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Samm Florian

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Blog Comments posted by Samm Florian

  1. Hear hear about Viewer 2!  But it's also good that there are a variety of third-party viewers as well, which foster innovation and let more people experience SL in a way that works best for them.  It would be easy for LL to get into a "cold war" and try to force everyone into using the official viewer, and it's a very good thing that that hasn't happened.

    Also, remember that people join and play in SL for such vastly different reasons, that it's dangerous to make assumptions about what residents want.

    And oh yes, come visit the Steamlands, because they are the best!   (Caledon, New Babbage, Winterfell, Steelhead, Steeltopia,....)

  2. Yeah, I should have been more specific: since there's only two buttons I ever use in the Camera Window, I'd rather boil them down to a tiny little toggle button somewhere in an attached HUD, rather than keep the whole camera window open (because it is big).  (And if the Camera window is closed, it takes two clicks to switch to Front View or Rear View.)  But I haven't figured out how to script the camera so that it always stays in front of me and facing back at me, even when I move.   (Oh, I could do it with a timer and a series of adjustments, I suppose.)

    Hmm, I wonder if the Camera window can be skinned?

  3. The Viewer2 Camera Controls were a blessing for me, of sorts, as they encouraged me to learn how to control the camera via keyboard; using the control panel seemed like such a newbie thing to do.   The only time I use the Camera window now is to get a "Front View", and if I could only figure out how to get that functionality in a HUD, I could banish the menu from my bottom bar entirely.

  4. I use what I suppose is the original TinyCam, which is free (least, that's how I got it); it's handy for playing short humans as well as tinies.  I upgraded it a bit to use a different setting when I'm seated or when I'm sitting.

    The Front View is great; it's the only button I use in the View menu.  Is there any way for a script to emulate Front View (I can't seem to figure out how), or can it be given a shortcut via a skin?

  5. Sorry; I know nothing about graphics cards.   I've got a MacBook Pro with a NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, whatever that means.

    For posterity, maybe I should be specific about what it "fixed": if I'm in a building with semi-transparent walls, and create a semi-transparent cube inside, then that cube initially appeared invisible whenever the two textures overlap.  When I checked "non-deferred", the cube became visible again.

    That bug was driving me a little nuts, and I never would have looked in the Develop menu if it hadn't been for your comment, so thank you very much!

  6. For people who'd like a little more configurability in Viewer 2, may I suggest the Starlight skins?


    Smaller sidebar, draw distance slider on the main screen, different color schemes, inventory button in the bottom bar, some additional preferences and menu items...well, just go to the website and look at the list.  It can't fix everything, but it is handy.

    (I also like to modify the skins so that "(no copy) (no modify) (no transfer)" are replaced with the shorter "!C !M !T"; if that appeals to anyone I can tell ya how to do it.)

  7. I guess it's sad, but it's how things work most of the time: competition spawns innovation.  What *would* be sad would be if LL were trying to suppress the TPVs and there was some sort of cold war going on.  But fortunately that's not happening, and I think the cross-pollination and the ability to choose are wonderful.

    (The corresponding Holy War, however, I could do without.)

  8. I've posted a new feature request on JIRA asking that speakers' names in chat be highlighted; if you agree, pop over and vote.


    At the very least, they should put colons after the names; currently it looks like this:

    Samm Florian Hi there, how are you?

    Bob Smith I am fine thanks.

    I have a goofy name what are you doing?


  9. I may be confused because I've been using the Starlight skin, but when I used Viewer 2.3, the names in chat were always in a different color from the text, while in this beta the names are in the same color as the text.  True?  If so, I'd request that the 2.3 style be made available as an option (even if just for skinning); it lets me scan through a chat for particular names.

    (On second thought, this may already be possible, so I should have started by asking if there's a way to do it, before making a feature request for it.)

  10. Fair enough.   So tell me about this "spoon"; what's so special about 1.23 that puts 2 to shame?  Why should I switch?  (I know this thread covers a lot of it but most of the discussion is from the other direction, what people hate about 2 instead of what they like about 1.23, and it's hard to tell how much of it is just "this is what I am used to".  For example, I don't mind the sidebar.)


    Can I install and try out 1.23 without losing any data?

  11. As a newbie who's only ever used the v2 viewer, I laugh at the people who say it's "unusable".  Not as good as the previous version? Sure, that's possible.  Unusable if you're used to the previous version?  I'd definitely buy that.  But I've been here a month and haven't fled in horror-- in fact I've spent way too many nights up until 2am-- so it's definitely "usable".

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