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Akane Nacht

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Posts posted by Akane Nacht

  1. besides roleplay, I use it to:

    - check permission settings
    - keep backups of stuff I make
    - test anims
    - quiet account for building stuff/taking pics
    - group member for a private group
    - hide L$ from myself so I don't spend it all in one go (often fails)

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  2. 10 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    Well, either we have a free press, or we don't. Is there some middle ground? How much government censorship is acceptable?

     That does seem to me to be the heart of the matter - if one considers Twitter to be part of the press, and since news sources quote it a lot that's arguably true.

    I see several posts in this thread that seem to be hinting at some sort of code of conduct for people with large audiences to behave in a certain way, almost as if they are elected officials with a sacred trust to keep society peaceful. I'm not actually against that, but the question then becomes, in the cultural and legal context of the US, how would this work? 

    Can't really dodge that question - who will decide what's acceptable to say on social media, and how?

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Istelathis said:

    He of course, has no legal obligation to this matter, and morality being a figment of our imagination can not tie him down as well. 

    Not a figment of our imagination, but our value system, which varies person to person, though it overlaps enough to have a reasonably functioning society (for the most part). Elon will naturally have his own value system, as every human does (assuming he is human 👽)

    3 hours ago, Istelathis said:

    Why wouldn't people care about it though?  Especially people who feel his actions may have an impact on their lives?

    It's not possible to insulate people from weird stuff "influencers" say online - that ship has long since sailed (at least in the Western world). Instead I think it's better to train people from young how to sort the nonsense from the good sense online. Ownself must protect ownself. Otherwise, it's censorship, which comes at a cost as we all know.

    (interesting discussion btw, thank you)

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Istelathis said:

    The problem with Musk is that people take him seriously, as he is in a position of authority and often speaks from a position of authority. 

    Hm.. is he though? He's certainly a celebrity and a successful businessman who makes the news frequently, but he isn't an elected official and is not required to uphold any moral code beyond obeying the law of wherever he's doing business. 

    I've never considered Elon as a thought leader, but more as an eccentric inventor/businessman. Perhaps those (who agree or disagree with him) might want to evaluate why they care so much about his opinion, because at the end of the day, it's just that - his own personal opinion.

    If twitter becomes a vehicle of his own personal opinion, it may succeed or it may fail, but I guess he is a smart enough businessman to know that a one-opinion platform is going to get boring. In real terms, his opinions mean nothing to me - what I'll be watching is his international investments and whether it benefits my country 🙂

    • Like 2
  5. 36 minutes ago, Rilee Dallas said:

    it must be so weird to have billions while millions still die of starvation in this world... if i had billions i would help others with it not buy social media web sites....i'd take a billion and save people starving

    while that is a noble thought, the logistics of it would be pretty challenging.. long term food security poses problems for governments the world over, even those with ample resources.

    also, you do realise that people who are worth billions don't actually have this money lying around in cash. For all we know Elon's purchase could bankrupt him and he has to sleep in his tesla.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    I love when dogs get wound up and excited like that.. hehehehe


    Aaaanyways, I seen this and almost fell out my chair laughing..


    naan violence.. what happens in my house when the restaurant delivers only one piece of kashmiri.. 😏


  7. On 4/24/2022 at 10:45 AM, Silent Mistwalker said:

    I've barely read the first page of the thread, but I have to ask...

    Has anyone (ladies) had a complete stranger (presents male) IM you, start a rather odd conversation with you then start asking you about your sex life with your RL husband? Or am I the only one? 


    thankfully no, but i have had guys suddenly start talking about intimate details of their relations with their rl wives. 


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  8. On 4/24/2022 at 4:42 AM, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

    Well, the topic of "make us laugh" was fun while it lasted.  I suppose this post will become a "debate" as well that turns into a political post, that turns into judging others, that turns into personal attacks.

    not until the internet runs out of memes, programmer humour and dad jokes!



    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    "When I dress like a hooker, I get treated like one". Arielle Popstar, Secondlife

    Regardless whether I am doing it for others or not, I should not be surprised at IM's or other approaches that are a reflection of the particular style I chose that day. To do so denies that human nature exists.

    While I dont do the club look much, I do go to beaches and sure, I'll get IMs when I'm sporting a bikini and I don't mind it. They won't get anywhere with it but I don't resent the attention. So I think you are correct in part.

    On the other hand, I sometimes get explicit comments/compliments while wearing completely unsexy clothes, like a traditional yukata that covers me neck to toe. One time I asked a guy "are you even looking at what i'm wearing?" and he said "nope" 😆

    2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society” Mark Twain

    not so... there was a nekkid motorcyclist that made quite a lasting impression in my country during lockdown 2 years ago! I won't attach pic for obvious reason

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  10. 18 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    ...peers over her glasses at you, shifts to a glare, then shoves a flaming tennis ball into the bell of your saxophone.



    I found a really old photo of me and my sista alt being mysterious at Chou Chou... mostly we did not appear together as it made my computer wheeze, either that or a space time continuum thing...


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