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Theresa Ravenheart

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Everything posted by Theresa Ravenheart

  1. I was going to start testing the mobile app, I was added to it and downloaded it but haven't logged in yet on it and now I never will. I live on adult land, I spend 99% of my time on adult land, dressed...or undressed, like an Adult. How are they going to control what people wear/do/say while on mobile? Could I show up on M land that allowed nudity, topless and wearing a g-string while on Mobile? Our clothing and accessories are not "tagged" with a maturity level, like they do in IMVU, so I don't see how they would stop people from dressing/talking/behaving however they like. I get that if they want to be on the Apple app shore, they have to play by Apples rules, but the app is already mostly useless for everyone that lives or spends most of their time on Adult land, before it even makes it out of Alpha.
  2. I have a hybrid avatar, she's cow and human, the eyes are that size/shape/spacing on purpose, to have an animal blank wide-eye stare, but I understand your feedback. And the mouth expression is just one of the built in LeLutka animations, it just randomly fell on that when I took the picture. Thanks for the feedback.
  3. Thanks for the feedback, and I totally get the oversized chest thing, but she's a cow so for her I like it. And she does fall out of the just human territory so it does make it harder, I only have a few fully human avatars but they never see the light of day anymore lol. And thank you! ❤️
  4. That's understandable, the wide and large eyes are because she's a cow (and part human), was going for a stylized animal wide-eye stare. I think I've made 80% of my avatars with large stylized eyes. Thanks for the reply!
  5. I'm super curious about the people that left confused replies to my post, I received mostly 18 and over replies but the 5 confused people let me confused. I would love to hear what confused you, so that I can make things more clear. In that photo I'm wearing an adult body (with adult proportions), adult head, adult skin. and I even have some wrinkles, mostly smile, nose, and crows feet (which don't show much due to my makeup and hair). In what ways do I need to make my adulthood more clear?
  6. So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone.
  7. I have been a child avatar and I also have adopted child avatars in my past, and yes, I loved them and saw them as my kiddo; but I was also aware that they were an adult; that doesn't stop someone from being "your kid". But on the forums, we are all speaking as adults, because that is what we all are. They are not helpless little kids, and shouldn't be infantilized here on the forums. And them being an adult isn't a feeling, it's a fact.
  8. Maybe those are the things that you shouldn't say out loud, cause it sounds hella creepy.
  9. I personally hope LL doesn't budge on the Kids not being allowed on Adult land, because that rule should have always been in place. I do hope that there is a decent solution for the modesty patch, because I don't really see it fixing the problem, it just fixes LL's biggest fear of a reporter or someone getting photos/videos of nude ADULT child avatars doing the nasty with other kid avatars or adults. It's just to protect themselves from that, imo. And, they are not "kids", they are adults using child avatars. Can we please stop coddling them on the forums?? They are adults. Coddle them in your private RP, but here, they are adults and should be treated like and talked to as the adults that they are.
  10. I specifically said "No one can be physically victimized in SL" for a reason, yes, people can approach you and say horrible things; but I'm sorry, that cannot compare to a REAL child being a victim of CSA. It was in response to SpiritSparrow saying "I do have an issue that there are sick freaks who find pleasure in virtually molesting child avatars." One, you are an adult and have the mental facilities to handle that like an adult in the moment, and two, the worst thing that man could to do you was to say really gross and disturbing things. And again, you had the power to stop it, you can leave, block them, or just log off. No one can "physically" touch, control, abuse, hurt, or force your avatar to do things in SL unless you give them that power. Yes, they can say gross and unforgiveable things, but my point was that another avatar cannot "molest" your avatar unless you allow it to happen. I wasn't speaking about emotional or verbal abuse, which can and does happen sadly, but those are also easy and fast to stop with a block. RL victims cannot file an AR and just tp away. I'm not saying what happened to you was not upsetting, it was horrific that someone would do that to you, and I am very sorry it happened.
  11. In my 20 years in SL, no one has never earned a block so fast. Anyways... Nice job missing the point, I was a kid avatar for a few years in SL. Never once did an adult avatar ever approach me for nefarious activities, yet other kid avatars did, and were insta-blocked and AR'd. Also as an adult in SL, my policy now is to block kid avatars on site, wanna know why? Cause I have had them approach me for nefarious activities, and again, I block and report, To save myself the headache, they all just get blocked now so I don't have to deal with it. And I'm not saying all kid avatars do this, or are bad, or don't deserve a safe place in SL because I think they do and I know there are some great kid avatars, but it really pisses me off when people treat them like that are innocent kids on the forums, they are grown adults.
  12. I find this phrase so (not really funny) but funny, "virtually molesting child avatars". They are not being molested, the kid avatars that are participating in these activities are choosing to do so because they are ALSO adults. No one is forcing them into these sick situations, unlike what happens in RL to actual CHILD VICTIMS. No one can be physically victimized in SL unless they want to, be because we are all are fully in control of our experiences, because we can block. mute, teleport away, or log off the second we are uncomfortable. This is not about the "poor helpless kids", the people involved with the age***y scene are not victims tricked into it, they are seeking it out. As a survivor of CSA, I find this insulting and ridiculous!
  13. If the are 17 and under, from what I understand, they are in the same bucket as child avatars, because they are still a person that is using a minor/kid avatar. But that is just my best guess, and it's clearly not clear and mess, because what's the difference besides age/laws between a 17 and 18 year old? It's a mess imho.
  14. I spent years as a kid avatar, never did an adult approach me for sex. Do you know who has asked my old child avatar (separate acct) and my adult for sex? Kid avatars. We don't have cold hard facts or statics, you are just basing it off of your personal experience or bias. And my experience has been different. I ran a dungeon playground before we had rated lands, before the first age***y disaster, do you know who showed up and caused trouble at my adult RP sim? Kid avatars.
  15. And I do, but I would be much more comfortable and happy if my Linden home was on A land, so I could be around others and be able to feel like I live in a neighborhood and not have to stop people from seeing me on my front lawn. Having to hide and block things so people can't see or hear you, to me, defeats the purpose of living in a neighborhood setting. I have a Linden home that is currently setting empty because it doesn't really serve a purpose since I live on an adult island.
  16. I would be head over heels to have a Linden home on Adult land, so I don't have to sanitize myself and scramble to make sure everything is covered up. I hate the idea of being in my home, relaxing in my front yard, and having a kid avatar or family with kids living right next to me, walking by or being anywhere near my home. As much as kid avatars should not (and cannot per the TOS) want to be around adults being naked or participating in adult activities, as an adult, I never want to be around child avatars; no offence to them, but they are insta-blocked for my comfort.
  17. I'm sorry but you are delulu. I'm wearing a collar, a goddess necklace, long nails, and rings, how is any of my jewelry not "adult" or not something an adult would wear? My outfit is a top with a corset and baggy jeans, that's not something an adult would wear?! I don't understand your logic at all. Also I have never been approached or told I look under 21, nor have I ever had issues at any adult sim. I don't know what 13 years around you look like...
  18. Have you thought about the fact that LL can see what you are wearing? So someone reports you, falsely or not, then that starts a review. IF LL finds you wearing items/outfits that do not have bodies/skins that meet the new requirements that you can still be banned; and with everything being said here, anyone could report you. I'm not saying this is going to happen, but it could and the results would be the same, you would lose your account. Let the meeting on May 20th happen and see what rolls out with body/skin updates before your put your little child avatar foot down and PUBLICLY state that you will not comply to the TOS, which you have already done several times! I'm not saying this to pick on you, I don't want anyone to lose their accounts over something that could be avoided.
  19. I avoid them at all costs to be honest, but my point is still made. If I want to leave the comfort of my home, I dress however that land rating expects me to dress/appear. It's not a big deal for me to cover up for 5 mins to run to a store on G land.
  20. It's simple, Adult land is not for RL minors or child avatars, period. It's in the TOS. There is nothing to debate about it. If you want to go to adult land you have choices to make, go as a child av and get banned, throw on an adult avatar, or have your friends meet you somewhere safe and meant for you. Adult land is not and never should have allowed child avatars on it. And the way you keep pushing back on it, makes it look weird; no other child avatars (that's I've heard here) are making stink over that change.
  21. As an adult that is active in the adult and bdsm sides of SL and spends 95% of my time on Adult land, there are expectations that if I visit a G rated sim I have to be dressed PG and remove my fetish gear like my collar/leash (which holds personal value to me), I do not usually dress PG or moderate in any way and I have to conform to the rules of that land. All a child avatar has to do is throw on a free LL provided adult avatar and visit Adult sims if they want; it won't hurt them and it's not a big deal, Don't want to be an adult human, they can go as a Dinkie,, a robot, or anything besides a child avatar. Asking child avatars to not go to Adult land or to dress and appear appropriate if they do go, is not a big deal.
  22. But your "rare" visits are against the TOS now, if you are a child/teen avatar, you may not go to Adult land at all anymore, no matter the circumstance.
  23. I didn't mention or reference Zindra either, I am just talking about any land that is Adult land, in reference to what you said in reply to Scylla: 2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said: The whole POINT of A rated areas is that, in them, you can have sex in the street. 19 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said: Actually no you can't, you can't rezz in the street, but you could have sex on your front lawn, visible from the street 😂 ------------- And that is a false statement.
  24. Depends on the sim, many sims give rez rights to their members and also provide objects with adult animations on the sidewalk, in the park, cafe, or whatever public place they have created on their sim...so yes, yes your can have sex in the middle of the street if you so desire on many A sims.
  25. I submitted this to the Community Roundtable form on May 20th. If your avatar(s) fit into these categories: cartoons, kemono bodies, anime heads, adults in DD/lg or MD/lg dynamics, adults who enjoy dressing kawaii or youthful, individuals who use pet names like Daddy, Mommy, or babygirl, feral humanoids and animals, MLP, or any other adult avatar that could be questioned as "child-like", I recommend that you also submit inquiries to the form regarding how this might affect you, so we can receive clear answers. While I personally do not use child/teen avatars or associate with them, I do empathize with how this situation may impact them, potentially resulting in the loss of their identities and a significant portion of their attire and appearance. Form for questions: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXUzASY9JoiU5tMraxP9LPvmllUS2TlW3jAXIAl49w2VSV2A/viewform My question to LL: My inquiry pertains to the recent updates on policies regarding Child Avatar and age***y. How will this affect consenting adults who utilize adult avatars but affectionately refer to each other using terms such as Papi, Mami, Daddy, Mommy, babygirl, or babyboy, either due to their BDSM dynamic or simply as endearing pet names? It seems that even though they are adults and behave accordingly, there might be a concern of them being identified as child-like based on subjective criteria. As stated in the new terms "In some cases there may be an element of subjectivity as to whether an avatar (or other image) appears to be a minor. Objective factors which will be used to decide include whether an avatar has childlike facial features, is child-sized, has clothing or accessories generally associated with children, and whether, based on the circumstances, an avatar is speaking or acting like a child ("My Mommy says...")". Given that we present ourselves as adults, utilizing adult avatars with adult features and behaviors, will there be repercussions for using common pet names? Additionally, what about adults who incorporate items like pacifiers or diapers into their avatar aesthetics for various personal reasons—would this be considered inappropriate due to its association with child-like attributes? Childlike can be a lot of things, holding a teddy bear, wearing roller-skates, dressing kawaii and girly, having your hair in pigtails, and on an on. Defining "childlike" in the context of adult avatars would greatly assist in understanding where boundaries lie. Furthermore, how will these policies impact adult users who use feral avatars that may possess genitalia? Determining the age of a feral animal avatar, such as a dog, horse, cat, or dragon, presents its own challenges. Consider the communities centered around My Little Pony (MLP) adult avatars. While MLP may be perceived as childlike, what about adults who utilize these avatars in adult-oriented settings, comporting themselves as adults? They inhabit cartoon avatars but exhibit adult behaviors. The same applies to communities revolving around Sonic Mobian, Kemono, Anime, and other adult cartoon avatars. Establishing clear guidelines is essential to prevent misunderstandings. Subjectivity in judgments risks account penalties, hence the necessity for precise and measurable regulations. Additionally, it would be beneficial for Linden Lab to adopt clear guidelines, akin to those of IMVU, regarding modesty coverage for child and teen avatars. These rules should be unambiguous and easily applicable to prevent any ambiguities: https://create.imvu.com/articles/classic/understanding-minimum-coverage-guidelines/#:~:text=To accurately test the coverage,not sheer or transparent
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