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Porky Gorky

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Posts posted by Porky Gorky

  1. TDD123 wrote:

    Porky Gorky wrote:

    TDD123 wrote:

    Porky Gorky wrote:

    TDD123 wrote:

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


    A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

    A woodchuck would chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck can’t chuck wood. :robottongue:

    But if a woodchuck could chuck and would chuck some amount of wood, what amount of wood would a woodchuck chuck?

    Even if a woodchuck could chuck wood and even if a woodchuck would chuck wood, should a woodchuck chuck wood? :robotindifferent:

    A woodchuck should chuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood, as long as a woodchuck would chuck wood.

  2. TDD123 wrote:

    Porky Gorky wrote:

    TDD123 wrote:

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


    A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

    A woodchuck would chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck can’t chuck wood. :robottongue:

    But if a woodchuck could chuck and would chuck some amount of wood, what amount of wood would a woodchuck chuck?

  3. Phil Deakins wrote:

    ...., but there's no need to buy more to keep it going becaise it's been my desire to close it as soon as it's no longer worthwhile, and it still is my desire. 

    We should all go in and buy an item every few months just to keep it ticking over so Phil has to keep working. Lets see how long we can drag this out for. It will be the longest wind down in the history of winding down.

  4. Peony Sweetwater wrote:

    Still on that train?


    Nope, finally home now! Took 3 hours to complete a 90 minute journey!.

    Every 3 minutes an automated message played into my carriage apologising for the delay which was the result of snow on the tracks. No snow within a hundred miles of my train. Go figure! The conductor was a miserable **bleep** and wouldn't give us any information. 

    What's more annoying is that 10 minutes after starting this thread the train moved about 1 mile down the track and stopped for another hour in an area where I, and hundreds of other angry commuters no longer had any phone reception so I didn't have the pleasure of reading all your answers to help pass the time.

    Like Pam, I am surprised how international the forum community is.

    This is a good opportunity for all you lurkers who barely post to come out and make yourself known too. We all want to know, where the hell are you and what on earth are you doing here?


  5. Time to get my noob on....

    Hi, my name is Porky. I live in England. I joined SL in Summer 2004 and since then have spent my time mainly building content to sell, as well as completing lots of custom work during the boom/business years. 

    In the small amount of spare SL time I allow myself I am currently on a mission to explore as much of SL that is left as possible before it all goes away.


    Where are you from?

    When did you join SL originally?

    What have you mainly spent your time doing in SL in the past?

    How are you planning to spend your time in SL in 2013?


    p.s. if you think these questions are too personal then feel free to answer just some or none at all :matte-motes-big-grin:


    ETA: by the way, this isn't a research survey or anything....this is Porky, stuck on a train bored out of his tiny little mind.

  6. Phil Deakins wrote:

    Yes. You are the winner. Well done!

    I'm curious to know what effects it had last year though, Leon said it would start to have effects last year. I wonder what they were. I won't ask Leon though, or she may feel picked on.

    Oh there was definitely a powerful effect. The main effect was that anyone with any shred of scientific credibility failed to report anything regarding the approach of a previously unidentified large celestial body.

  7. Gadget Portal wrote:

    Star Trek Online. Star Wars: The Old Republic. Tera. World of Warcraft. Plus dozens of others. These games all have free to play options.


    Customer service is equal for all of their customers. Even the ones that don't spend a dime.


    Of course it is. That is because every non paying customer is a potential future paying customer and customer service and support is a key selling point for any MMO or virtual world. LL seem to have completely forgotten that whilst their competitors have not.

    A company that puts the effort into supporting and communicating with it's userbase will find they receive a lot more dedication from them (the users) in the long term. It also gives a company room to maneuver when the inevitable bugs and problems occur because the userbase has the confidence that the problems will be addressed and an open dialogue will be maintained;

    What is sad is that Linden Lab once had all these key components in place. In the early years both support and communication were great, bug reporting was transparent and regular office hours and support groups were held to address a variety of issues affecting a variety of user types. But the population grew too fast and the LL could not sustain enough staff to support them all, especially after they culled a 3rd of their employees in 2010. Since then both support and communication have deteriorated to the point we are at now. I think they have just given up making anything other than a token effort.


  8. Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

    its just like there is noone in LL offices now.... well, except some forum moderators indeed who seems to be still active....

    I reckon the Lindens have actually decided to work on SL this week as they have made 2 posts in the merchants forum in as many days! Dakota Linden was even brave enough to post under her given Linden name yesterday instead of the generic Commerce Team Linden account they usually use.

    I almost **bleep** in my pants I was so surprised.

  9. Yes I completely agree. 

    Another option would be to create a rezzer based memorial. Could be hosted on say a 256 sqm plot. A bereaved friend comes along, cycles through the list of the departed and hits the rez button for their chosen memorial. Could potentially host hundreds of memorials in a very small space and also pass out copies of the rezzer to others who would be willing to host such a thing on their land. It certainly would not be as impressive as having a full region, but it's got to be better than nothing.

  10. Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    Porky Gorky wrote:


    Sometimes a partnership can work for years in SL but can still end in betrayal if one member of the partnership decides they have had enough. We should never grow too trustful of our SL business partners unless we really get to know and trust the real person behind the avatar,

    You meen like meeting in rl? That does not give you any garantee either. It happens in rl businesses as well that one partner cheats another.


    People from SL who I call friends are people where I experience I have to do with the real person behind the avatar. You cannot see much more in RL by looking someone in the face, then in SL by looking someone in the soul.

    I guess I'm just lucky with the people I meet in SL, so far I have never had any problems or conflicts about money with business partners. I'm not sure I would trust someone to take care of my copyrighted content, but in one way or another it is always happens the other way around, people trust me to take care of their content.

    I cannot think of one thing that could happen to me, that would make I would cheat one of them. The pleasure of working together, of sharing ideas and thoughts, of discussing designs, of being friends beyond the work, sharing joy and sorrow, those are all values no money can buy.


    I guess it is all relative to our life experiences. That generally dictates how trustful you are of people as well as how trustworthy a person is themselves. Comparing how we all trust, or don't trust other people is pointless as we have all come from different backgrounds and have had different experiences relating to trust. 

  11. Leon Bowler wrote:

    was not the beta grid, it was the beta sims in the main grid, 4 huge sandboxes each running a diff server, so i dont think your that well informed.

    Indeed, the beta sims on Agni are very different to the beta grid. The beta sims on Agni are used for pilot rolls for new server versions that have been previously tested on Agni. Each region may host one of 3 different server versions, called LeTigre, Magnum, and Bluesteel. and they use these beta regions for testing and troubleshooting before they do a full or partial rollout to the main grid. Think of the beta sims as stepping stones between the beta grid and the main grid, for server versions.

    I have clearly been here too long. I have no interest in anything server related yet I have this sort of rubbish cluttering up my brain. I am clearly not destroying my brain cells at a fast enough rate....must....try.....harder.

  12. Lay out your whole theory for us then. I know at this point you normally feed us "clues" and tell us to work it out for ourselves and if we can't it's because we all eat too many chips and have fat on the brain and wot not, but I would like to hear what you think is really going on and what the end goal is and how it will be achieved?

  13. Ignoring all the conspiratorial nonsense in the OP, I think my favourite poster has actually stumbled upon a controversial issue that really exists this time. Although he/she has failed to provide any tangible proof, I have heard this cache virus talked about twice recently, in completely unrelated groups discussions. I've not heard of a partition being taken out entirely, but certainly have heard of AV software pinging virus alerts at files in the V3 cache. To my knowledge it has already been reported to LL.

    We should not jump to any conclusions though.

  14. Madeliefste Oh wrote:

    I'm sorry to hear this happened to you, Amethyst. A hard way to learn who your friends really are...

    They made a bad choice. I believe they had been better off with working to together and keeping the partnership good, then with ripping you off, not only in morally.

    Sometimes a partnership can work for years in SL but can still end in betrayal if one member of the partnership decides they have had enough. We should never grow too trustful of our SL business partners unless we really get to know and trust the real person behind the avatar,

    There was a partnership in operation for over 6 years and they owned one of the most successful prefab brands in the history of SL. But after years of trust and working together one of the partners ended up betraying the other and ripping them off for thousands of USD. So even the most successful and seemingly unbreakable partnerships can end in betrayal because the majority of the users of SL always maintain some level of anonymity that allows them to leave SL in any manner they choose, generally without any repercussion in the real world.

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