NZ too long I guess.  I need a refresher course!

  5. Cat is asserting predatorial dominance of the new home. 

    First....dead mouse proudly brought in and dropped in front of the telly when I was sprawled out watching it.  Secondly...returning from the bedroom to find feathers all over my newly vacuumed lounge room floor.  Both incidences happened within two hours.  Looked everywhere and could not find any birdy remains anywhere.

    She was pretty proud of herself though!

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