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Solar Legion

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Posts posted by Solar Legion

  1. Sorry Winslet, any such limitations do not preclude those paying for the parcels telling you - in no uncertain terms - to pack sand and go around their parcels. 

    As others have noted: Despite your interpretation of the ToS, nowhere in the bits you have quoted is any language even suggesting any hard and fast rules concerning security systems and such. 

    There simply isn't. 

    It is phrased as a suggestion. That is the reality. 

    You can disagree with that all you like, it doesn't change much. 

    Now, want to try to change it? File a JIRA entry. Bring it up at a Town Hall even. 

    Stamping your feet in the forum won't help you. 

    • Like 2
  2. Look it's very simple, as stated earlier: If you're not paying for it (in the case of user "owned" or rented parcels), you really do not have a say. 

    Beginning and end of the story here. "Discuss" just how "unfair" that is all you want, no one is required to let you pass through or over their parcel. 

    Oh and before you go getting all bent out of shape over this, I'm simply stating reality here. 

    My personal opinion on the matter happens to be that so long as all you're doing is passing by or using spaces other users have set aside for use by the general user base... You're perfectly fine. 

    You're NOT fine if you're demanding any level of access to a parcel someone else pays for, no matter your reason. You're not fine if you want to restrict what options other users have concerning access to parcels they pay for.

    • Like 1
  3. Sim crossing is server side primarily and has nothing to do with your graphics hardware or Windlight settings. 

    EEP is currently only on the RC servers and only actually functions (fully) for those using the Release Candidate client. 

    Disconnects are (primarily) network  related. 

    Start there. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:


    Almost afraid to ask, but are you talking about 2 different things? I admit I was a bit puzzled about Qie when she used the word "Experience", but took it to be another way of saying teleport.

    ....Edit: Reading about "Experience teleport" on the Marketplace now....


    Sort of.

    What Qie is talking about is using the Experience system to trigger the same Teleport code that is used for Map and Landmark based teleportation.

    The teleporter I linked to does not use Experiences nor does it use the teleport system Qie is talking about. You can use Experiences in conjunction with scripted position change teleporters though.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Alyona Su said:

    So true and sometimes the truth hurts. LOL As I've previously stated, for me, I couldn't care less about the modify permission unless it's something I want or need to modify, in which case then I vote with my dollars. In my above "choice" example, I suppose my real point was this: I spent more for the modifiable version, but if that modifiable version didn't exist I would have spent zero.

    I have always and still see the modify option as a contextual scenario: it doesn't really matter unless you have a need or desire to actually modify something.

    True and it will be quite different from person to person as well.

  6. 1 minute ago, Pamela Galli said:

    What they care about is: price. 

    Most, yes.

    Personal example: I recently swapped mesh body systems (daily driver swap, not total swap) for humanoid types. The one I swapped to does not come with its own head/the creator has not made a head for it. The head recommended by the creator costs almost as much as the rent on my PI 4096 plot (5k) whereas the head line recommended on another forum (1k) - guess which one I have gone with?

    Do I intend to get the 5k head? Eventually, when I can justify the cost. Until then, it sits in my Wish List.

    Perms on the 5k head? C/M/T. Perms on the 1k head? C/M/T.

    One is a royal PITA to color match to the body (1k) out of the box where as the other one -supposedly - can be easily matched.

    Funny that the more expensive one has more restrictions than the cheaper one ... And no, I do not believe for a single second that the added cost has much to do with added work in this instance.

  7. There are so many No-Mod items because - wait for it - the average consumer does not care about the item permissions.

    That's it.

    There's no market force at work here, no creator/merchant catering to any particular clientele on this (despite some here claiming otherwise) .... That's it, that's all.

    Argue about it, protest it heck even get upset about it until the cows come home - it won't change that simple fact.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    This is fascinating. I've always assumed that an important part of the appeal of AFK sex was that, even if the keyboardist of the avatar you were romping with was absent, there was, at least notionally, a real person associated with it. I had thought part of the point was that you were "using" or "defiling" an avatar that actually belonged to someone. And although consent is obviously implied, the fact that they weren't "there" to say "yes" or "no" was part of the point.

    Not my thing at all (and to my mind a bit icky), but I at least understand, at a psychological level, the point of that.

    But I really don't understand the appeal of making it with a bot. It removes the one element that makes sex in SL more appealing than in a FPS gamer: that, at some level at least, you are engaging with a real, flesh-and-blood person at the other end. Here, you get the visuals, I suppose, but not a whole lot else?

    That's not a criticism of those who might find this appealing. I just don't "get" it, personally. It's fascinating, though. There is so much more diversity to human sexuality than we can ever know.

    It appeals more or less to the sort that relies solely on the visual aspect of Second Life - much the same as the AFK sort does actually.

    As far as "consent" goes ... There's a reason why AFK sims are rife targets for certain types of griefer: Consent was given the moment you placed your avatar on the pose system to be "enjoyed" while you're AFK or otherwise occupied. No implication there - you're either there to be used or to use. One or the other.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Shudo said:

    Come on Solar, Don't be a Phil, it doesn't suit you.

    I clearly said public access moderate land, this means clubs and other places that people allow the general public into.

    Behind closed doors allows one to place sexual equipment into one's home, mature land aimed for public access doesn't fall into that policy.

    I'm not "being a Phil" here, Shudo.

    "Public access" is - outside of clubs or other businesses and even parks or similar - a gray area at best.

    A user's home, even one without security, is not "public" or "public access" for example.

    Nothing at all confusing there.

    Now to be a bit clear as to why I responded to your initial post the way I did: 



    By TOS, moderate public land can't have sex stuff out. So yes, if you had a moderate place you MUST only have safe furniture out or risk an AR.

    No mention at all in the post concerning access or even examples given as to your meaning, compounded by the bit in blue.

    Say what you mean in the future - if you mean public venues (clubs, parks, malls and such) then actually put that in your post. Do remember that some of us will go by what is actually in front of us, word for word.

    • Confused 1
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