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Ann Otoole

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Posts posted by Ann Otoole

  1. Didn't you forget to factor in the tier you must pay for an in world store?

    If Marketplace accounts for 90% of my sales on average and most of my money goes to LL in tier then I stand to reap a lot more profit by dumping the in world stores and tiering down.  And I can concentrate on making my Marketplace store better. When DD rolls and is found to be working properly then I don't even need the prims in world for magic boxes anymore.

    A 10% drop in revenue that results in a 100% increase in profit is worth it.

  2. I got banned from Ambrosia (for arguing "debating viewers and what could be seen" with the manager in IM. Manager always wins lol.) because I went and my clothes would not rez in the third party viewers. I was clothed in my viewer. But not in Phoenix which is the primary number one most used viewer in SL now. Must have been a great show for everyone else.

    Basically it is getting to the point use of LL viewers is at your own risk unless you stay at home with parcel stealth mode on. If you want to go clubbing in SL you better use Phoenix I guess since LL appears to have little interest in maintaining the current LL viewer as they have a totally new one coming out "real soon now".

  3. The html textures option will help load textures faster if you have enough bandwidth. However it will not help much when the region is full of 1024*1024 textures. Just takes too long to load. People will leave rather than stand there for 30 minutes hoping the region loads. Mesh was supposed to help but the prim cost is so high all mesh will be used for is wearable clothing where prim cost does not count.

    Having a great computer helps with client side lag. But the region lag that was introduced a couple of weeks ago is really bad. In empty regions time dilation remains below .95, region FPS remains below 43, frame time remains above 23.4, etc. This region lag is the same as having 100 avatars in the region. Everything runs more slowly. LL should have a fix out for it soon but I am beginning to wonder about that as I have been monitoring it and have observed no improvements. LL is making changes to their server operating systems and that could be causing even more issues.

  4. Scripts have no effect on old or new computers. If the region is lagging (currently because of a defect related to scripts that is soon to be fixed) then there is absolutely nothing you can do about it client side.

    Region lag canot be fixed with faster client computers.

    Faster clients and faster connections deal with streamed content. Not server side processing.

    Dear everyone: Currently there is a defect LL is fixing. Give LL a week or two OK?

  5. Oh i see. The issue with "tv's" in SL is the media content services keep changing things so you have to keep up with updates. In addition you have to own the parcel (not rent) and be able to deed the device to land etc. I used to have a device I used for playing product ads I made and uploaded to youtube that I owned all rights too. The media players always failed because youtube kept moving the cheese so I gave up.

    Media in SL = fail.

  6. Oh my. You must not know about https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7339 and the LL v3.x viewer issues that cause the viewer to have memory low issues when over 5 avatars are in view. You know. When it starts shutting features down even though your computer has an extra gigabyte or more memory free.

    You seriously need to get off the LL intranet and get out on a common ISP and go to busy regions.


  7. Toysoldier Thor wrote:


    As for your example of why consistency on viewers is needed by describing the MESH clothing worn by a LL viewer avatar and being banned by a Phoenix using Sim club owner... that is also technically not true since anyone that wears MESH clothing is seen by non-mesh complient viewers as being transparent / invisible.  No nude parts would be seen that would ban that avatar. 

    Where avatars are sometimes banned is when an avatar wears Sculpted clothing over their private parts and thanks to SL's recent horrid sim lag, they stand nekkid for several minutes in front of all others.  this happened at an Art Gallery exhibition I attended where the poor featured artist arrived and stood nekkid in front of everyone for 15 minutes.

    Since LL has a proven talent for not being able to understand user requirements and develop software for them, maybe LL should outsource their viewer development to the Phoenix Team.  The phoenix / firestorm viewers have a much better level of respect and credibility than any LL viewer.  So let the Phoenix Team set the mandatory viewer features based on talks with LL.

    Hows that for turning the table.

    I am not the only person that has observed inconsistent behavior in TPVs declaring themselves to be phoenix. And that "viewer tells SL what they are" thing is and will remain an issue. People using non mesh incompatible banned viewers that conceal themselves as phoenix are not going to change and they will continue to not "see" newer LL viewer features.

    As for LL outsourcing viewer dev? I think I am also one of the people that has recommended LL outsource. Then they outsourced to the ukranians who appear to be mainly specialists at inserting previously fixed defects and copy pasting the fix back in repeatedly. So we must be specific on this. If LL's resources are incapable of stable and progressively increasing quality development then LL needs to be out of the viewer business and instead perform QC on TPV code and perform the compiles so users will know it is not a rougue viewer in sheep skin. And not allow any other viewers in.

    The current problem is the next UI that is supposedly going to be vastly different. Too bad LL does not use TPV devs for that eh? LL will pop off a totally new paradigm in UI and all TPVs will be obsolete. This further erodes the condition of SL in general but LL is incapable of seeing the forest for the tree they are carving initials on.

  8. If you are worried about relistings then when you give a bad review you should document the listing with listing ID. Then when relisted file an AR on it.

    As for the gaming of listings to make them best sellers? Not something I would do but if you think about it you will figure out how. Since you can be terminated from SL for doing such things it is not advisable. btw people were gaming xstreet way back then too. The secret is to make original content people get addicted to and keep releasing new stuff frequently. Then the amateur listing gamers don't matter at all.

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