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Monalisa Robbiani

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Everything posted by Monalisa Robbiani

  1. Yes. I buy real stuff with my SL money. The PC system I am using for example. But for me, SL doesn't create a steady income and the money I make is well below any tax limits of my country. This means that technically, it is not a "business" at all. I wonder how many people actually make a living off SL.
  2. Wenn das Problem so massiv ist, würde ich jeden Spieler den Voicetest machen lassen. Wer sich nicht per Stimme identifiziert, fliegt raus.
  3. Das ist natürlich lästig. Simball, der wahrscheinlich am meisten verbreitete Sport in SL, sperrt bei den Spielen 10 Minuten vor Beginn die ganze Sim ab. Wer später kommt, kann nur noch durch Einladung durch einen Simbesitzer auf die Sim.
  4. ich bin schockiert , das ich meiner Partnerin keine Rechte zur Einrichtung unseres Hauses in SL einräumen kann. Tjo, SL ist da weitsichtiger als RL Scherz beiseite. Der Status Partner hat keinerlei Konsequenzen, was Rechte angeht. Das ist nur ein Wort mehr in deinem Profil. Um Rechte zu vergeben, musst du, wie schon erwähnt, eine Gruppe anlegen. Und dann darfst du sogar mehr als eine Partnerin haben.
  5. Jaylin Wytchwood wrote: Ich möchte mal meinen, das bei den paar Leuten die hier mitlesen Werbung, auch wenn erlaubt, für die Katz wäre. Paar Leute? Das SL-Forum hat mehr User als die anderen Foren zusammen. Signaturen sind nicht verboten, und das ist die beste Werbung, die noch dazu nichts kostet.
  6. You might want to check the Third Party Viewer Directory. Many of the "viewers" are actually text based clients, some of them even work on cellphones. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  7. Darrius Gothly wrote: Click the Quote button and it will insert the entire text of the message you are replying to into the editor/text entry window. Thank you. :smileyhappy:
  8. I don't see a quote button, only a reply button. What am I missing?
  9. There are some things everyone can easily do: English-speakers: Use simple English, help others to understand you. Non english-speakers: Spell correctly, don't use abbreviations, use short sentences. If you stick to those rules, Google translate can spit out quite useful translations. Of course Google is only an emergency tool. The real "tool" are people fluent in more than one language acting as a bridge between cultures. It is still obvious though, that (simple) English is the easiest way to facilitate communication throughout SL. You can't avoid English if you want to participate in a global internet based community.
  10. That's what display names are for. There are services that give you only a number, like ICQ, which I think is far worse than having to pick a unique string of letters and numbers. I think it is odd to be forced to pick a name from a list when signing up for an internet service. It probably makes many people abandon SL before they even start. Although I must admit that I've grown fond of my last name and would never trade it for an account called just "Monalisa".
  11. Interesting question. In SL, I create things for myself. I also happen to sell them. So the time spent on my SL business (if you can call that a business) varies from 5 seconds a week (logging in to pay rent) to full days and sleepless nights in Blender and Photoshop. It depends on my mood and of course on my RL work/school situation. I don't do custom work, unless it is a real life person paying me a reasonable wage.
  12. "Wenn Sie auf ein Problem stoßen, melden Sie es bitte in unserer JIRA-Prozessverwaltung." You forgot to mention, that using the JIRA is only possible if you are fluent in English. How about free English lessons for residents? PS wie macht man hier ein Quote?
  13. I can only speak for the German community, being German-speaking myself. The German community in SL is almost like a separated part of SL. My personal SL experience is like having 2 Second Lives: The English-speaking part of my friendslist almost never meets the German-speaking part. This is due to the fact that most German-speakers don't know English at all and, instead of trying to change that, expect that everyone in SL speaks their language. Everything is expected to be translated, be it blogs, forums, support, viewer. So the real goal is not bringing SL to foreign language speakers, but bringing foreign language speakers to the SL community.
  14. It would be enough to send one single notification email per thread (until the next visit). Besides that, HTML is being used which bloats the emails.
  15. The badges/avatar pics should reflect the actual SL account I think, this means SL birthday and SL profile pic, maybe add an option to put your picks as your sig, add snapshots etc. make it more social and connect the forums to SL.
  16. Ok, if you block existing names I can't be Philip Linden or Monalisa Robbiani, but I can be Philip Lίnden or Mοnalisa Rοbbiani. (Copy&Paste and check it carefully). This WILL be abused.
  17. I like the translation feature. What about allowing exceptions for languages you don't want to be translated (because you speak them)?
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