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Dillon Levenque

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Posts posted by Dillon Levenque

  1. Venus Petrov wrote:

    Ima Rang wrote:

    Venus Petrov wrote:

    /me waves to Ima

    I am glad to see you post this.  Some in the LWL wonder if their type of camaraderie exists anywhere but within the confines of their group. 

    /me waves to Venus.

    Really?  Why do you think that?  I apologize if it should be obvious, I have not been following the forum activities very closely, and I have not been inworld much in the last few months. 

    It is written!  Check out the Friends thread that Lillie OP'ed.  That specific question is asked.  You should hobble over when you have a few and take a look.

    Really? Where, exactly? Certainly not in the OP: I just checked and it contains no questions of any kind. I'm not crawling through that thread again but I'm curious.

    I certainly don't believe that kind of camaraderie exists nowhere but within the LWL because I know damn well that's not the case. There may be some who do think that but it is not an opinion I recall being mentioned.

    And Hi, Ima. You always did seem to enjoy the flames more than I did, but then so do a lot of others. Post more.

    edited for spelling

  2. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

    @ Dillon:  YES!  I can't believe I forgot about Buckaroo Banzai!!!  Loved that movie.  Now I need to see if I can find it to share with my kids.....  /me grumbles about old vhs format....


    Here you go, DVD format and all: BB from a place that sells stuff

    @Lia: I remember not being all that impressed with 'Shakespeare' at the start, thinking they were spending too much time with the gag lines like 'a plague o'er both your houses', etc. But somewhere in the middle I got drawn in, and by the time they reached the scene in which Shakespeare is telling the cast how the story will finish I was absolutely captivated. Great movie.

  3. DQ Darwin wrote:

    Here here Dil. I totally agree. It is these unsung heroes that open to the world masses the unjust hardships placed upon small organizations who's sole purpose is to promote friendship and fun.

    Thank You Ms S___R___ the time will come when we are actually able to say your name out loud:P

    Nail colour Dil, what do you think?


    On my monitor it looks pink, Dee, so you know it's winner with me.:smileywink:

  4. Alas, we have once again witnessed an attack on free speech. A resourceful investigative journalist, one S----- R-----, had released a report on a previously unannounced meeting of the Righteous Indignation Committee. The RIC, as it's commonly called, claimed to be investigating the supposed domination of the Forums by the Ladies Who Lunch.

    As if.

    Sometime in the dead of night the Committee retaliated. Ms R------'s notebooks and computers were confiscated, the internet site containing her revelations was taken down, and the meeting room was closed to all but Committee members.

    When asked for comment regarding these events, the co-founder of LWL (D - D-----) merely shrugged, said, "That's about what you'd expect from that buncha RICs", and went back to doing her nails.

    I urge my fellow group members to join me in an expression of support and appreciation for Ms R----- and for investigative journalists everywhere. Well done, and best of luck.

  5. Marigold that list was Liisa's (post before mine). I just copied it and yes, there are a bunch of winners in there :-)



    ETA: Wow, very cool SL 'rendering', but then I've come to expect that sort of thing from Marigold Devin. Was 'Big' the one where they danced on the oversized piano keyboard? That was one of the greatest scenes ever.

  6. Liisa Runo wrote:

    Maybe ill hunt some trailers later. Now ill just give a list:
    • Alien, Aliens, Alien3
    • Fight Club
    • Matrix
    • Pi
    • Hardware
    • Andromeda strain (the old one)
    • Blade Runner
    • Soylent Green
    • Silent Running
    • the Thing
    • Hard Candy
    • Carrie
    • Zatoichi
    • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
    • Spirited Away
    • Kiki's Delivery Service
    • Totoro
    • Ghost in the shell
    • The Incredibles
    • Nightmare Before christmas
    • Moon
    • Idiocracy
    • Naked Lunch

     Nice list! Don't forget "Logan's Run", very much in the mix with those plus Jenny Agutter with no clothes on (always a plus). Here's one of your trailers :-)

    And one more for me. There's a better Bogart/Bacall movie—"To Have and Have Not"—but I couldn't find a trailer. This one is based on a novel by Raymond Chandler; screenplay by William Faulkner. People say the plot makes no sense but in fact it makes perfect sense if you've seen the movie more than once and read the book three or four times (I own both). Sadly the Hollywood Public Library is no more, but in the late eighties it still looked just like it does in this trailer.

  7. You're right as you so often are, Perrie. Thank you. It never hurts to be reminded of that.

    Jacki's comment about thank-you notes made me smile; my sister is almost a family legend in that regard. Most of us believe she actually writes her thank you notes on the way home from the party/dinner/whatever.





    Edited to remove an imaginary 'e' from Jacki's name.


  8. Yay, a 'favorites' category I can actually deal with! Music was too hard.

    Pamela has already gotten one of mine: 'The Man Who Would Be King' is truly a great movie. Someone wrote that it's really hard to make decent movies from novels; there is simply too much plot and character development in a novel for a movie to deal with. But movies made from short stories can capture almost every nuance the author placed there. 'King' is from a Kipling story. Another really good movie is 'The Shawshank Redemtion' which was based on a short story by Steven King.

    So here's one of my all time favorites, based on utter silliness.

    I have more. I'll be back (and no that is not from one of my favorites, but it's a good line).:smileywink:

  9. Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    Love all around ...Dres  (If someone can, please, let me know whether or not I'm allowed to join the LWL group, I'd be very appreciative.  I wasn't about to just do it, even though I really want to.)


    JUST DO IT. Yes, you're allowed. Encouraged, even. If you haven't been added by the time I'm next inworld I'll see to it you get an invite (I'm pretty sure I can send one myself but if not I know who to call). I'm not sure you even need an invite, but I'm guessing you'll have the answer to that in minutes.

    Don't touch that dial.

  10. Tracy, I hadn't seen this thread or I would have commented earlier. In fact Ishtara and others have pretty much said what I'm thinking, but since we're sort of on the same team I'll chime in anyway. Redundancy never stopped me before.

    Like you, I point out my orientation at the very start of my profile. I wrote it my first day, or at least the first day my avatar went anywhere really public. At the time I did not know how little relevance it would have in SL; I was still thinking in RL terms. I knew that being only a 'cartoon' it would be very easy to appear to be a female and I did not want to deceive anyone. It's worked for me and I've never changed it. BUT:

    I have had very very few negative experiences here that have anything to do with being transgender. Maybe two. In nearly three years. I did mostly spend time in TG friendly locales at the start and I agree with Ishy's suggestion that you do so also. I have a big folder FULL of TG links that were given to me by friends about two or three months ago (someone I knew had a friend who was TG join SL, so I got some of my buddies to help me build a folder). IM me inworld and I will be more than happy to send it.

    Let SL work for you. I've found it to be an incredibly tolerant place and that is the thing I like best about it by far.

  11. And you wondered why I waited until I had a little privacy at work to check this thread? I knew it would be this way. I haven't listened to a single one; just reading the titles and remembering the ones I know was bad enough. "Leader of the Band" damn near did me in all by itself. I have to turn that down if there's someone in the car with me when it comes on.


    This is a great thread, Quinn (and everyone else who has shared). I may even think of something myself, once I get past listening to everyone else's. Thanks.

  12. Wow, your experience sounds like a mirror of mine :-). Except that I didn't contribute anything after the event either (unless spending like half an hour on your fabulous pose stand looking at myself counts as a contribution). By the way that long skirt you wore for your picture is terrific.

    I've marked my calendar, Hippie! I will be there :-).

  13. See, that's why I gave up on lists. Johnny Cash doing a cover of Nine Inch Nails is also one of the songs I will stop what I'm doing to hear. I happen to know some 'young people' (as in under twenty-five) who are very into music—musicians, in fact—and they all dig Johnny Cash. Something about that guy resonates with almost everyone. He never really had a genre. He was just him.

    And there are no words for Izzy. There used to be a youtube of that tune over a video of a woman and her two(?)-year old daughter at the beach; making sand castles, stuff like that. I said at the time that if you could watch that without at least getting a little misty you weren't human. You might not even be mammalian. Unfortunately the people who own the rights to his songs had that video taken down. Doesn't matter. He made us all feel it. I remember the first time I heard it, thinking, "Wow, this guy doesn't even get the lyrics right but I don't care!".

    I hadn't heard the Guns N' Roses (I sorta skipped that scene) but you're right: it's a pretty song.


  14. Quinn Morani wrote:

    Sylvia! Isn't it
    of Rolling In the Deep that's supposed to be your favorite?



    Thank you, Quinn! I'd just got here and was as shocked as you at Sylvia's 'error'. I know what she means about those coconut drinks, tho. Still had one in my hand when I woke up the next morning (how I got home I'll never know).

    I used to have an imaginary top five, then I expanded it to ten, than I just quit trying: there are WAY too many. But here are five (in no particular order) that I will always stop what I'm doing to listen to:

    Fly Like a Bird, Boz Scaggs

    Try a Little Tenderness, Otis Redding (with The Commitments a very close second)

    Truckin', Grateful Dead

    Southern Cross, Crosby Stills & Nash

    The Medley on Side 2 of Abbey Road (starts with 'You Never Give Me Your Money'

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