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Cully Andel

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Posts posted by Cully Andel

  1. So we have been 'trying' to enjoy the fantasy fair. 5 instant crashes later we've given up. One crash i reappered with only half my clothes and huds on. then my inventory stopped working. WTH is going on? and why is it always a holiday when people are trying to relax and enjoy themselves.


    I should add it's not just me. it's instant crashes for more than one of us. 

  2. The fact that he announced it to a friend in facebook and not here on the forum says it all. He was never really interested in SL. When he was in world he didn't really communicate with people and any communication was all done away from the main SL forum and blog. He's used LL resources for his own projects and as such SL seems to have been put on hold. 

    Maybe now we'll get someone in who actually understands what SL is about. 


    BTW for all of those you say he improved lag and sim crossings. I agree. The lag on sim crossing has improved dramatically - I even crash when I'm walking over a sim crossing now.

  3. No. The first post here was no an opinionated rant. Lindens really do need to do more on the customer service, communication and generally keeping SL going front. That's not opinionated - it's the truth. If this were a High Street store we'd all have gone elsewhere by now and the place would be in serious trouble. But just because this is the only platform of its' kind (and to be fair it is not, it's just that people don't have the guts to leave because a lot have put too much time and energy in to SL) it does not mean that LL can be complacent, which is exactly what they are. And boy does it show. Not everyone in SL has or can afford the latest technology to 'play' and why should we have to? Other platforms can offer the chance to play on lower spec machines, so why can't SL. And just to chuck else in to the argument and I'm not technological. My new PC is 64 bit - last time I looked at the spec it only runs in 32 bit. I can't play on my new shiny PC. I keep crashing.


  4. I read the first page then got fed up with reading excuses for Linden Labs. There IS a valid point here, and NO - nobody makes us log in but if we all took that attitude to just go elsewhere rather than try and change something then let's face it. There really would be no more SL.

    LL are developing? really? Seriously?? That's a joke and I'll tell you why. They're not fixing ANY of the longstanding issues. Everyone I know in SL  has the exact same problems no matter how new or old of fancy their machine, and these are BASIC problems. We dont need fancy shiny things we need the basics fixed first. ie make it so people can chat without wondering when that they've said will appear. Here's a radical idea - how about letting us TP without actually crashing, and maybe perhaps let us load our inventory. 

    And as for the financial side. I'll be keen to know what people come up with as an excuse. Why are we being charged $300 for a sim when other worlds (and I wont make a list because there's so many) can charge $30 - $60. I'm sure I read on one of them that the actual 'land' originally came from LL. And yes seriously - $1000 dollars to set up a sim? You can make all the fancy excuses in the World but bottom line is - if all this were a lot cheaper, SL would have a lot more people in it, a lot more going on and would be a lot more  productive. Oh - I hear you all say - how on earth can you say that! Easy. Look how many major sims have closed because they couldn't afford to stay. More reasonable fees can actually help to increase the overall turnover.


    Communication. I remember when I started in SL we did have this. Now we have to go trolling to bloody Facebook or Twitter- no wait. Last time I checked there'd been ZERO communication there either. We dont hear anything from Linden Labs now about anything at all. Rodvik (remember him?) actually promised us when he took over that he would actually keep us up to date regularly. I can't actually now remember the last time we heard anything at all from him..

    So while I agree that nothing actually forces us to log on, and yes it is our choice, it doesn't mean we can't voice our concerns about the state SL is in. If we dont, then who will? it does need someone somewhere to do something or there really will be no SL. At the moment it's a place to hang out with friends. Clubs are getting less, entertainment is getting less - but hey! Let's all eat popcorn while Lindens sit back and watch it sink

  5. When I logged on earlier I have all my inventory. Thanks to major lag I relogged and I've now lost over half my stuff. I keep getting 'unable to load asset' messages - so is there a problem with the asset server? (again)


    I've cleared cache etc, relogged to an empty sim - still the same. And as it's my rez day and half my rez day stuff has vanished i'm not happy. Anyone else having problems?


  6. When I logged on earlier I have all my inventory. Thanks to major lag I relogged and I've now lost over half my stuff. I keep getting 'unable to load asset' messages - so is there a problem with the asset server? (again)


    I've cleared cache etc, relogged to an empty sim - still the same. And as it's my rez day and half my rez day stuff has vanished i'm not happy. Anyone else having problems?


  7. I'm not basing it so much on their turnover, I'm  quite sure that they're way over the threshhold. More on the fact they they are not registered here, and no longer have a UK office. (At least I dont think they do any more.) Im not aware that HMRC ask overseas based companies to pay their UK VAT. My understanding is that VAT in this country is paid by customers how have income in this country paid in pounds sterling. I'm not sure they can take VAT on payments made to an overseas company paid in their own currency. Even if the UK office were still here, they themselves would not have an income, so would have no VAT to pay. 

    I could be wrong, having only dealt with VAT returns for companies here, but knowing the way they make the rules, they've probably come up with a requirement to charge it without working out how they're actually going to claim it.

    The other Worlds - Avination, I believe Inworldz and I did come across another but I totally forgot what it was. No matter where you are in the World, you all pay the same. 

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