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Cully Andel

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Posts posted by Cully Andel

  1. So if I understand this right my friend (in the UK ) runs a games place but offers lots of free to play games to help new avs get a start in sl. he will now have to fork out $100 to carry on helping newbies? He doesn't run for a profit so this would come out of his own pocket, as would any legal fees (and i think a solicitor here would probably laugh at this), so what incentive exactly is ther for him to carry on? a big fat 0. There are lots of ways to make sure various state laws do not inconvenience every one else. With the announcement last week this should do a good job of finishing off the grid even more. 

  2. Forgive me I can't provide the information for everyones computer who seems to be crashing with me. Mine is fine. I rarely crash. 6 times now today. and the inventory thing - that tends to be the asset server. I dont expect mind readers to help me - the point was that it's not just me - so is there something going on. You know something Linden or asset server related that us non mind readers wont know about unless they tell us?

    My system is fine elsewhere, fine every day. no problems thank you. Today - its been crashes galore at the fantasy fair (2 different sims) inventory problems but surprisingly no lag.

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