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swedishfox Ghost

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Everything posted by swedishfox Ghost

  1. I, Swedishfox Ghost, who have been a member of Second Life for half of its life, detest the new changes to new usernames. you may think it is not a big deal, you'll assume I'd be running V2 and see display names. the ugly fact is that, it is a big deal, and I do not use V2, I do not see display names, all I see is a first name that has the second half "resident". as a business owner its easy to help out a customer with an issue, but I see it as if blahblah resident has a problem, I'd have a harder time remembering individual people who have individual problems with anything of mine. the other problem is, blahblah resident would be less unique compared to me or any other older resident. ever since in closed beta, Second Life users always had a first and last name, for almost a decade without issue, why change that? if you think this is some pointless ramble, have you've noticed there was major bugs for the new "residents"? some not only couldn't login in world, but also could not login to the browser portion of Second Life to seek out why they cannot login. slowly as time goes, there's a high chance that we'd be over ran with blahblah resident, then run out of first names to use. another example of why this is bad, say a greifer used "Chad resident" then gets banned, a legitimate user would later find out that "Chad resident" is already taken, and banned, if the old name system was still in place, "Chad ghastly" would be banned, and the legitimate user could sign up with "Chad nelson". I, as a old time resident, do see a major problem with this, and the old name system needs to stay, would anyone else stand up and agree with me?
  2. yeah, i think my text would be extremely hard to read
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