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Lisa Lowe

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Blog Comments posted by Lisa Lowe

  1. How interesting

    Free marketing is very simple. Create a product that everyone actually enjoys. Without even asking, the users will post positive things about the product on various platforms.

    First you just smack everything on Facebook without consulting anyone and now you also do a cheap attempt to make us actually advertise ('sunny pictures') for SL on Facebook also? We know LL likes to make money on this Facebook deal. Wrong approach (again).

    Everyone interested in this, just post your links on this blog or anywhere *inside* SL so *everyone* can actually enjoy it.

    (Spring Break at Feb 6? It is still freezing here...)

  2. These are the funny statistics again they used since 2010. Compare that to the Q4 2009 statistics : http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/features/blog/2010/01/19/2009-end-of-year-second-life-economy-wrap-up-including-q4-economy-in-detail

    Some quick remarks.

    Average monthly repeat logins means nothing. It doesn't say anything about the retentionrate (number of new users actually staying SL for a longer time). This may include all the crashes also, forcing you to login again. Maybe it is interesting for viewer stability or so?  (The amount of users actually online on the login screen silenty disappeared also a while ago).

    User hours are flat since last quarter after a slow decline all year. After a big peak,  they are actually back on the level as in Q3 2008.

    Average monthly economic participants. You can't compare the graphs right away anymore. If SL would grow, you would expect more L$ exchanging hands in inworld transactions. It's flat.

    L$ Supply. The amount of US$ added to SL has grown (esp. in the Q4 2010). It doesn't show in the Average monthly economic participants.statistics. Linden Lab must be pleased, as they probably earned more on fee's for everything.

    The Web merchandise sales volume doubled since last year. It doesn't reflect anywhere else in SL (or am I missing something here?). All most businessowners know is that inworld sales only have gone down for a long time already. So is it the advertising on the website generating more profits for LL?

    Wolrd size has grown a littlebit. Before it was actually the amount of land owned by residents. Now it is probably everything, including all the dead places left behind and all test/preinstall islands.


    Based on all this, I would conclude LL made some more profit, but within SL nothing is really growing. Less user hours may tell the real truth.

    Can we please have some more realistic reviews again?

  3. Dear Frederik,

    I still find it amazing after several hundred mostly negative comments about webprofiles and linking things to other social networks while just ignoring our privacy and all problems with it, you only come in here to tell us the load times will improve. Most here still respect the Lindens, but this is a great way to loose that instantly.

    Rest us really assure and take away that 2.5 beta viewer until you find a way to guarantee our privacy. And perhaps get rid of the lousy web profiles also.


  4. Yeah, sure. All we need is more webbrowsers in a game console, right? Try dropping stuff into that. Up to 1.23 it actually worked user friendly. Search in a browser now also works like crap. It can't even remember your last search anymore. We need cookies and plugins again? With all respect, but think again please. It makes no sense at all from a game console perspective.

    Ever noticed how bad Build works these days in SL? With constantly resetting prims? No wonder content designers are running away. Not to mention the tons of other bugs that still exist. Try a (big) group chat. You are lucky if you can actually post a comment. Oh noesss...we need Twitter and Facebook first. Because once SL is constantly mentioned on there, it may actually increase popularity (wich is actually declining). And as those webdesigners doing a game console are all social media freaks, we are all suddenly forced into that also. No questions asked. ("you can post your comments on Twitter"). And without thinking they infringe our privacy just like that also. They actually might end up in some interesting lawsuits soon. I can't wait now.

  5. And yes! They managed to screw up our privacy again!

    Linden Lab: I do NOT want to be on Facebook, Twitter and all that sort of crap! I do NOT want others to put my name, profile or stuff like that with 'Like-buttons" or similar on Facebook, Twitter and whatever the next invention may be!

    I deliberately chose NOT to have accounts on all the social blogsites. I totally dislike "hashtag-communications in 140 characters" and the total lack of privacy on (commercial) Facebook. When will you start respecting OUR wishes?

    Profiles in a webbrowser? This is going from bad to worse now! What is next? The stupid Facebook messaging "mix-it-all-into-one" system into SL (and the rest of the world)...?

    I can only hope Rod stops all the silly web integration and starts focussing again on creating a "game"-viewer that actually works with SL first. There are still so many bugs that have to be resolved. All this web integration will only create more bugs and in the end nothing gets solved.And it all will get hacked sooner or later and/or commercially used. It's just a matter of time.

    Can we still trust Linden Lab with our private data?

    Viewer 2.4 Released!

    I just found the first Diplay Names copycat of my name. Lyra Gundersen (lyra.gundersen) using "Lisa L" since 2010 for fashion now.

    Thank you Linden Lab for the "great" feature most business owners can do without. First our items get copied and now our names also.

    Viewer 2.4 Released!

    Dear Darkfyre Algoma ,

    It would be very nice if you actually showed some respect towards others.Even if they are less technically skilled as you claim to be. In your statemens you also show not really to have a clue about SL or LL. And ever considered she may not bet a native english speaker? Or should I be impressed about "all" your programming and spelling skills? Not really. Shouting at someone is the easiest thing you can do. But it has nothing to do with a reasonable discussion and valid arguments.

    Though she may not realize it herself, she is actually (already) right talking about it as a site. At the moment the viewer technically spoken still is a client in the old way of thinking. Like an installbale program. But Linden Lab is transforming it into a web based client for like IE and others. Just like the webbased demo of Quake a while ago. The current clients are just the preliminary steps towards that goal. They have been going into this direction for a long time already, making everything webbased. The Marketplace is also a part of that.It will save users updating the client everytime. Besides terrible user retention rates, rebuilding this client ground up and web based is another reason why 2.x was developed. Transorming the old code into that obviously wasn't practical anymore. It is just a pity they sort of forgot to test it with users first and forgot to add a bunch of handy features that where already developed in the older viewers (up to 1.23). Instead of doing that first, they develop options like Display names, nobody really wants or needs.Besides that, they do not update 1.23 anymore and you can already notice incompatibility problems with it. And not only with the new features. That is another way of finally forcing everyone to upgrade. Therefore complaining about a new viewer with only half the functionality/configureablilty of the old viewer seems quite reasonable to me. Especially if you pay fo the service also.

    Viewer 2.4 Released!

    "Color and transparancy options". Where is the old silver skin? Why do we now all have to use the terrible dark brown colored  windows again? You can hardly improve anything on this one. Why do we need to detach inventory and other windows first to be able to use them? Oh, but we get back the Advanced and Developer menus. Right. "A new preference for group and IM chat pop-ups. Why do we still have seperate IM windows and a Nearby window all cluttering up my screen? Where did the compact Local Chat window go with public chat/ IM's in tabs, my Friendlist and Group settings? Why did the line where you can chat in public actually resize to almost nothing so you can hardly see what you type with longer sentences then the word 'Hello World'? Why does everyone suddenly have to communicate like we are on Twitter by default? Why are chatwindows cluttered with Display Names also (another useless and bad implementation)?

    Giant bars on top of your screen can now be reduced by turning them off. Instead of the previous loaction/coordinate/etc listing in the top bar, we now get a tiny bar underneath as a sort of compensation. Profile pictures are now square, Picks pictures rectangular and so on. Different almost everywhere in SL. The hoover texts on vendors where great and showed all information at once. Now we got stuck with half a line and you have to click it first to see the rest. I have a script in inworld objects changing the Description. Open up your inventory and notice it did not update the item in your inventory anymore. We used to have a wonderful tiny orbit-zoom-pan window. Now we get a big one with options I just don't need. And why does that need a titlebar, same as with the mini map window suddenly? Uploading items is now under Build. Like everyone that wants to upload an image or a sound suddenly is a Builder also? I also noticed some textures on smaller objects do not even fully rezz anymore. Most new users have no idea SL actually has a Build option also. Many have no clue that everyone has a Profile, so they don't bother updating their own also. And I can go on and on.

    Interesting why you keep pushing this Display Names and Mesh thing first. While there are still tons of inconsistancies in this viewer, tons of bugs and a terrible layout. If you are used to the clean interface of previous versions, this looks (and works) just horrible.

    I still keep hoping for real improvement of this viewer towards the much better 'old' viewer 1.23 style. This viewer has been around as the default for a year now. It certainly did not improve new user retention rates. After many complaints tiny things were finally added again (like e.g. the buttons at the bottom). New features are always great. But not while the core of it all is still hopeless. I hope the new CEO has more understanding of setting priorities and will get the focus of some webstyle-gui/twitter/facebook designers to more practical designing of user interfaces for things like SL again. It's a real pity everything that was accomplished in the previous viewers suddenly totally is ignored again with this "wonderfull" new design.

  6. The login screen of 1.23 used to show the actual amount of users actually logged in previously. Somehow that silently seems to have disappeared also now. The 400k+ amount of people that signed up for SL isn't very interesting. Active users are.

    Showing graphs with the average repeated monthly logins isn't the whole story either. I remember times on good days there were over 80k users onlne. For a long while already this has been no more then 60/70k users on average. Many times I have seen numbers in the 50k's also. It looks like the graph with the user hours therefore shows a more realistic picture of where SL is heading.

    Many merchants also noticed a big decline in revenues over the year, compared to 2009 or before. You see the LindeX volume go down, while the L$ supply increases with almost a million US$. So take a wild guess where the money is going. Can we have the real business figures of Linden Lab also please?

  7. Catching up with the developements I just noticed this new display names feature. Maybe it is fun if you want to create an avatar with a matching name. But impersonating someone else is also possible now and might harm good reputations. As a business owner I would not appreciate it if someone cloned me and started doing things I wouldn't do. Linden employees names are protected. So why not protect our names as well? Linden Lab obviously loves lawsuits against them.

    The original intention of viewer 2  actually was to make it less confusing for (new) residents. This will only make it worse again.

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