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Jordyn McGregor

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Posts posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. I enjoy voice chatting cos I like hearing other people's voices and accents, and sometimes it's just say quicker to explain something than typing it all out.  Unless people keep asking me to repeat myself cos they like giggling at how I pronounce certain words.I

    That being said, it's not a deal breaker for me and people have many reasons why they choose not to. That should be respected.

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  2. On 4/16/2022 at 6:07 AM, Nalates Urriah said:

    @Exavor Diesel You seem to have the expectation that people will accept you as an eagle or whatever. Get real. Humans do not accept other humans. I mean zOMG you are RUSSIAN you're bad... Oh... you are STRAIGHT!?! Why?    Oh no... you are lesbian and you won't date a male that identifies as female!?!... how could you be so sexist?

    Basically if one disagrees with the wrong group, says the wrong things, isn't PC enough, uses the wrong pronouns... then they should be canceled and put in jail.    ...and you thought being a non-human eagle in a 'game' would be ok ... with all the mental midgets running around in here...

    I suppose it could be worse. You could be trying to figure out why Twitter employees are totally freaked out that Musk is planning to make Twitter an inclusive bastion of free speech for everyone. 🤔 And it is in SL that I find those that think they are progressive-liberals that are the least inclusive and most intolerant. So, I am not at all surprised you found some that think your being an eagle is odd and don't want to play with you.

    RL does leak into SL. Now you have noticed. Hopefully you'll also notice those that think your being an eagle is pretty neat. But, ask yourself if you are wanting to make everyone conform to what you want so things can be as you want. We have a name for that behavior.

    I think this is the only time I have agreed with anything you've said.

    Side note: REALLY hoping Musk does but Twitter.  I'm not on it, but watching the freakouts on YouTube - endless entertainment!

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Hmm, it couldn't have had anything whatsoever to do with the tone and choice of words ... Now could it?

    This, coming from someone who frequently says things in a way that can come across badly.

    The "vitriol" present is coming from those who are well beyond the limits of patience and absolutely sick and tired of this BS.

    Shocker! People have limits.

    I love how you can read my mind and heart and tell the "tone" behind my words without knowing anything about me except how I post on a forum board.  I'm always extremely careful in my choice of words so I can make my point concisely and without stooping to what I consider the lowest levels of debate.  Because for me that is what I enjoy - debate, the exchange of ideas, learning another point of view even if I will continue to disagree with it.  Cos how boring would it be if everyone agrees. 

    As pointed out by someone earlier (sorry too lazy to scroll back to see who and get verbatim quote) as a community so focused on inclusion, you're pretty good at excluding.  I'm sick of repeating that I have NOTHING against there being a dedicated section for your community.  Consider me excluded out of this conversation.  

    Good luck and exiting stage left!

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    There is a difference between "can't", "won't" and "can't be bothered" - this is the latter two.

    Someone else can deal with your need for examples and such oh so specific needs for evidence - I do not have the patience to deal with such anymore - at all, ever.

    As someone who has been accused IN THIS THREAD of "crapping all over" the idea of a new forum for this community - when I didn't and still haven't, and then been accused of "being disturbed" by the idea of the new forum, when (again) I'm not, I also would love to see the specific examples of hatred or negativity towards this topic.

    As @So Whimsy pointed out, the only negativity or vitriol on this topic has been towards people like me because how dare a non-community member have opinions or ask questions in a public forum.

    If this community wants (and gets) their requested sub-forum, good luck to them.  I will wish them well.  

    And @Luna Bliss/ @Moondira, I got (and pretty much ignored) your message the first time.  No need for sock puppetry.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Actually, Jordan, you didn't just "suck it up."

    Instead, you came into an out-of-the-way thread in order to crap on the idea that another community should be permitted to have a space of its own. A space that would literally impact upon you in absolutely no way whatsoever.

    The "big girl panties" are somewhere around your ankles right now . . . maybe time to get a new pair?

    Actually I didn't crap on the idea of there being a space or subforum for this community.  If it will make people happy, I support it.  I did make the point that it wouldn't impact me by saying that it doesn't affect my life so I have no problem with it...maybe you missed that part.

    I took a bit of offense to a comment aimed at MY community...the heterosexual one and commented on that.  Am I calling anyone a hetero-phobe?  Am I name calling anyone or being rude or obnoxious to anyone?  I didn't think so, so the vitriol is a bit uncalled for.

    And my knickers can't be around my ankles when I'm actually not wearing any.

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  6. 31 minutes ago, Maitimo said:

    Congratulations to all the homophbes and haters here, you just scored another internet point. I hope it brings you the great joy that you don't deserve.

    Having a difference of opinion does not make someone a hater or a phobe.

    6 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Opinions that harm other people should be discouraged. 

    Oh for crying out loud.

    Whatever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names/words will never hurt me"?  That was one of the idioms I grew up being taught and still believe in to this day.  The world would a better place if it still was.

    Opinions are just that - OPINIONS.  Everyone is entitled to have them, whether you agree with them or not, like them or not.  Shouting down, canceling, drowning out, censoring opinions you don't like is way more harmful because you are effectively banning the freedom of speech and exchange of ideas and debate. 

    And I'm feeling very harmed at being called "cis gendered" (which I find highly offensive) in someone's opinion up the thread, but ya know what...I put on  my big girl panties and sucked it up, which is what grown ups do.  

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  7. 10 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Much like there is no hetero pride.

    I wasn't gonna say anything cos whether or not there is a dedicated sub-forum won't affect my life either way, but that comment really burned my britches. 

    You know why there is "no hetero pride"?  Cos we're not allowed to have any!  Its "-phobic" or "-ist" to be proud of being white, proud of being hetero, proud of being a woman.  So we're not allowed to be proud of who we are.

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  8. So yesterday I applied for a grant online.  I jumped through all the hoops, even had to give them a call to clarify some details on my application and after gathering up all the additional hoop jumping stuff, scanning and attaching it, I sent my application in. 

    Today I received their reply asking that I confirm that I will be living at my new address from the house purchase settlement date for at least 6 months.

    Why they couldn't have had that as a tick box on the application...


    And in case you are interested...application approved, so yay an extra $5,000 towards my new house and $5,000 less I need on my nice shiny new mortgage!

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  9. I'm currently going through the same thing.  It's the same for me inworld too.  Partly due to my PC having "issues" and needing to buy a new one, and partly cos the thrill has gone.  I guess I have isolated myself so much that I find (apart from shopping....cos SHOPPING!) I really have no reason to log in that much anymore.

    It was my rez day yesterday, and I didn't even remember.  

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