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BilliJo Aldrin

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Posts posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. One gets a much clearer understanding of a person simply by looking at their profile


    "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past." ~ Napoleon Hill

    using the grid just as  a game, not seeking anything in here.

    celebrating over a year of freedom from SL vices, Let Go and Let God !

     let me make it clear  NO SEX!


    Its obvious now that bebejee had spent over 3 years wallowing in perversion, but now that he's free he doesn't want evil adult landowners to lead him into temptation again. Of course hes not mature enough to practice self control, he want God, Linden Labs and land owners across the grid to do it for him.

  2. 4 hours ago, bebejee said:

    LOL! there are RL kids on h ere in adult avs, met a few..

    general means general populace, those not seeking perversion but being lured into it by games set up in sex sims.


    so the "general" population isn't seeking "perversion", only the "elite"? You really need to take this up with Linden Labs rather than show your ignorance and narrow-mindedness in here.

    There is nothing anywhere in the Terms of Service that says owners of property on adult sims cannot offer non-sexual attractions to their visitors.

    Sexually explicit activities can only be advertised on Adult rated sims, there is no restriction of any kind on where non-adult activities can be promoted.

    bebejee, I suggest you change the setting in your viewer so that you are blocked from accessing Adult lands, then you won't be forced to watch the "general" population while they seek their "perversions"

    Note to self: add bebejee to the "Do not invite" list for her next party.




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  3. On 4/18/2017 at 4:56 PM, Kiru Aura said:

    I am unable to see the avatar of my friend in Firestorm, but I am able with another viewer. I tried Second Life viewer and Alchemy. Both work, but not Firestorm. I prefer Firestorm because it is faster on my computer. How can address this problem?

    Is your friend invisible, or are they a solid colored blob? If its the latter, their avatar complexity is above the render limit that you have set in your viewer. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, bebejee said:

    Sex on SL doesn't bother me, as long as pervs running those places don't try to merge the sexual with non-sexual, as some are now trying with free linden games at their sims.

    So anyone running a sex establishment is a pervert? First you wanted to ban non premium members from having sex, it seems now you'd like to ban sex establishment operators from offering anything non-sexual to their visitors.

    You really can't stand individual freedom can you?

    No wonder you hate Second Life.


    • Like 3
  5. 3 hours ago, Adams Scarmon said:


    As for the reason these places are so popular.. its called bots. They generate traffic and it gets up high in search. People go there, hang around a bit and go away but the next one already has arrived.

    I've started to cam around when I hit a new place that looks busy. If there's 20 avatars jammed into a tiny room at 3000m I leave, and i never go back.

    • Like 2
  6. Just wondering... ok so all these empty abandoned sims are "idled", or taken offline until someone interacts with them, but I like to tp at random to sims from the world map. As soon as i hit "TP to", will i need to wait 5 minutes for the sim to come back online? Empty or full every sim has to be 100% ready 24/7, and the difference between maintaining a full sim and an empty sim would be minimal in terms of server costs. And bandwidth on a full maxed out sim costs nothing either until someone shows up.

    Perhaps LL should just cut the number of mainland sims in half, and force everyone to move to the remaining sims, then their server costs would be reduced and everyone can get the cheep land they all seem to be demanding.

    I don't think the land costs are excessive, but all I own is 4608 sq m

  7. So at what point does an empty sim power up? I could buy a whole sim, then 2 minutes later set out 30,000 prims containing 1000 scripts. It seems to me each sim must be in a full ready state 24/7. There can't be a sleep setting on mainland. Its just how it is. I know there was talk about sims going to sleep until someone looks at it or walks on it to save server space, but how practical is that? I'm suspecting not very, since its never been implemented.

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  8. I would think it would cost the same as any other sim. Its not like an empty sim goes into "standby" mode until someone crosses the sim border. Every sim takes up dedicated server space regardless of if its maxed out in prims or just has a LL road crossing it. Even totally void of content, the terrain mesh is still there.

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  9. Part of the cost one pays Linden Lab for land goes to maintain all the abandoned land on the mainland. Maybe someday Linden Lab will realize if they lowered land costs, more people would buy land, thus maintaining their profit.

    But obviously even with all that abandoned land, enough people are willing to pay current prices for land, and they have a healthy profit. So why should they do anything?

    One easy way to increase interest in mainland, even at current tier, is to eliminate the classification rating of General, convert all General sims to Mature, and all Mature sims to Adult. If nothing else, the sale price of land would drop immediately on Zindra.

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  10. On 6/9/2017 at 11:18 AM, Bree Giffen said:

    The pro ana post was more about supporting anorexia in real life. If the pro ana poster were to say they were making a group to pretend being anorexic and living the life style only in SL would that have been met with less disapproval? Granted I have no idea how one pretends to live the life style since most of us don't eat in SL anyways.

    I've seen a few anorexic-looking women in SL and I hate them. They make me look fat.

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  11. 9 hours ago, ChristianReed said:

    petty people ban me because they are mean to others and force them to troll? and Im petty

    Ban new player because your scared you pissed someone off

    stop pissing people off

    You have that backwards> People get banned because they pissed the landowner off. Banning new players is a pro active way of preventing thin skinned crybabies from creating a throwaway alt to come back and grief you.

    Another reason to ban noobs... a lot of them still have system avis *shudder*

    I wonder if there's a security script that only allows Mesh body avis onto your land, i might get an orb like that *smirk*

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  12. 13 hours ago, Adeindra said:

     but the "black bull" is definitely a stereotype that many people find offensive. 

    There are whole blatantly racist sims devoted to the "black gangsta" type of person.

    If people wish to be offended, they can easily find things to offend them.

    The decor of my club offends many many people, but oh well, sucks for them.

    As my hero Happy Bunny would say in reply, I know how you feel but i just don't care.


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  13. 19 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

     i've known many a person over the years who openly point blank refuse to put a single penny in to SL 

    Good thing not everyone thinks that way. If they did, Second Life would have been terminated a long time ago.

    I'm premium, and I buy Lindens for land and clothes etc. Considering how many hours i'm in SL every week, my expenditures work out to pennies an hour.

    If you work inworld, that's different, because even though you don't buy Lindens, someone who pays you had to, same with when you use the Lindens to buy stuff, you are contributing to the SL economy, and in the end to LL's profitibility and Second Life's continued existence.

    I guess SL makes it easier for freeloaders and moochers to get by, i just hope they don't whine too much when SL folds. 


  14. You see a rl building that's partially settled into the ground and think they did a poor job of lining up the prims

    You look out into the distance in rl and think that seamless background texture is amazing.

    You look at a rl  building and wonder how many prims it took to build it.

    You walk thru an empty warehouse where u work in rl and wonder why the music stream is down, and where the dj booth and group inviter is.

    Yes, i like to build in SL *smiles*

    • Like 4
  15. 22 hours ago, Talligurl said:

    I think this issue always comes down to the two distinct groups within SL, First are those who see their avatar as an extension of their RL selves and who create an avatar and an online persona that expresses who they are. and they want to know that the other avatars they interact with are also true to the person behind them. Then the other group for whom their avatar is not intended to represent them in RL, but rather anything from some dark fantasy to a side of their RL self that they keep hidden from public view in RL. This second group is less concerned about knowing about the real person behind the avatar, because they know that their own real person isn't totally (or anything) like the avatar they use in SL. These two groups are at odds, these two groups have totally different philosophies about SL, and yet they have to co-exist alongside each other in SL. 

    Yes and doesn't it totally suck when someone in the first group falls for someone is the second group? Sucks for them i mean.


  16. On 5/23/2017 at 7:59 PM, Night Rainfall said:

    I know this is and old topic but I couldn't find a newer one. I too have this same problem. I'm not deaf just mute. It's very hard to get people to want to talk to me really. Guys also ask for the skype, discord or voice in sl which I can't do. I've been pretty much playing alone for 3 years now with nearly no interaction. Just last night I ran into this same problem and it made me sad so googling I discovered this thread.  It sucks to be deemed worthless pretty much because I can't talk at all, not that these people would know that but saying I don't use voice turns them off immediately. I have told people why I can't in the past but I shouldn't have to reveal my private life like that.

    I never ask anyone to voice, and neither does my circle of friends or my family, IM me if you wanna hang out sometime

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