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nikita Jefferson

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Blog Comments posted by nikita Jefferson

  1. i m curious about one thing with viewer 2.5 and i also had this with the beta 2.5.

    I live on a homestead and i have lived on there for 2 years so i am more than well aware of what is normal or not.

    Lag has never been a problem,i have used emerald,emergence and now phoenix. and others

    All worked very well,no lag.

    I downloaded the beta 2.5 a week ago to try it,i walked through my shop and i was walking in the same spot then all of a sudden i was catapaulted into a display or wall,i immediately came back in with phoenix and it was perfect,no lag at all.

    I tried the beta 2.5 today again,same thing,again i switched to phoenix and it was perfect,no lag at all.

    I downloaded the official 2.5 sl viewer out of beta and tried again,i walk along then slowed to a stop while still walking then get catapaulted in to a display\ its like walking in mud,i have experience that kind of lag on sims where there are 40 to 50 avys ,but i am alone on my island

    Time dilation is 1.0 ,,,,Sim FPS 45

    Lots of spare script time but they don t show that but it was always around 16 MS

    FPS averages 50

    on phoenix  FPS is usually abour 20   time dialation 1.0 and sim FPS 45

    I have never  ever experience lag on my homestead in the 2 years i have been there  like i experience with this sl viewer 2.5,it is usless for me to use,

    I dread to think what would happen if i went to mainland with it or a busy sim,

    On the surface there would seem to be no reason why the 2.5 viewer is extremely laggy on a

    sim with one avy on it wheras the phoenix is'nt

    In 2 years there i have never had bad lag like that or even any lag

  2. Makes one wonder what LL wants regarding SL,to get the latest info go to facebook or twitter,never mind we have our own blogs here to post the latest info AS THEY JUST DID WITH THIS BLOG.

    And never mind inworld shopping ,go to a 2d website and buy there,i though sl was a 3d world and everything about it was 3d,seems not.

    I for one do not want to use facebook or twitter,so i would be left out of the info loop,cos i like to come to the place i joined for info not some outside place i would never go

  3. I see you are answering positive comments to the blog and ignoring negative ones like mine,,how is that improving communication

    You do realize why i posted here don't you,sheer frustration of being ignored when i have a real inworld problem that is affecting me financially,and all someone has to do is read my ticket in a timely manner ,,,which i gave you $72 US to give me some help


    Don't worry this is my last word on the subject,if you help,,you help,if not well you don.t

  4. Perhaps in keeping with the thoughts put forth in your blog,and that being better customer service,you could answer support tickets in a timely manner,like MINE which has been sitting there unopened going on 3 weeks.

    I updated to premium so i could put a support ticket in,$72 US and i am getting zero support,i thought paying for a premium membership entitled one to support

    If you, ( LL ) are reading this could you please talk to the appropriate people in your organization to ANSWER MY SUPPORT TICKET.

    Checking to see if it has been looked at numerous times a day for almost 3 weeks is depressing and maddening,

    But i will bet you read this and just forget it in two seconds and i will just get more and more frustrated waiting for support

  5. I agree,i have 9 keywords i use with search bot to check where those keywords are in search,it has never found them in search and i have manually searched (50 pages each) of those keywords and never found my shop in search

    I put a ticket in  but its sits there unopened,so much for support

  6. I agree LL has a plan for the marketplace ,that is why they are going full out to promote it at the expense of everything else,i am pasting a post i put on another thread about this

    I must also add that long ago before i had seen it said,i posted a thread about my thoughts about the marketplace killing inworld shopping,i felt rather sheepishly posting it at that time because i was going way out on a limb saying it when no one else had,yet,of course now we know its is

    Pasted message from another thread i posted on

    In keeping with LL s past history of doing things,one never looks at the present,looking at the present just brings a lot of guessing and wrong perceptions

    With LL one has to look to the future and summize why they are doing something that seems destructive to certain things.

    Look at the past and the things they did,there was always a bad outcome for residents eventuallyThere is a reason why LL is pushing the marketplace at the expense of inworld shopping and land sales and tier

    They direct new residents on the log in screen of the 2.5 viewer to the marketplace,so new residents to SL who have to use the new sl viewer are introduced to the marketplace before they know anything about SL,so to them shopping on the marketplace becomes the norm

    Merchants are flocking to list their products on the marketplace,who needs land when paying 5% on a sale  and enhancements is all it costs,to sell on the marketplace,no land tier,no rent to pay for a store.

    I think down the road you will see the real reason LL is pushing the marketplace and that will have something to do with a huge cost to list on the marketplace,the marketplace will become a gold mine for LL.

    If you think it will stay cheap like it is now,your dead wrong,LL is pushing the marketplace for a reason and that reason is not evident at this time,but eventually as always with LL the reason will become evident

  7. i have had a homestead for a couple of years now,we always wanted to keep it private so we have rented places for our shop.

    Recently we thought we could have the best of both worlds and moved the shop,which is very large up in the sky and still have the island as private.

    Since opening a month ago sales have been poor,not as good as they should be/

    Usually we get 5 to 10 visitors a day,which i attribute to the classified ad, not search

    I recently bought a search bot which is supposed to tell me if keywords i have go up or down in search,that seach bot has never found me in search,every hour it searches 10 keywords and never has found me.

    I decided to manually search those keywords,50 pages each,i am no where to be found in search,i also noticed LL has'nt been taking out the 30L a week for search,so i don'nt seem to exist as far as search goes

    And of course i have a ticket in support that sits there unanswered and knowing LL s past history i don't expect them to do anything.

    LL is pushing that marketplace and i don't think they care one bit about inworld merchants.

    I hate that viewer2 but decided to have another look at it,and this is a dead givaway LL is pushing the marketplace,as viewer2.5 is logging me in it says "need hair" and it gives a link to the marketplace and mentions it

    Also,new residents of course have to use the latest SL viewer so LL gets them going to the marketplace right away so as the new residents come in, shopping on the marketplace is the thing to do.

    I just don't understand LL,they seem to keep shooting themselves in the foot over and over/.\This blog and everything everyone is saying is the pulse of the residents of SL,LL needs to read every  post carefully

    That new CEO is strangly quiet,if he has one brain cell he will read all these post THIS IS YOUR RESIDENTS SPEAKING !LISTEN!

    I ve been on here  since 2007 and unfortunatly this goes on and on,

  8. I have to disagree with you on that one,i have been running SL on a laptop for 3 years now,i upgraded to a Toshiba Qosmio about a year ago and i stay on SL for hours at a time creating.

    I personally can.t fault my experience with my laptop,maybe other's have a different experience with them.

    The cooling fan never ramps up on this one because it does'nt run hot at all running SL

  9. I remember when i came on SL 3  years ago,it was all brand new and exciting,i travelled around shopping everywhere,my first goal was to make myself beautiful,i shopped for hair,skins,clothes,

    After i had done that i  had to learn about renting some land  for a home then j was like a bee,buzzing off to stores to buy furniture,place it in my new home then back out again for more ,then i eventually bought an openspace.

    I was in a 3d world and shopped in a 3d world,if it was laggy,well thats just the way it is,it's all part of the experience.

    Now when new bees join,,,right away they are introduced to the marketplace,so that becomes the norm for them as a place to shop.

    I have a store,it is fairly large but not on a full sim,business is terrible even though i am in search and classifieds,i hang on because i want to,but i can only lose money for so long,if people want to shop on the web then LL is just shooting themselves in the foot (again) and killing inworld business slowly but surely,and in the process killing themselves slowly because why would anyone pay for a shop or tier when they can sell on the marketplace.

    My shop is on a fairly large shopping complex of about 9 sims all joined together,i fly the sims daily and it is amazing the amount of businesses that come and go,so many just don't do well at all and fold,then another takes its place and soon it is gone too.

    I have friends who opened a mall,in a month it was gone,all around i do not see a positive in world situation,but oh the web is booming.

    It.s a shame,LL should get back to making this world what is should be,a 3d world and do away with that web shopping,Get the people shopping inworld again,

    If the marketplace was closed today,inworld shopping would pick up again,land would sell and be rented again and SL would get back to the way it used to be,the way it's going now anyone can only guess where it is heading.

    Oh i realize there would be a lot of upset people who would now have to rent or buy land for a shop,,,if the marketplace closed,,,now they pay next to nothing to sell stuff.

    So in a way the marketplace is good for residents (except those still with shops on sl ) because it cost next to nothing to sell their stuff,but bad for LL because the demand for land will just keep dropping as land barons have no one to rent to anymore,and as new bees keep coming inworld,they will open a business on the marketplace and this will become the norm,and on and on it goes,untill sl will become who knows

  10. I'm sure that will change if they go ahead with the rest of the planned increase at the end of the year for homesteads


    (This was a reply to this post,my answer landed at the bottom and made no sense by itself)

    I am more  surprised that 36% of landmass is homesteads. Would be interesting to  know if there is a conversion of full estates sims to homesteads, cause  if that happens, tier income should drop.

    Yes, this is the key question: the growth rate of full sims and the conversion rate of full sims to Homesteads.

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