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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. So, who is the real problem here, me at 5 ft 5, or this giant which is about 9 ft tall?
  2. Its still online, archived, if you want to read it, on the wayback machine
  3. Yes we do, LL wouldn't have it any other way. The trouble is, if they squeeze too hard, they will squeeze all the life out of Second Life
  4. Its funny, I tell my opponents they are so open minded that their brains all fell out, and they tell me i'm so close minded my brain died from lack of oxygen
  5. Now we are going off on violence too? There is some sick stuff in Second Life, but its all rp. We used to kill and cook humans in the demon rp group I was in, but it was all good fun, the victims wanted to be there.
  6. I'm very slender, with a small butt and narrow hips, but I make up for it up top 😂
  7. If they got rid of Zindra, I'd expect to be compensated at the going rate for my land. I have about 7000 sqm total, so at $30 L per sqm thats about $210,000 L Cough up LL
  8. omg instead of hitting quote i accidently hit the little “+” sign beside the word quote and it was gonna let me add multiple quotes in one reply. I never knew that *hits submit reply and then runs off to find the “what I learned today” thread*
  9. I wonder if they would have a minimum height requirement for demons? I could swap out my bunny ears tail for demon horns and tail and be an imp 😂
  10. darn, I wrote a big long reply about my RL dog being an expert mole hunter, but since it was real life i figured it would be deleted.
  11. Actually if I stand by myself I look perfectly normal. It is when i stand beside a bunch of giants (nephilim) that I look like a child 😬
  12. If i have to make my body taller to meet some new arbitrary standard to be permitted to engage in adult activities, I’ll just forgo the adult activities.
  13. yea, show them where they can get some s e x
  14. Just build a big jail for scofflaws and miscreants. 😂
  15. I myself have zero expectations, so no matter what they do, I won’t be disappointed 😂
  16. I found the build kit after i put up a wall inside my house so i could rezz my shower in a corner. My fence is a stretched out cube, textured in vertical planks with the color closely matching to the wood in the theme pack. I took a walk around the neighborhood, the conformity is astounding. I saw a pride flag hanging on someones front porch, the only splash of color around, except my bee sign of course. All in all, I do like the layout, nice wide roads, a rezz zone one door down, and a good sized lake nearby. At some point i'll see if i can rezz a toobie there, then slide on over to the lake for a float
  17. My main place on Zindra has (or had) a furry club. At their busiest they had maybe two dozen avatars, but no bots. When the event was over they went home. Most of the other places are private homes or niche venues. My latest place on Belli is always dead, but that's normal for a residential area.
  18. yea but i heard the avatars aren’t as attractive 😬
  19. This is the forum, nothing we say here will have any effect on anything... except our own accounts 😂
  20. Why why why would you accept a request to cuddle from a kid? It like a guy asking for a cuddle, you know what they really want 😂
  21. so anyway, after 14 pages, I suggest that LL is not gonna ban child avis, or short women, or hentai avis, or school girl outfits. That is madness. In most situations none of those violate the TOS However what they will do is admonish the Residents to avoid the PERCEPTION of underage sexual activities. So if someone could walk by and say omg look at that guy doing that kid, even you both know you aren’t a kid, then maybe just don’t do it.
  22. lol thats only half the problem, what about the kid who ims some guy and says, how would you like to put your hard body part into my sweet young body. Its not like real life, in SL, children CAN be predators, Thats why I stay far away from kids as possible, because honestly, they creep me out, and there is no way to tell the innocent ones from the perverts
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