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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. sky fell, we learned teh cause of it this time. so we was a bit better prepared. I didnt head rush into things without verifying and another person said the same.
  2. Just for those curious https://www.digitalattackmap.com/#anim=1&color=0&country=ALL&list=0&time=17834&view=map
  3. But I'll stop discussing it, I got my head put in the sand the other day because of it.
  4. mm maybe, posted a link above and then I've got people playing it right now and been watching a few places discussing it. north american servers are getting smacked bad right at the moment for bdo.
  5. here guys https://massivelyop.com/2018/10/30/black-desert-ddos-attacks-south-korean-lawsuit-and-halloween/ Notice the date.
  6. with the current DDOS happening on black desert online, it's jammed up traffic on a whole range of ip's. we have to wait for it to slow down or die off. only way LL servers will see our login traffic.
  7. the hamsters! we need to feed the hamsters!
  8. *walks up and pets asadora on the head and puts a cookie in their hand " It'll be okay little buckeroo"*
  9. wonder if the lab is using cloudflare yet... cloudflare in the past I've seen them get reddit out of the hole within mintues.
  10. target for the last 5 days and updated in the last 21 hours is black desert online.
  11. if the services CANT get traffic in, which is what happens when you range attack like they are, then you cant login, the servers cant see your legit traffic, all they get is what is being thrown at them and No, LL is not going to give people money just like that. I'd be rich after 11 years if they did. plus if they gave us that, they'd have to tag it as not being able to be cashed out.
  12. okay services are coming back up and logins seem to be respond. word of advice if this is like the other day. then it could happen again and again and again.
  13. government means the lindens, then sure. if you mean the USA government, there is nothing they can do to mitigate this, without putting everybody behind a great firewall and we are not going the china route.
  14. it's not Us that is only getting it. most of the traffic is hitting black desert online, this is confirmed by a few other people watching this besides myself this time. it's a ranged attack, it's sucky.
  15. that's if you have enough open ip addresses and if you have a setup like cloudflare does. ugh, 30 years online between bbs/internet, nothing really ever changes when people get upset and decide a service needs hit and then now, they just hit a whole range of ip's and that takes down more than just what they were after.
  16. watching the traffic on that, is nuts. california is getting twap'd hard right now.
  17. does not work like that. please learn what a DDOS is.
  18. https://threatmap.fortiguard.com/ is what I am using to watch, I'm not reporting on it tonight, I didnt see anything the other night so feel mmm stupid I do.
  19. because when the jerks on the internet decide to take down a service which seems to be black desert right now. they take out a whole range of ip addresses, even if they have nothing to do with the service. denial of service attack.
  20. I started this thread sunday just because we were facing the same issue.
  21. I am seeing reports of North American Black Desert Online being ddos'd at the same time as this is happening. so o.o
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