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Wyona Steamweaver

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Everything posted by Wyona Steamweaver

  1. I would like to get some family animations done for beds, sofa, chair and maybe a few others. Please message me inworld wyona.steamweaver with a pricelist!
  2. I have made houses before and am wanting to build some custom castles. https://www.flickr.com/photos/189771890@N08/ Contact me if interested in seeing some of my previous work in person. Wyona.steamweaver
  3. It doesn't let me run Firestorm at all. It's in the beginning part when it checks hardware that it says the error.
  4. Tried Cheesecurd's way of uninstalling and reinstalling and still a no go. Not sure how to put in command line parameters.
  5. Nope I've tried that multiple times and it doesn't seem to do anything for me.
  6. I got a new laptop and no matter what I try Firestorm and any other SL viewer won't load due to the error "Firestorm is unable to run because your video card drivers did not install properly, are out of date, or are for unsupported hardware. Please make sure you have the latest video card drivers and even if you do have the latest, try reinstalling them." I have the latest driver installed and have tried reinstalling at least 10 times. I've tried google searching and checking both the help pages here and on firestorm. Nothing I've tried is working. Firestorm is in my firewall whitelists as well. Any advice would be very welcome as i am getting very frustrated. Oh I have a Nvidia GeForce 1050 Ti graphics card on a Dell laptop running Windows 10 64 bit.
  7. Sorry, I was not aware of any of that. It just happens to be one of the few I found and was suggested to me.
  8. I just started learning mesh and am mostly using tutorials. I am working on a bikini and the top rigged perfectly but the bottom is doing something I'm not sure how to fix. https://gyazo.com/674b28d4e7e5cfab1138fd9063e94143 I don't have any current knowledge of Blender and Avastar except what I've learned from tutorials. I've been following this tutorial. Edit: Sorry, apparently that video is unacceptable to link.
  9. I couldn't find it on mp, but either way I'd have to use RL money. Just not sure I can afford it for a while at the 10k lindens. That's why I was hoping for a way to do it without until I can afford it.
  10. Can you still rig mesh clothing with just Blender? If so which Blender version and do I need anything else? I am playing with Marvelous Designer but not sure I can afford Avastar plugin. Any advice is welcome! Wyona.steamweaver
  11. Oi! Meu nome e Wyona Blessing. Eu sou americana. Estou aprendenda Portugues sozinho. Eu gostaria que os amigas praticassem com. Eu precisa practicar. Voce quer conversar? Hi! I am just learning Brazillian Portuguese. I would love some friends to talk to and practice with. You can contact me in SL @ wyona.steamweaver or on facebook @ wyona.steamweaver@gmail.com Tchau! Abracos!
  12. I am working on learning Brazilian Portuguese and am interested in finding some friends to practice with me on voice. My SL sister is Brazilian but she has college and is very busy. It's best if you also know some English as I am still a beginner, though I have learned quite a bit. My SL daughter is also learning but has a few people she is practicing with, however her learning is more based around Google Translate and I don't learn the same so our knowledge is different. I love movies, reading, exploring, music, and dancing. I am shy and have social anxiety however and this tends to keep me on our home sim much of the time. I like to use FB messenger so that I can still talk to people while at work when I have some time. I am on in afternoon and evenings SLT on weekdays and off and on during the weekend. If you are interested in talking feel free to im me at Wyona.Steamweaver! You can also find me on FB @ wyona.steamweaver@gmail.com my name is Wyona Iloyette Blessing Madruga. Oi! Meu nome e Wyona Blessing. Estou aprendenda Portugues sozinho. Eu gostaria que os amigas praticassem com. Tudo bem?
  13. What mesh body riggings do you have? Belleza? Maitreya?
  14. Hi! Lensation Photography is newly opened and all set up to accept clients. We have two photographers and are more than happy to take walk-ins or appointments. We offer a variety of packages and services including: portraits, couples, family (with or without td), groups, logos, marketplace templates and ads and banners, wedding or family albums, etc. Stop on in or send me an im inworld - Wyona.Steamweaver. Here are some links to my two flickr accounts with examples of my work, both professional and for my blogs and personal as well as my store. https://www.flickr.com/photos/63854620@N05/ and https://www.flickr.com/photos/138465028@N03/ We also offer simple non-edited photos for low prices 50-100L. As well as shots taken at in-world locations as well as in front of green screens. Stop on in to look at our gallery and prices and to get ahold of us. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Business District Delta/43/53/23
  15. Hi! I am looking into trying to sell some of my photography as posters and other items but am running into a resolution problem. They want certain sizes and since I work where they get printed I know what resolution works best (240). However I can't seem to find a way to save my images from SL any higher than 72 resolution. The dimensions I can do max are 5196 X 3040 so a decent size though I wouldn't mind bigger. If I get too much bigger I tend to crash when I go to take and save the pictures. Any advice would be welcome! I am looking into ReShade but it mostly seems to be post processing like filters and such? Thanks! Can reply here or im/notecard me inworld. Wyona.Steamweaver
  16. Hi! I am working on a family panda clothing and accessories store and would like to get some custom mesh panda items. If you are interested please contact me in-world on Wyona.Steamweaver with info about your rates. :) Thanks!
  17. Hello! I have started a dance troupe called Dance-Versity. We are a mixed age group containing kid, teen, and adult avatars. We strive to create family friendly shows. We have five members at the moment but would really like to add a few more. I would especially like someone to help with creating sets and maybe costumes. Also someone with djing ability, we have 2 right now but would like another for when they might not be on. I wouldn't mind if others want to choreograph as well. :) Right now I have 22 dances choreographed and one full show of 5 songs completly done set and all. I plan to open a venue soon and would like to do a show each month with several showings during that month. A couple of videos of dances we are working with right now. Flickr with some pics I am plannin to use for the posters for shows. If you think you would be interested in joining please send a notecard or im me inworld. Wyona.Steamweaver
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