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Luc Starsider

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Blog Comments posted by Luc Starsider


    Jack Linden said:

    We’ve come a long way since we first launched the first Viewer 2 Betain February. We’ve dramatically increased performance and stability while adding cool new features like Shared Media. We’ve also made many usability improvements, based on your feedback, that make it easier for content creators and developers to build in Second Life.

    Actually, lately, the viewer have been more unstable than ever. I crash with a staggering frequency, and even if I like the viewer, I am slowly getting fed up with it.

    The improvements that have been made, and some of them are nice, are not helping much. This is because the major issues, the ones everybody are screaming about, are still unsolved, or solved halfway. An example of this is the undockable sidebar tabs. You can tear them off. Great! But you can not close them, or choose other things to dock in stead - like the build panel (I would like that). You also can not have more than one profile open at a time.

    Further, the whole display names thing. I won't say anything more about it than I've already said. It just gets me angry.

    - Luc -

  2. I think v. 2.1 and 2.2 use the same files and directories for settings, logs, and so on. It is possible that v. 2.2 (or 2.1) messed up the file you get the error for. But you could try to move the whole SecondLife folder from Application Support to a different location. Put it on your desktop so you can copy back files you want to keep - chat logs, IM logs, and possibly other files - if things improve. (Also, if things do not improve, you can copy everything back and get back to the point you were before.) A new SecondLife folder, and the necessary files, should be created the next time you start the program. (After this, you may have to set up the viewer to your liking again.)

    - Luc -

  3. I would love to use this version because I've been waiting for some of the improvements made in it. Unfortunately it crashes on my Mac PowerBook as soon as the 3d view starts to render, so it is completely unusable to me. (This is a brand new MPB, 2,66Mhz, 4gb ram, gForce 330M 512mb). I've sent crash reports, and I hope this issue is corrected before the next beta is released. (Please, Esbee )

    - Luc -

  4. Jack Linden: Some of you have suggested disallowing the Display Name from matching any previous Username, but as we have used many millions of names for accounts already that would make Display Names very hard to use as most names would be blocked.

    This statement is not true.

    It is assuming that everybody are have last names that are (more or less) english sounding. I realize that some of the last names available when registering may be in use, and even common, in other countries, but the fact is, a lot (about half? maybe a bit less.) of the residents are from non-english speaking countries. 99.9% of these peoples last names will still be free to use. I dare say that none of even the most common names in the country I'm from have ever been available for use as a SL last name. Actually, I've seen a couple, a bit obscure ones. I've never seen one of the more common names in use.

    Further. If all accounts that have not been logged in withing the last two years - effectively deleting all accouonts that was created and abandoned after the first login - is deleted, I imagine you would reduce the number of names taken by 10 million.

    - Luc -


    A couple more things:

    And can you please explain why the new registration process has to ignore the last name field? Why force them to cram everything into a single name field? If I want to register my account as "Fred Murray", and that us unique, why should I have to be known in-world as fred.murray.resident? Why not have "fred.murray" as my unique user name on the things I create? Yes, with the display name they can force it to display as they want. but it would be SO much simpler, and much more compatable with existing scripted content, if the majority of people continued to use the "first name, last name" convention that all current scripts are based on. Allow them to enter data into both fields, and concatenate it with a dot for the user name, as long as that is unique. So new user Fred Murray shows up in legacy scripts as "Fred Murray", and not as "fred.murray Resident". For example, if I wanted to make a fresh account as "Ceera Saito", which is a unique name, and which would allow my unique name as that account to match the surname of my SL Partner, why shouldn't that be allowed? Why should I have to be "ceera.saito Resident"?

    Exactly! I just don't get it. The logical thing to do is to let people choose both the first and last names themselves. Maybe there is something more going on than we are told... Or maybe I'm just being a bit cynical..

    Another thing I don't get; in what way are display names related to the registration process? They are two very different things, as far as I'm concerned, and one is not dependent of the other. They could be developed and implemented independently from each other.

    - Luc -

  6. The stupid blog ate my original post. Grrrr!!!!

    Why these things were not planned and implemented in the first place is difficult to see. I'm convinced all of this came up internally at LL when the feature was discussed and planned.

    I do think it is too little, too late. While the suggested changes are both necessary and good, given the way this will work, I believe it is putting lipstick on a pig when the best thing to do is to get rid of the pig and buy a puppy in stead. That is, given that display names will go ahead as planned, we will see changes like this in the future that only deal with small problems - fixing little things so that the feature almost works - caused by implementing what I see as a flawed feature in stead of redoing the feature itself to make it work well for everybody (you know; Fast, Easy, Fun). The fact still is that they thought it necessary to protect the Linden name, but not anyone elses name.

    Display names will cause confusion if for no other reason than the fact that it moves the one and only unique way to identify others at a glance - the name above someones head - one step away from users. This is not the way to make things easier.

    And how is the registration process related to display names? Why are the two talked about in the same context? It is entirely possible for LL to change the registration to allow users to choose both the first and last names themselves without introducing display names.

    - Luc -

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