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Paul Hexem

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Posts posted by Paul Hexem

  1. 1 hour ago, brodiac90 said:

    Exactly, we discussed it earlier. IF that is the case then I'm potentially going to lose about 2000 items of clothing. Do the math on how much that is going to cost. 

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Welcome to reality. Sometimes rules or laws change and oops, all our stuff has to be trashed now. Next time burn your money, it'll be faster.

    I guarantee you (people that play kids in SL) support or have supported laws in RL that have done this to people in RL. This change in TOS is no different. You guys are only upset this time because this time you're affected.

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  2. 22 hours ago, Neness Renard said:

    I advise experienced residents to keep old installation files in their archives (Phoenix, Rainbow, Emerald etc...) which will be of greatest help to them in checking inaccessible boxes on Firestorm.

    Oh yeah, that's a great idea. By the way, if you get an email from a Nigerian prince, make sure to give him all your passwords and account numbers too- you can totally trust that guy. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Madi Melodious said:

    Would LL be willing to reimburse us for content lost?  Just wondering.

    1 hour ago, Jaylinbridges said:

    I am only on Page 8 of this topic, and will get thru all the comments when I have time, in days I think.   But this is going to make life difficult for many avatar and clothing designers, trying to satisfy this new "modesty" rule.  Apparently it is retroactive too - so if you bought a teen avatar in the last 15 years, you are probably now illegal if you don't have an opaque  not removable underwear layer on your skin. 

    1 hour ago, Denim Robonaught said:

    So basically any child avi's 10,000s of L$s worth of skins, and bodies are now completely useless because they can't be censored, unless they bring out special bodies that censor every baked skin. I'd call that punishment for being a child avi.

    1 hour ago, Extrude Ragu said:

    Putting aside child avs for a moment. I've always thought this way of thinking is really evil. I've known people in my life who have said similar things, and it has always been to justify something really cruel and unfair carried out to somebody who didn't deserve it.

    43 minutes ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    I thinks this is a great point. If LL is requiring a modesty layer on a child avi then they should provide one for free like the other senra avatars. 

    This is a "welcome to the world" moment for a lot of people, it seems.

    We see in RL laws get passed all the time- some of which you probably applaud- that ban personal property and/or entire hobbies from totally innocent people with no recourse or reimbursement. I've had to turn in legally purchased products for destruction, no reimbursement. I've had legally purchased products be made illegal to use, turning them into three thousand dollar paperweights. I've had to make silly and ridiculous modifications to my property, at my own expense.

    Welcome to "we live in a society". It could be worse.

    • Like 7
  4. 6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    What would one barter to purchase something in Second Life (besides Slex)?

    - Advertising

    - Blogging

    - Trade "in kind" (give the creator a thing they want)

    - Leads of potential customers, vendors, etc.

    - Free or discounted Rent or other Services

    I used to script all sorts of stuff for a club (tip jars, security stuff, timeclock systems, etc) and in turn they gave me a parcel on their region as my workshop. Does that count?

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  5. 17 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Even the most annoying people say something witty and insightful every once in a while.


    5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I know, right? I thought they called that "trolling"!


    1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    This forum has "personalities," of course, and interpersonal dynamics, but I don't feel, personally, that those should be our actual subject.


    • Thanks 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    That's my Rowan...the most important thing to do in a disagreement is to punish the one not on your side!


    2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    What bothers me most...and I've seen in many times on this forum...is making fun of those "special little artist people who think their little creations are so wonderful"....basically denigrating what people create here.  If their stuff is so un-special I have to wonder why the person condemning them wants the content in the first place!

    Likely it's jealousy plain and simple -- they couldn't create something artistic if their life depended on it.

    The real punishment is having seen some of the stuff people in SL create and call artistic.

    • Haha 4
  7. 6 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Maybe we should consider that as a serious question: why might Thunes care about SL? This "partnership", besides guarding both parties from downside risks, just might also be about shared up-side potential. What if, for once, the Lab sticks to its knitting and actually invests in the platform's future, complete with real development and advertising budget? Could the market for a new mobile client (for starters) breathe market relevance into the place? Might there even be a market that moves enough transactions that Thunes values its piece of the action?*

    This really is the question to ask.

    By all accounts, SL is a broken, laggy, outdated mess with already invested users clinging to it and keeping it afloat. It's certainly not growing, it's not innovative anymore, LL insists the servers cost more money now than before... By all rights, it should have been shut down already.

    And yet here we see a company like Thunes spending money to acquire a related LL property and every now and then (see PBR) LL shocks us by adding a feature or improving something.

    It's actually a very strange thing we've got here, from a business perspective.

    • Like 4
  8. 4 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    What's got me shaking my decrepit oldbie fist to the sky is that residents may now only want art as spectator sport, no modification necessary.

    There's nothing wrong with spectator only art. A lot of what we build in SL we want people to come and see and not mess with it (every parcel that's open to the public comes to mind).

    But something you're buying and taking home... In many cases, if it's no mod, it's effectively worthless. It's akin to not being able to adjust the seat in your car.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

    Well then, with your 'talents'  then no-mod should not be an issue for you.

    Oh, well. Just tell LL that it's okay, I'm sure I'll be able to get away with it then.

    3 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

    As far as being anti-consumer, how so?  It's these claims that go on past an opinion on no-mod that becomes offensive.

    What do you mean, how so? "I don't want you rezzing this on your parcel in a way I don't like" is extremely anti-consumer. A creator with that attitude should have an art gallery and charge admission, not sell the art.

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  10. 22 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

    My next big thing: Flying Magic Schoolbuses. I'll be sure Paul and Garnet each get one if I can get them made in less than a decade, lol.

    If it's amphibious, I might even put one out on the water.

  11. 4 minutes ago, gwynchisholm said:

    This is absolutely a dig as a pc nerd, did you really get a tt tower 900 for a conventional, air cooled build with a single GPU?

    This is like buying a humvee to pick up groceries.

    One of the most specifically designed cases for elaborate water cooled hardware showcase builds ever made and there’s like, a 2070 and unsleeved cables in there. Bruh

    When I bought it I had elaborate liquid cooling plans, with dyes and everything.

    Then I just... didn't. And since the air cooling is holding up fine, I haven't been strongly motivated.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

    No it doesn't. It only prevents the end user from fixing it if it does break.

    4 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

    Nothing you do with permissions can stop me from stealing or reverse engineering your product if I really want to (other than scripts, which has been covered already).

    As a matter of fact, a broken, no mod item is more likely to be stolen. I have a mesh head in my inventory from a very prominent creator that has buggy materials on it. I contacted the creator, who said "We've moved on from that version, updates are in the new version." which was not a free update.

    It would be extremely easy for me, if I were so inclined, to turn it into a full perm head and fix it myself. Unfortunately I only like to push the rules, not break them.

    • Like 5
  13. 1 hour ago, Codex Alpha said:

    2) It protects the creation from getting broken

    No it doesn't. It only prevents the end user from fixing it if it does break.

    1 hour ago, Codex Alpha said:

    4) To protect IP or to discourage reverse engineering a product

    Nothing you do with permissions can stop me from stealing or reverse engineering your product if I really want to (other than scripts, which has been covered already).

    1 hour ago, Codex Alpha said:

    6) No matter what, the customer is protected anyway, as the product can be redelivered at any time

    That can be done no matter what permissions are on it.

    The other three are simply anti-consumer, so we're still at "no good reason for it".

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