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Rc Rexen

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Everything posted by Rc Rexen

  1. It does look like the Lindens are changing the account dashboard. When I click on premium account I see this now. I do not remember seeing that before.
  2. I finally created a free ALT account. The only thing I did was remove a payment method that was not used anymore from my premium account. I also noticed that I had to put in the code and check my email to activate the account. I did not have to do that before when I created a free ALT account. Not sure but I think before it was putting the free ALT accounts in with my premium account.
  3. No payment information on file Linden Dollar Balance US Dollar Balance L$ 0 USD 0.00 Saved Payment Methods You have no payment methods on file.
  4. Dashboard said basic $9.95 one time charge. I cancelled both the basic ALT accounts after I saw the one time charge. The accounts also said upgrade to premium. The advertising pitch to get you to upgrade. Your current plan: Basic Membership Upgrade To Premium Today! Your billing rate: USD 9.95 Basic
  5. Thank you everyone for the information. Very informative. Now I know what to do.
  6. The two basic ALT accounts were made 4 days apart from each other.
  7. The fee of $9.95 is in the dashboard for the ALT basic account. I did use the same e-mail for my premium and 2 basic ALT accounts. I am the only one in the house on one router. I also do not use sharing on my computer..
  8. After making a second basic ALT account I saw a one time charge of $9.95 on the account. I have 1 premium account and created 2 basic ALT accounts. I did not know about the $9.95 charge. The first ALT basic account had no charge and was free. After I created the second ALT basic account it said there was a one time fee of $9.95. I read the pricing for SL accounts and yes it does say the Lindens can charge for multiple ALT basic accounts.
  9. Thank you Emma. I think that might have fixed the problem. I saw a few i/m's in local chat that had gone to my email about a week ago.
  10. I have started to have a problem with objects sent to me while I am offline. I have messages sent to my email when I am not online. I will get a message that will say you have received so and so object from whoever, sign in to except or refuse this item. When I login there will be no message telling about an object sent to me. Not sure if this is happening while I am in world. Has anyone else had this happen? Rc Rexen
  11. Hello Charolotte, You are correct in saying one or the other. openGL and everything you need is in version 11.7 drivers. There is no need to install anything else. You can use just the version 11.7 drivers or just the beta preview drivers. From what I read on the ATI web site version 11.8 has the updates for openGL but I could be wrong. You are very welcome and glad that I could help. Rc Rexen
  12. Hello Charolotte, I think I might be able to help you with your questions. The link provided is for beta drivers for ATI video cards. They are beta so they might help performance or maybe not. I rolled back my video drivers to version 11.7 and there was no difference from the version 11.8 video drivers. I think you know there is the v3.0 slviewer and also a beta v3.0 slviewer and not v3.0 slviewer drivers. I like to uninstall the video drivers before I update to newer drivers. I use the uninstall in the control panel to remove the drivers. Rc Rexen
  13. Thanks Drager. I updated my video drivers to version 11.8 when I saw there was an update. Performance seems the same with 11.8 and11.7 drivers. If you set the antialiasing to 2x there will also be an increase in performance for slviewer2. I also uncheck the anisotropic filtering in slviewer2. Rc Rexen
  14. Hi Velk You might need the flash player for other browsers. I needed to install it for the Damani media viewer I use. It seems like you just have the activex plugin for the browser. The version for other browsers will install a flash player that is not an add on for the browser. Rc Rexen http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/
  15. The land fee chart Cost Sq. Meters Amount of Land USD 195.00/ month 65,536 Entire Region USD 125.00/ month 32,768 1/2 Region USD 75.00/ month 16,384 1/4 Region USD 40.00/ month 8,192 1/8 Region USD 25.00/ month 4,096 1/16 Region USD 15.00/ month 2,048 1/32 Region USD 8.00/ month 1,024 1/64 Region USD 5.00/ month 512 1/128 Region USD 0.00/ month 0 0/128 Region I have a Linden home. I do not own any other land. I have no land fees. I have used the 0/128 Region.
  16. Hi Linera You get a free Linden home but that goes toward the 512sqm of land. If you buy a 512sqm lot on the mainland now you have 1024sqm of land. The $5 is the cost for the extra 512sqm over the 512sqm you get with no fees. Look in your account at the land manager section then the land use fees and it shows what you pay in fees for the different size of square meters of land. Rc Rexen
  17. Hi Jiipsy You can take all your body parts and drag and drop them into the new folder you created for your old avi. Even if you have some body parts in a folder you can drag and drop that folder into the folder you created. Rc Rexen
  18. I had a thought that it would be nice if the Lindens could take the Quad Linden home and detach it from the other three and make it a single standing home. I do not mind the neighbors being right next door on the other side of the wall but it would seem to be more private. Rc Rexen
  19. After choosing multiple style homes and doing the abandon and pick another home I prefer the Meadowbrook sim and my second would be the Tahoe sim. I have tried almost all the homes in the Meadowbrook sim except the Mountainview style. I like the Loftroom because of it's size and you can fill it up nicely with furniture. Most people seem not to prefer the Quad but I do like it the best because of the large open area inside and where the windows are placed. I also find it easy to decorate and does look very comfortable and cozy when furnished. After picking out the furniture I like and moving things all around I usually have about 25 to 23 prims left. My choice for a home in the Tahoe sim would be the Aspen. Rc Rexen
  20. I think what the Lindens are doing is giving new members something to work with and see what second life is like. The furniture is nice and comes from a well know store The Loft. I have bought furniture that was not as good as the furniture premium members can get now. I like the idea of the sandboxes for premium members. There is more room to work in and not people building around you and on top of you. When I started in second life I had no free house, no free furniture and was difficult to find a good sandbox to work in without being crowded or so many scripts running there was a lot of lag. The only thing when I started second life was a 512sqm lot I could buy, yes buy with no fees. I agree with a few others here that if the homestead prices came down I would really like to own one. My own land and privacy and that would be nice. Rc Rexen
  21. The updated release for cool vl for mesh is v1.26.1.2
  22. thank you so much nelly. it is in the "disable camera constraints"
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