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valerie Inshan

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Everything posted by valerie Inshan

  1. I'm a bit late in here, but here's the information and link to the new release Lindal-got-from-Karen-which-I-got-from-Karen too! Release Notes for v3.7.25 (299147) - Second Life Viewer March 4, 2015 - A new release to the SL Viewer is out that takes care of this issue and many many others introduced by the last viewer release roll out. Feel free to install this version in advance of the automatic push that will come in a few weeks and test it out. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/ RELEASE NOTE SUMMARY A cornucopia of fixes including, but not limited to: snapshot floater & email de-cluttering dialogs appearance editing rendering performance under some conditions UI & keyboard bugs camera bug in snapshot floater performance build tool link parsing and display behavior crash fixes materials sun position ... and many more for your Second Life pleasure. Follow the link supplied above for the download and the detailed list of MAINT Issues resolved. The annoying no link > issue is resolved as wel as a number of crash on TP and stability issues.. If anyone is having DNS issues out of the Blue, please try this release to see if any resolution if offered to stabilize DNS communication.
  2. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dammit Hippie, I broke another part off my tractor while pushing snow around yesterday. Unfortunately, I know how to stick it back on... Happy Peek of the Week, Kids!!! I kinda of like your new hairstyle, or is it helmet latest fashion? *spreading the new to all F1 pilots*
  3. You can't just add a payout method: you have to add a payment one in order to be able to cash out your L$. The billing information you give work both ways: for payments and for cashing out. To use your PayPal account with Linden Lab, it must be verified and be capable of making instant transfers. Linden Lab does not accept e-check (bank account) payments through PayPal because they cannot be processed quickly enough to match the instant delivery of virtual goods and services. Therefore, LL requires that you have a credit card on file with PayPal as a backup payment source. More about payment and cashing out: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.8 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107#Section_.1 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015#Section_.2.2
  4. I am sorry but your question is hard to understand. It seems it's a Visa card problem but who wants to link what with what and who with who? You may want to post your question in your language. We could use a translator to get an idea of what your problem is.
  5. It might have been caused by the weekly maintenance. If you rent your sim from a private owner, contact him or an estate manager and ask them to restart the sim. If you rent directly from LL, although your sim is not really "down", you may submit a support case and give the relevant information about your region not functioning as it should. How to report an offline region "This region is offline." "The simulator is offline." "Region not available." "We've got a sim down!" No matter how you put it, it's the same thing: sometimes a region will go offline, rendering it inaccessible. The reasons are many and various. The important thing is to report it so that Linden Lab can correct the situation. Note: Remember to check the Status Blog — Linden Lab might already be aware of the issue, in which case we're working to fix it. To report a region as offline, submit a support case. Both basic and premium account holders can submit cases for this particular problem: Under What type of problem are you having?, select Land & Region. Under Land & Region, select Report an offline Region. Enter the region's name and any other pertinent information, such as anything unusual observed before the region went offline Click Submit. Linden Lab will address the report as soon as possible.
  6. In the official viewer, go to your preferences > colors > floater opacity: push the slider to 100% Same in Firestorm: Preferences > colors > Floating Window Opacity
  7. Ce problème a été abordé il y a un certain temps dans ce thread (en anglais) et plus particulièrement dans le lien vers une autre discussion qui s'y trouve. Il semblerait que si un bijou contient ne serait-ce qu'un élément non créé par vous, cela fasse qu'il soit noté "créateur inconnu" quand vous examinez ses propriétés dans votre inventaire, mais pas quand vous le rezzez. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Creation/Unknown-creator/qaq-p/2164273
  8. AT 02:00 AM SLT: When local standard time is about to reach Sunday March 8 2015, 02 h 00 m 00 clocks are turned forward 1 hour to 03 h 00 m 00.
  9. Hippie Bowman wrote: Pie? Yum! Good morning all! Peace! Lol!!! Stomach speaking, eh? Good morning and Wednesday hugs Hippie!
  10. This AO is no copy and it's almost free (1L$). Why bother trying to fix it or contacting the creator? Just send the borked one to the trash and get yourself a brand new version!
  11. It's been an issue for quite a lot of people lately. Let's hope the scheduled billing maintenance which will be performed today fixes that. Otherwise, add your voice to the crowd and file a support case. Scheduled Billing Maintenance [Posted 11:41 AM PST, 3 March 2015] We will be performing scheduled maintenance on our billing system on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 beginning at approximately 9:00 AM PST. While this maintenance is in progress, our billing services, including LindeX and Marketplace, may not be available. Credit card processing may be affected during this time as well. Please continue to check this blog for updates.
  12. Josephine Carissa wrote: Greetings Hippie, Val, Maddy....everyone : ) Happy Tuesday to each and every one of you.....hope everyones week is starting out great..... Hippie, thanks for your reply to my NC....have sent it on to the person running the show : ) Val, Hippie gets all the snacks.....what might you have in the coffee dept. : ) i really enjoy seeing all of your wonderful home design pictures that you post. Maddy, where is one of your pictures : ) Kind Regards, Josephine *waves @ Josephine* Thank you for your kind comments. Since you seem to appreciate these pictures, here's one for you! Hippie hasn't noticed the strawberry pie by the swimming pool so if you would like to have it...
  13. Of course she would not answer that question. As a Linden Lab employee, I assume she must be tied to some kind of confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement. If she has access to residents's RL information would probably depend on what is her job at LL. The billing department, for instance, certainly has access to such information because it's relevant when it comes to CC numbers etc. If your friend's job consists in cleaning the desks and emptying the bins after the working hours... well, she certainly has no access at all to our precious real life details. In any case, it's pretty sure you'll never know! ETA: Just an afterthought... Or she made up the whole story and doesn't work for LL...
  14. You should indeed be able to buy Lindens for 30$ and then your limit will increase with time. Assuming you entered a correct payment method which was accepted by the system, why you can't buy at all would be a question for the billing support. Contacting Linden Lab billing support If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance (not free): 703-286-6277 Billing Support is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week in the US, UK, and Canada and 7 days a week in all other countries listed above.
  15. Attendre. Ou essayer de vous connecter sur une autre région. Nous sommes mardi : c'est le jour de la maintenance hebdomadaire de SL. Toutes les sims dépendant du serveur principal sont redémarrées (et éventuellement réparées), donc indisponibles pendant ce temps. Cela ne prend en général pas plus de 10 à 20 minutes, sauf problème particulier. Donc, encore un petit peu de patience !
  16. ¿Podría haber permitido RLV? Tal vez usted está usando algo que controla su apariencia de avatar y sus movimientos. En la Firestorm, vaya a Preferencias> General> Firestorm: desmarque "permitir RLV" (esto requiere un reinicio del visor). Vuelva a iniciarlo (preferiblemente en otra región) y ponga lo que es su aspecto habitual (la piel, la base del pelo, los ojos, el pelo y la ropa). Buena suerte!
  17. Sorry if it sounds obvious, but did you go to Me -> preferences -> General set away timeout to never ? As a sidenote, does this happen if you switch to Firestorm? Maybe you can give it a try. In Firestorm it will be: Communicate > Online Status > Away or Unavailable. Uncheck that, log out Firestorm and log back to the SL viewer. It's just a guess to say the truth. I don't know if your status will be saved from one viewer to another...
  18. Essere bannita da un club è completamente diverso da essere bannita da SL. Un proprietario di un club (o proprietario di un gruppo e di un padrone di casa) può scegliere di vietare ed espellere chi vuole, per qualsiasi ragione o per nessuna ragione al mondo. E lui non è obbligato a spiegare la sua scelta. Ci sono molti altri club (Voodoo è solo uno dei molti Blues club). Basta andare ad altri club e continuare a divertirsi!
  19. Ciao Rosy! Sapere quanti di tempo LL vi darà una risposta è difficile. Essi prenderanno il tempo di rivedere le transazioni e movimenti del tuo conto per determinare se una violazione dei Termini d'Uso o transazioni fraudolente de L$ sono state fatte. Si noti inoltre che le operazioni contrarie alle regole di utilizzo di SL possono essere stati commessi da persone diverse, per esempio condividendo lo stesso indirizzo IP come voi, o anche una persona della vostra casa. Buona fortuna! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/quot-Accesso-non-riuscito-Non-si-pu%C3%B2-accedere-a-Second-Life-da/qaq-p/2909827/comment-id/26727#M26727
  20. Questo messaggio di errore potrebbe essere anche visualizzato come: Accesso non riuscito. Non si può accedere a Second Life da questo computer. In genere questi messaggi indicano che Linden Lab ti ha bloccato dall'accesso ai server di Second Life a causa di: Casi di frode documentati Uso di Second Life da parte di una persona minorenne Abuso palese L'attività potrebbe essere causata da altre persone nella stessa abitazione, non necessariamente con il tuo account. Se ritieni che si tratti di un errore, invia una richiesta di assistenza attraverso il portale dell'assistenza. Per aiutare l'assistenza clienti a determinare quali blocchi sono stati attivati e il motivo, includi nella richiesta il nome del tuo account di Second Life e di altri che accedono dallo stesso luogo. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Base-conoscenza-italiano/Accesso-non-riuscito/ta-p/1538337
  21. Good morning Hippie and happy Tuesday to you! I've been thinking a lot about your raids in my kitchen: it is very unfair to you I changed my fridge and rezzed one with no food in it. I'll get one overloaded with treats for you my dear friend. Hugs you all up!
  22. I put my avi to bed in the most comfortable foetal position, turned my settings to midnight and switched off the lighs.
  23. Qu'entendez-vous par "invisible" ? Si vous ne voyez pas du tout votre avatar (même pas un petit nuage de fumée), il se peut que vous soyez bloqué en "mouselook". Eppuyez sur "Esc" pour revenir à une vue normale. Si cela ne marche pas, il vous suffit sans doute de quitter SL et de vous reconnecter. Au cas où vous seriez sous la forme d'un nuage (blanc ou orange, selon le viewer que vous utilisez), vous subissez ce que l'on appelle un "bakefail". Suivez les instructions dans ce lien. Elles proviennent de l'équipe de Firestorm mais marchent pour tous les viewers. Désolée, c'est en anglais, mais aidez-vous d'un traducteur pour en comprendre les grandes lignes. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail
  24. Error 500 means Internal Server Error. You may delete your browser's cookies and clear its cache and see if this helps. Clear your browser's cache. If there's a problem with the cached version of the page you're viewing, it could be causing HTTP 500 issues. Note: Internal Server Errors are not often caused by caching issues but I have, on occasion, seen the error go away after clearing the cache. It's such an easy and harmless thing to try so don't skip it. Delete your browser's cookies. Some 500 Internal Server Error issues can be corrected by deleting the cookies associated with the site you're getting the error on. After removing the cookie(s), restart the browser and try again. http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbyerrormessage/a/500servererror.htm Switching to another browser might help too. Avoid IE: it does'nt work well with SL websites. Give a try to Firefox or Chrome select one of them as your default browser, then check "use my browser" in your preferences > setup.
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