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Xilion Iceberg

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Everything posted by Xilion Iceberg

  1. The SL DJ School is now under new management after going through a series of namechanges. You should instead contact Forever Vyper should you consider an offer like that. Good luck
  2. The Second Life DJ School was renamed to the Premiere DJ Academy and as such has been bought and owned by Forever Vyper, one of the current DJ School Proprietators. I'm pretty sure you may not use that name anymore.
  3. Just wondering... your avatar is 120 days old... are you an alt, or did you buy the DJ school or something? **edit: Did some digging; you might very well appear to be the alt of one Rosalie Difference... didn't you sell this DJ school, group and all to Forever Vyper? 'cause if you did this isn't really fair, hm?
  4. Hippie Bowman wrote: Hippie fixes Xilion a drink. Make yourself comfortable! Peace! Ooh, can I have a Disaronno? The weekend has started for me, so it's time to relax
  5. Hope I'm posting in the right category... just wanted to share my video as I think it looks neat and I wanted to see some comments :) So I made this video for some of my products on the Marketplace (I won't put any links out as this isn't meant as advertising.) What do you guys think? :)
  6. Lia Abbot wrote: Hi Xilion. Come sit by the fire How nice of you! *sits down*
  7. Couldn't resist doing a quick photoshop for you... your logo needs an update to suit your business... I felt like doing something nice today Please enjoy, and feel free to use it where ever you wish
  8. First thing that comes to mind is that you have another item that is overriding your AO. Check if you have any attatchments, HUD or avi... it could be in the simplest of things. Next, check your AO settings in your viewer. The AO settings in FIrestorm, for example, can overrride an atachable AO. Hope that helps
  9. /me feels strangely violated >_>; *chuckle* naw, that's ok. It's what it's there for, eh? :3
  10. Heh, well I figured that, being in SL since 2006, it's about time I put myself to helping out a little on the forums. Never hurts to have a nutty corner to joke around a little from time to time. Nice to meet you all! :smileylol: Do I need to do a hello-i-am-mr-something-and-i-live-in-somewhere-and-i-do-stuff post? Also! Here's a pic of what google seems to return as the most awesome picture on the internet:
  11. Prims are related to the parcel they belong to, at 20m or 40.000 m high. If they are prims from someone else, you can send them back (if you own the land). Do this in the about-land menu. You can refresh the list of prims and see the owners. You can then choose to return prims you do not recognise. Good luck
  12. Either I have lived under a rock or I have never had the pleasure of seeing a Personal Stylist in SL in my many years in SL. I think it's a great concept! Good luck.
  13. If I might make a small contribution to today's history: 1700 - Born: Daniel Bernoulli,Dutch-Swiss Mathematician and Phycisist. 1828 - Born: Jules Verne, French Writer and pioneer in the sciencefictiongenre. 1931 - Born: James Dean, American Actor. Yay, James Dean \o/
  14. Well... just had to post here, too :') So... even if you sometimes feel like the picture above... Have a great day, today, and tomorrow! One love, everyone (> ^^)> *hug* <(^^ <)
  15. That looks very serene Is it open to visitors or is it your private lil' hideaway?
  16. Bonjour J'ai rempli votre questionnaire pour vous aider. Si je peux suggérer quelque chose: Vous pouvez mettre le questionnaire en anglais. Je pense que vous obtiendrez plus de réponses de cette façon. Quoi qu'il en soit, bonne chance dans votre recherche, et bonne journée!
  17. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: Quite a temper tantrum. Oh, on the problem you seem to be having. Things change.....sometimes in less than a minute. I would think anyone who names themself "Professor" would understand that. That same person (being someone who wants everyone to think of them as a "Professor") would be smart enough to know that we are just residents and not associated with Linden Lab beyond being "residents" (just like you). So all the shouting did nothing for me except show me that you are far from a "Professor". More like a child with a broken toy crying because their precious toy was not working like it did before it broke. Odds are the problem exists on your end..........it has nothing to do with that kind of programmers. If you, "Professor", had an inkling of what is envolved in the programming of Second Life, you would never diss the people who developed the platform. And, just so you know, I don't care how much you have invested in SL. If you invested a substanial sum of money (which you implied that you did) and don't have a clue about what you invested in, then, "Professor", you need to go back to school. My name is Xilion Iceberg, and I approve this message. *chuckle*
  18. Hey MyAlt! The trouble with your request is that you aren't literally 'buying' something, even though we talk about buying land. What you do is paying a one-time setup fee (or transfer fee, whatever you wish to name it), then pay a monthly 'service fee' for maintenance, service and more. You can very well compare this to having a .com domain. You will have to pay for this on a monthly or yearly basis because of maintenance and 'usage right'. I reckon someone would be able to seal a deal with you for permanent land-ownership if the stakes are high ebough but seeing as you pay (from the top of my head) 195 us$/month (so 2340/year), you'd have put down a couple of years worth of that on the table to be considered, from a business point of view... and let's be fair, it'd be better to do 195/month than a one-time payment of, say, 10k. Good luck
  19. If memory serves, a 0L$ selling limit is associated with new resident accounts with no payment info on profile. This canhave something to do with the lack of payment info on your profile, but seeing as you bought some L$'s already, you should have that info. The second option (and probably the most logical one) is that your avatar is to new to be able to sell L$'s. The amount will auto-up in a few days, then more after about a month. Good luck
  20. Double post: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Upcoming-Events-and-Activities/Thursday-Willowdale-Grammar-School/m-p/1875965 Also, the grammatical errors that were made in the previous post are still here.
  21. Hola Gaara! Voy a intentar mi mejor esfuerzo para responder a su pregunta, pero mi español no es perfecto. El mercado ofrece varias formas de hacer publicidad de sus artículos. Usted puede hacer esto mediante el pago de una SL y siete, quince o treinta días de "mejora" de su anuncio. Esto significa que su producto se mostrará con mayor eficacia. El 5 por ciento que se menciona es una comisión sobre sus ganancias que usted hace de la venta de artículos. Por ejemplo, si usted vende un artículo digno de 100L $, SL pone 5L $ de eso. No hay que pagar en "vender" artículos libres, creo. Había una vez una idea para cargar artículos libres para 99L $ al mes, pero yo no creo que esto se ha hecho nunca. Además, no hay que olvidar que cuando se "pagan" su dinero a su tarjeta de crédito o PayPal, un 2 por ciento de esa cantidad (o 1 dólar, lo que es más) se paga comisión a SL. Espero haberte ayudado. Lo siento por mi mal español. ¡Buena suerte!
  22. Always up to meet someone in-world. I'm not online at the moment, but feel free to poke me Also, good luck on your quest for social interaction. I'm sure you'll find some awesome people
  23. I actually found myself scanning for grammatical errors in your post, seeing as you speak of a grammar school. Other than two minor notes (some unnecessary capitals, one missing apostrophe at "SCHOOLS BOOSTERS" (*school's) ) I have to say: good job! hah. Also, fun to see there's such an active school on SL. I might visit some day
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