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Rene Erlanger

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Blog Comments posted by Rene Erlanger

  1. That's the problem , i refused to ever use LL's viewers cobbled together by outsource Ukranian coders . That will be the very last change i ever make in Second Life .....and it will have to be over my dead frozen avatar body! .

    The last 2-3 years i've been using TPV viewers and will continue down that path to the very bitter end!

  2. So here we go again.....Linden Lab once again "gaming" it's own in-world Search, not content to divert traffic away from in-world stores to MarketPlace (which is currently broken with a borked Keyword filtering system)....we have Sea Linden & her Search Dev team once again implementing a heavy bias towards Parcel size.

    So folks, if you happen to own a small to medium size business in Second Life, you might as well pack up your business up into your Inventory and tier down.....you're already losing TP traffic to Markeplace & inadequate Classifieds & Events listing system and what percentage remains in-world will invariably go the large plot/ Sim size establishments sitting at the top of the Search tree.

    Linden Lab makes no effort to stopped gamed traffic through bots or sploders used on some of these Sims......so they might as well reversed that particular policy as it isn't worth the paper it's written on.

    If there is one thing I'd like to see Rod Humble do at Linden Lab....it would be to ditch their Tao concept and that he starts reigning in some of these loose cannon employees who institute their own policies or decisions onto the platform without prior Management agreement or guidance.

    The system & it's marketing tools should be fair (not biased in favour of any section of the community or parcel ratings) . As SL business owners we need a stable and consistent performing Search engine and all it's components (including Events, Land Sale, Classifieds, Groups & People Search) and not one that is changed by Sea Linden and her team every couple of months. It's a nightmare for a business to spend time optimising so they are seen in Search....only to bumped off a few weeks/ months later, with yet another change to the Search's algorithms.

    We as Business owners have better ways of spending our login time than playing a "cat & mouse" game with Search Dev team, trying to comprehend their latest tweaks.

    Please please Rod.......reign in these rogue employees! If they can't work under a stricter and more controlled environment......there's a massive unemployment line to pool from. I find it totally bizarre that employees can turn up for work, and then decide on what area / task they'd like to work on any given day! Where's the plan or it's structure?


  3. If you want clues as to how Linden Lab is being run as a company....read the comments of ex-employees (22) & current....it might help answer some of the questions being posed on this blog.




    Just a juicy titbit from an ex-employee---->

    "- Hopefully, the layoffs and Philip coming back have been humbling.  Virtual reality isn't the big thing anymore and money and publicity  aren't seeking you. You have to seek it! Create a marketing and sales  department for godsake.
    - Hire people or utilize people who actually  use your product. I was a Second Life user before coming to LL but few I  worked with were very interested in using it!


  4. That's a kind of moronic reply. Are you type of customer that accepts a mediocre service ? What if your electricity was shut down due to a fault or your ISP or Cable TV or Teleplone landline went offline for a day or two .....would you just sit there and accept it? I guess if you come into SL to socialise and dance....then everything in your virtual world must be perfect!

    A lot of people have invested time and money on this platform....they have a right as a customer to complain if the service doesn't stack up. There are several areas that LL are truely lacking and need to improve.


      Cathy Foil x  says

    Rene you are a very interesting person.  On one hand you criticize other people who compare SL business practices with other platforms like IMVU.  Then in the very next paragraph you compare SL to other platforms inferring that LL should have done what those other platform have done.

    By the way I thoroughly  enjoyed the YouTube video link you provided.  Thanks!



    The parts i disagree with you regarding IMVU are specifically shutting down shops & malls in Second Life.....thats is the heart & soul of SL, particularly during the earlier years.

    If anything i would argue that Marketplace needs to be toned down a bit and not marketed so vigorously by LL. They can live alongside each other....but not to the detriment of in-world activity,

    I don't necessarily disagree with your other points....i.e giving Noobs some initial spending money. They can effectively get Linden homes for free from LL once you discount the Premium fee with stripends received.

    I said LL should have spent money on Advertiising (any company can)......I didn't say they need to make changes to their platform or its design.


    Rene Erlanger  says

    Nope, we're SECOND LIFE, not IMVU...nor do we want to be a copy of it. Despite LL's inability to make the right decisions & strategies over the last few years.....Second Life is still a superior and better product than IMVU.

    Cathy Foil x  says

    Rene not being willing to look at how and why another very similar virtual community, which is thriving and growing, is being as closed minded as LL has been to your ideas.


    Cathy, I have been referencing IMVU for months now in forums & blogs. I opened an account over there last year, i've had a look around...as well as their Catalog website. I've actively engage with some of their Content Creators on their forums and on external IMVU related blogs.

    I've stated before, that LL was not being innovative by creating this new Marketplace shopping site....the blue print was taken off IMVU's Catalog.

    As to why i reference IMVU initially, is due to its succcessful growth over the last 3 years.....signed-up accounts grew 597% in that time.....and it also shot pass LL's concurrecy figures. A lot of that growth is attributable to the way that company effectively advertised across the Internet (banner adverts) for nearly 2 years.

    So Cathy.....i think i'm well aware of IMVU and what it has to offer.



    Luna Bliss x  says


    All of life is a game because we all structure our reality in some way, with our own rules and concepts of winning/losing/competing/how to experience - even if we are only competing against ourselves or our own standards.

    The notion of 'games' in modern times seems to have a negative connotation - as if they are 'less than' - so I can see why there is such a resistance to the idea of SL being defined as a game. That seems strange to me however, as my definition of 'game' includes all of reality - a game is simply a more structured reality,and every person on the planet structures their reality in some way. Furthermore people can learn a lot about themselves and derive benefit from roleplaying and participating in games, sometimes even in the so-called 'mindless' games.


    If your 1st paragraph refers to real life.....

    Depends how you see real life as...some might call it a game....some might call it a struggle. I guess for the 2 billion living below the poverty line....survival is the name of the game. Figures on actual starvation or the less severe condition of undernourishment currently affects about 925 million people, or about 14 % of the world population.....what game would that be?


    However, at the same time the number of people currently using IMVU or WoW isn't something that should be totally ignored either.  Because while that figure is irrelevant to the health of SL, it's not irrelevant to the market demographics both systems share.  So it's likely something to be considered and as Cathy states, LL might want to take a look at IMVU to see if they can glean any gems.

    But then... we are their customers, sitting here telling them exactly what we want... and they're obviously not paying attention (nor have they for 7+ years now).   So if they choose to ignore a goldmine of information that other companies would actually pay for... I don't think they're going to care much what IMVU is doing either.   This is not a company that seems to care about anything beyond its own opinion.


    its comparing apples with orange regarding the type of platforms they all are.....but why IMVU was brought up? ....and you can also add WoW, Habbo Hotel & Everquest too.They all managed to grow their user bases during the recession (i.e since 2008)....and Second Life didn't.

    They all spent money on various forms of marketing (WoW -TV & Internet ads, IMVU Internet banner adverts, Habbo Hotel internet banner adverts, Everquest has Sony WW marketing).....Linden Labs by contrast spent very little on direct advertising & marketing

    You (LL) reap what you sow


    Wayfinder Wishbringer x                                          

    Uh, no Rene.  You may want to go back and re-read... carefully.  I was telling you in fact, that the presence of an on/off button does not define whether or not something is a game... and was using a reverse-logic reply to drive that point home. An on/off button has nothing to do with whether or not something is a game, and is in fact counter-argued by an older statement I made that some games don't have a specified end, but just keep going.  ie... no on/off button.

    Set and point. ; )


    .....but you didn't...i merely mentioned Power on/off button as being the difference between real world and a virtual world....that's it. ....but you then wrote, taking particular joy of thinking you prematurely caught me out (which you didn't by the way) with the following comment


    Wayfinder Wishbringer x                                          

    "he  difference is a Power on/off button away!"

    Uh,   Second Life has a power on/off button.  Thus by your definition...  it's  a game.  (Sorry Rene... didn't you see that one coming? ;D


    The bolded....is your definition! ,  Feel free to point out  where i wrote anywhere on this blog that it makes it a game!

    Game, set & match!


    Wayfinder Wishbringer x  says

    In fact  millions use computers at work to perform their duties....yes the same  Power on;/ off button needs switching.....surely you can't classify a  working enviorment a Game too??

    Hey, I didn't make the original analogy. ;D

    well let me refresh you memory


    Wayfinder Wishbringer x  says

    "he  difference is a Power on/off button away!"

    Uh,  Second Life has a power on/off button.  Thus by your definition... it's  a game.  (Sorry Rene... didn't you see that one coming? ;D


    i'm afraid you set yourself up for that one........because by your definition (not mine).....anything to do with switching the Computer On/ Off power automatically infers that activity becomes a GAME.

    I pointed out the many other uses of a Computer that are non-GAME related.

    You lost!


    Within Second Life you can have Entertainment activities.  That doesn't mean Second Life is an Entertainment system.

    See?  Same counter-logic to your own logic.  Trying to state that Second Life is Entertainment but not a game is a self-defeating argument. The statement can be easily reversed to prove the opposite.


    Once again............ going to the Cinema to watch a Movie is a form of Entertainment.......going to the Cinema to watch a Movie is not a Game !

    See the difference?

  12. Not really Wayfinder....i use that same Power on/ off  button to read and compose Emails....that is not a game either! Nor is surfing for information on the Internet a game.. you argument holds little merit. Sorry!

    In fact millions use computers at work to perform their duties....yes the same Power on;/ off button needs switching.....surely you can't classify a working enviorment a Game too??

  13. Real World  and Virtual World ......Real Life and Virtual Life.......would you consider the Real World/ Real Life a game? I wouldn't!.....the difference is a Power on/off button away!

    Large sections of Second Life is a mirror of Real Life.....we can do most things here that could be done in the Real World. The overwhelming majority of products sold in an out of SL are copies based RL items.

    Nope Second Life is not just a game ...as Real Life isn't a game either"!


    Wayfinder Wishbringer x  says

    It is a virtual reality game.  People "play" Second  Life.  It has its tools, its rules, its social aspects and rewards just  like any game.  It's a game.  Sure, it's more complex and more intricate  than just about any other game I've seen, but bottom line, regardless  of the semantics and folks who passionately scream otherwise... Second  Life does indeed fit the definition of being a game.


    I disagree with that statement....I see Second Life as a 3D Virtual World which includes User content and an Economy.....within that enviroment you can have Games, Combat zones, Entertainment (clubs & dancing), Shopping, Art, Educational Facilities (Universities & Colleges) and Roleplay etc etc,


    Actingill Igaly x  says:

    The answer in my opinion is not to dumb down SL.  Instead we should have 2 viewers: one for free accounts that allows basic sl functions and inventory; and one for premium account users (creators), that has all the functionality of the current viewers. 


    I've been suggesting that for years (at least 3).....but it's too logical, so unlikely LL would ever adopt it



    Cathy Foil x  says


    I know  these idea seem radical especially number three but if you really think  about it creating a world where the emphasis is on the enjoyment of the  consumer will benefit the content creators which will them benefit LL.


    Nope, we're SECOND LIFE, not IMVU...nor do we want to be a copy of it. Despite LL's inability to make the right decisions & strategies over the last few years.....Second Life is still a superior and better product than IMVU.

  16. I read the full transcript, i didn't see anyone being disrepsectful, unless that transcript has been doctored.

    To be honest i didn't find the content of that meeting very useful....i think I saved myself an hour. The smaller "user groups" might end up being more productive in future.


    There lies our problem....leaving the LEGAL team to decide those filtered words & ratings!


    The most significant comment thorughout that entire OH meeting was this, which is something i read elsewhere as regards to "Safe Harbor of ISPs"------->

    Pauline Darkfury (pauline.darkfury):

    "One thing to ask the legal  team about, Brooke, is the issue of when you have taken "editorial  control" and thereby lose the protection of just being a hosting/comms  provider. They should look up the precident set in the dual action in US  court against Prodigy and Compuserve in the 1980s over adult content on  USENET. Prodigy lost due to having attempted to filter (being deemed to  have accepted editorial control) and failed. Compuserve won by making  very little attempt to control it, just basing it on self-rating by end  users and reacting to any complaints received. If the same precident was  to be applied in legal action over SLM, the filter could actually  increase LL's liability."



  17. yep Daniel...i realize my mistake, regarding synchs between the Viewer and Server....completely forgot about that. I was thinking more around the UI and Viewer features.

    Although they could provide access to the TPV to that server code.....why not?. They allowed a group of out-sourced Ukrainian developers in the development of V2...they must have gotten sight of the Server code.....no?

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