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Shelby Silverspar

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Posts posted by Shelby Silverspar

  1. Jeny Howlett wrote:

    Hi. All you do is whine and criticize , try to be a mentor for 1 day and lets see how well you will do. NCI is one of the best help places around and mentors are usually busy helping several residents at once.



    Don't you just love it when the newbies tell LL how things should be done? Quite comical.


  2. Vegro Solari wrote:

    Even more basically, don't sweat about IP and use the pic you like for your SL shirt! Monkey see, monkey do! A lot of people who are not uptight copyright lawyers still believe this is a natural and inalienable human right.

    If you ran a huge shirt printing business then you'd have some reason to worry over legalities of the images you want to use, but don't let all that parsimonious fine print spoil your fun creating and enjoying SL!

    Yeah, why let pesky things like ethics and legality spoil your day...


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  3. Jaclyn Bouevier wrote:

    I am finding out just how big of a nut case he is. I have seen up to 8 alts he uses regularly with GF's on 3 of them at the same time. I steer clear of any known hangouts of his.



    If  you are steering clear of his hangouts, how have you seen his 8 alts with gfs?

  4. Probably a little of both, Myra. Some make money, most probably make enough to cover land fees and occasional shopping sprees, some do pretty well but most are likely hobbyists.  I'm sure there are lots of creators in SL who create just to create. They just can't not create. Keep in mind also that many stores that "close" go on to re-brand themselves and never really leave at all.

  5. Nope, don't think so. Not any faster than any other technology anyway. I see FB becoming extinct before the PC does, going the way of AOL back in the day. SL becoming extinct? Who knows, the sky has been falling for just about as long as it's been up there so your guess is as good as mine.

    Extinction and evolution are two sides of the same coin, which have just as much chance of extinction as anything else (coins, I mean). Technology is especially vulnerable to evolution. Marketing uses newer, better, cheaper, faster as its driving force and trends ebb and flow and the best way to drive new trends is to call something extinct then hand you something bright and shiny to replace it with.

    Personally, my phone is just a phone and is something I stick in my pocket when I'm going to be away from my PC, which isn't very often. I don't think cloud computing is keeping SL users out of SL. And those who are happy with tablet/phone computing and giving up their PCs probably wouldn't be the 'sl type' anyway. 

  6. yw emmett - it's a great tutorial. Photoshop has a rather steep learning curve but there are literally hundreds of tutorials and other resources available to help you. learning Photoshop is tough but very rewarding and if you search for Chosen Few's posts you will find a wealth of information, tutorials and good links for it.

  7. I ran recently came across some IP-replaced dances in my inventory that I would love to replace from whoever the valid merchant it, too bad I have no idea what the dances were. I don't think I had used them in over a year so I have no clue what's missing. And Ann, snarky comment is snarky, as a merchant myself I'm VERY careful how I shop and have NEVER knowingly purchased a ripped copy of anything.  But yet I end up with IP replacement items every once in awhile. Eventually it happens to everyone, everyone who ever purchases anything or picks up freebies or accepts gifts from friends, that is.

    It might be nice if LL told us what exactly they were replacing in our inventories so we could try to purchase legit copies from the original merchant. I once picked up a box of freebies on a hunt and it turned out to be full of ripped hair. The botter had left the original names of the styles on the ripped hair.  I ended up purchasing a couple of the styles in the box from the original merchants, and then deleted the ripped hair - - my point is that  sometimes ripped content turns into legit purchases in a round-about way. Not encouraging ripping or anything like that, but occasionally there is a silver lining.

  8. I remember when 9,000 avis could crash the grid. New people were pouring in daily but guess what - stores were still closing even then, it's the natural lifecycle in SL. Some stores don't really close - they re-brand and come back as something new.

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