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Cully Andel

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Posts posted by Cully Andel

  1. Actually if you read the comments other servers are mentioned too, and that question should really be aimed at LL.


    There are too many comments on that JIRA by too many people who know what they're talking about to just dismiss it. This could cause seriuos problems for LL and SL if it's not addressed. Not everyone can afford to take up unlimited broadband, and not all unlimited broadband goes uncapped. And yet, why should they? This has been a very sudden and very dramatic increase which I think will catch a lot of people out when they get their monthly bills from their ISP's.

    If premium members and tier payers can't afford the usage for SL, that's yet more people leaving. This is not good and certainly needs to be addressed.

    I udnerstand LL aren't going to alter Pathfinding on SL - so I think I for one (or should that be 2) may be saying farewell unless somethngs done


  2. Lindens just aren't updating us on anything anywhere anymore. Rodvik's Twitter has had nothing for a few months, same with his SL feed. Nothing on the forum or blog - just silence all round.

    Taking Sl communication away from the SL forum was a huge huge huge mistake. I for one, would love to know what, if anything, Lindens are doing with Sl at the moment. Sims are closing all the time, people are leaving and yet they seemingly do nothng.

  3. Really? Most of the people I know in SL can't afford to run the latest pc's and laptops. They have mortgages and family's to pay for. Fact is, SL really should be available to older and newer machines and graphics card. Why? Put simply a lot of us will be forced to leave because we can't afford new machines, and new players on older machines simply won't be able to log in. That affects the economy - ie, Linden Labs lose money. Simple.

    Penny Patton wrote:

    The problem isn't that the viewer won't run on older machines. The people most likely to enjoy a product like SL generally tend to have computers capable of using even the newest viewers.

     SL could be made to run
    , but the problem isn't the viewer it's the poorly developed content creation tools which are sert up in such a way that they discourage efficient content creation. Because of this people tend to use far more polygons and far larger texture maps than equivailent content developed for similar 3D environments such as videogames.


    The people I know in SL simply dont have the money to run and update new machines. Most have mortgages and family's or fixed incomes, and most have been in SL for 3 years or more. From a business point if view LL will be losing themselves money as older players have to choose between new PC to run SL, or RL bills, and they'll be forced to leave. And unless new members have up to date technology, they won't be able to log in either. SImply put, this limits how much money LL will make in the future. As you say, a  lot of new players find the whole thing too confusing so do'nt come back, so there's no SL economy from them.

    I haven't seen anything from Linden Labs or Rodvik in a few months now. Are they even still here?  The new viewers are limiting people, the interface is not keeping people, and empty land all over the place. And nothing seems to be being done about it

  4. I've been a premium member now for 4 years, my laptop is 3 years old. I now cannot run the new viewers at all. Please explain WHY I should have to get a new PC, and further more who exactly is going to pay for it. Telling people to spend cash they dont have is not the answer. Linden Labs have many many many customers like myself who have been using SL on the same set up. Why are they not considering this when updating their viewers? If they don't, SL will be very much dead, as the list of people aho can't log in will simply grow,

  5. If your clothes are mesh PLEASE!!!!! put it on the poste of the item! I know a lot of people, myself included, who have a mesh viewer but we cannot see rigged mesh (And please no one tell me what settings I need to alter. I already know this. My hardware can't cope)

    If you sell mesh clothing it would be nice if your customers knew before wasting their lindens on your outfits.

  6. Yes me. I have always preferred to shop in World, and it's sad to see it's becoming less of an option. Yes of course I use marketplace sometimes - but mainly because places are too laggy to see what I'm  buying in world too. Latest updates seem to be using more and more of my computers capacity and standing in a store waiting for a vendor to rez can be somewhat annoying.

    As a consumer not a content creator, I see some of my favourite stores leaving SL all the time now, but then I've been saying for a long time that LL really need to get IN world and see what's happening IN world. SL'ers don't live on FB or Twitter - we live here.

  7. so it's al down to scripts (and I saw something once from a Linden saying scripts dont cause lag) or attachements, or hw far your viewer goes or blah blah

    That's rubbish. I use minimum graphics, and sometimes I still have to totally derender to simply be able to type. I've been at events of, wait for it, more than 10 people!, and the same group can suffer horrendous lag, or absolutely none at all, and we pretty much all wear or attach the same things for everyday SL life.

    I've been to places laggy as they come - we all detached everything and it was still laggy. Next time round -- zero lag.

    It's good to blame us for daring to use SL as we want to, and as it's advertised, so how about actually putting the time and effort in to letting us do this without having to wade through treacle on an elastic cord when we walk, or logging on in 3 weeks to see if our chat's caught up.

    Yes indeed some people have older systems. This should be taken in to account inthe programming! I have one 3-4 year old laptop, one week old pc. Both the same when it comes to lag. Far too many people are complaining abot lag for everyone to be running old pc's, at maximum graphics, with mega scripts and attachements.

    and it has to be said - one of the things LIndens have 'promised' is to improve lag - so that kind of suggests there's something they can do there end.

    They did keep that promise. Lag is so much better now ;)


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