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Cully Andel

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Posts posted by Cully Andel

  1. I visited to see what it was like. I crashed logging in then walked around - I couldn't sit and even seemed to walk 'odd' certainly not as smoothly as I do in SL. In SL there are things to do other than walk. From the people I know and the groups I'm in there'll be no exodus to Sansar. It isn't the community that SL is.

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  2. UK - fibre connection and just walked across a boundary. Didn't even run. I ended up 3900m in the air in one of our buildings (not even where I've set to home) and I went from standing to sitting. Prior to this I ended up a mere 4 sims away from where I started. Whatever we were told about improving sim crossings a few years back was a load of rubbish. they're worse.

  3. I'm certainly not preteen and I'm too old for Disney and your comment was way more offensive than Ebbe's. There's no insult there just a plain simple fact that we're not all technophobed who can script and have the latest technology - so he wants to make sure that that isn't how Sansar is set up. It's so everyone can use it no matter how limited our techno knowledge is. Nothing wrong with that.

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