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Cristiano Midnight

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Everything posted by Cristiano Midnight

  1. When you are in another viewer, they are inside of #firestorm
  2. I guess I am used to it. I set up most of the shot in Firestorm, and then I switch over to BD and adjust the pose and lighting as needed. I can do it very quickly, but I know that pose editor inside and out.
  3. Black Dragon is not ideal as a general purpose viewer, but it is fantastic for photography. Part of that is the pose tool, which lets you precisely pose every single bone to the smallest of degrees. I use it all the time to tweak existing poses for pictures, and to make my own. Once you learn the pose tool, it is not that complicated, even if the UI is awful. It is getting a QoL update eventually, though Niran is very specific in his ways. It is by far the most comprehensive posing tool available, and it works directly on the avatar. I agree that LL needs to remove the restrictions that do not allow avatar bones to be scripted. In world tools like Anypose and Animare have to use ridiculous workarounds with microanimations that make them incredibly imprecise. They are good for slightly adjusting poses, but far too imprecise for real work with them.
  4. Black Dragon has an integrated posing tool, and you can use it to create poses from scratch that can be imported back into SL as animations. No better way to iterate than using your own avatar.
  5. This is one of my favorite challenge images I have done. The creepy part is I did not prompt for the man in the background, so it made it extra scary:
  6. This is technically not my avatar, it is Harlow Bloodrose. This is an image I did of him for a steampunk event poster:
  7. One thing to add is to keep in mind that you won't get the exact same look. As others have said, demo different heads to see which gets you the closest. It also may be easier to start off with the base shape that comes with the head and adapt it than to use your existing shape, because of differences in slider support on Catwa vs Lelutka heads. Also, if you really like your current skin, check if the skin maker makes an evox version or has a similar one. We become very attached to how our avatars look, but it is sometimes necessary to evolve it to get better stuff, while trying to stick to the essence of your avatar's look. That is what I have always done.
  8. Recently I was called a cosmos betraying fiend by a lunatic who did a drive by on my forums the day after the infamous blog post recently dropped, and I liked the name so much I made it my title on my site. I am a benevolent Thanos:
  9. People play nice in on topic discussions here?
  10. Evox skins often times have a built in neck fade, but it is important they are sorted in the right order. The head skin goes above the body skin otherwise you get a seam. Not all evox skins seem to support that fade though directly in the skin. I have a leLAPEAU skin from Lelutka and a body skin from Birth. They are not even 100% the exact same tone, but with the fade, there is no seam. Both of my skins are tattoo layer. The ordering is always important.
  11. Personalities are always going to clash. Not sure why singling out two people is necessary in discussing this. Off topic discussions have nothing to do with that. As far as how the rest of the forums benefit, people don't exist in a vacuum in SL. They do enjoy talking about other things besides only SL and SL-adjacent topics. It is certainly not a requirement, but people can't always be in world and sometimes want to discuss these things, or discuss them in a more thoughtful way that real time conversation is not always conducive to (not that forums don't get all kinds of crazy even when people have time to think about what they are saying). Off topic discussions are nice to have some level of. YMMV - but if you don't like them, at least they would be pushed into a subforum you can ignore. Right now those threads are intermingled in forums like General Discussion. That has always annoyed me, as you often have to wade through a page of stuff to get to the topics you are interested in. In the end, it is not a big deal either way.
  12. Agreed, and I am a huge fan of them. Hell, the off topic forums have always been the most frequented and lively on my sites. On a site like this, it is a bit more complex to manage but not impossible. It just depends on company policy ultimately.
  13. Thanks. I have to admit I have been a bit put off by how I often end up on missing documentation or old tutorials on their site. Version 3 has been out for ages - not sure why having updated content for it is so difficult. I have since found a friend who has helped me with a lot of this, but I will check out the Discord as well.
  14. I really need to stop getting sucked into silly Instagram challenges:
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