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Opinicus Extraordinaire

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Everything posted by Opinicus Extraordinaire

  1. SL is full of book clubs and particularly writers' clubs! Ceejaytopia Written Word Second Life Writers Club There are others, but just whipping through the ones I have experience with. (Ceejay's is especially awesome)
  2. Gimme all yer shiny things, or sooooomebody's gonna get shanked. 🗡️
  3. 18 years since SL conception, and I'm still just a big, goofy birb that does big, goofy things. Then: Now: ... I don't know what else to say. 🎶
  4. God, I've had *so many* though... Also I feel so inhuman being here after seeing almost nothing but humans.
  5. Back in 2004 I built a little 'portable' museum display that consisted of myself dressed as a neanderthal frozen in a block of 'ice' balanced on a dais with 'Pleistocene Man - Frozen 190,000 years. Please do not sit on exhibit' on a placard on the display. Why? Sheeps and giggles, you could say. Thought I still had a snapshot of it, but guess not. And 2006 I brought this randomness into being. (no, I'm in the air, I didn't make it 70 feet long)
  6. In my experience, you look around at what everyone is wearing, or *being*, and you realize that in SL, Halloween is 365 days a year already.
  7. Just a couple more hours, then it'll be time to make birbday birthday magic happen!
  8. Hot diggity dawg that app did good! Though it clipped off one of my ears and I had to kinda semi-photoshop it back in.
  9. Chilling at the Sci-Fi Convention, feeling quite noodley!
  10. Muh inalienable inhuman rights! Be what you wanna be, don't let others dictate who you are. That's for you to be and others to DEAL WITH IT
  11. "Look sharp." "Give me a moment, I'm working on that."
  12. Have decided to renounce my previously pro-vegan ways...
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