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Marigold Devin

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Posts posted by Marigold Devin

  1. Hello, Lea, welcome to the Second Life forums.  I did the same thing myself once and panicked!

    However, you can fix this easily by bringing your login screen up, but don't log in just yet.

    Instead, click on "edit" ("me" on Viewer 2) at the top of the login screen, and go back into "preferences", "graphics" and change the hardware options back to what it was before (mine is on "disable")

    Probably other people will be able to add more to this thread about how you can change your graphics settings more successfully, but this should get you back inworld.

  2. The title doesn't say it all.

    Have you submitted a support ticket/form to Linden Labs to go through the age verification process? Are you just waiting for a response from them now?  If they have not yet responded to say you are age verified, please know that this can take from a day up to several weeks.

    If LL have responded and told you that you are now age verified, you will still not be able to enter Adult-rated areas until you have changed your preferences/settings inworld. 


  3. This is a great device for making custom poses


    You might find some video tutorials relating to photography techniques here

    http://secondlife.com/my/whatnext/video-tutorials/index.php? (there is a link to youtube from that page - Torley Linden makes some really great videos, on most aspects of SL, including some photography tips)

    And you might be interested to read more over on the Art and Photography sub-forum http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Art-and-Photography/bd-p/ArtandPhotography

    I'm not a great photographer, but these photos were fun to put together with the help of  the AnyPose device (link above)

    Rusty asleep.jpg

    Last Post.jpg

    Waiting for Wilhiam.jpg


    You can make a "photo room" anywhere that is build-enabled. build a plain background, add a pose stand, change the texture on the background however you like, or if you use photoshop, as was mentioned earlier in this thread, just stick with a plain background and use photoshop to work in the background later.



  4. It's hard enough to have to deal with a relationship coming to an end, but to not being able to get full closure because of what appears to be a glitch in the system, well, this would make me crazy. Obviously LL have their rules and regulations, but, if I were you, I would definitely consider contacting LL via one of the freephone numbers below. It does say they are for billing issues, and as you have been charged to partner/unpartner, and the transaction appears on your bill, yet obviously it has failed, because you still have a partner listed on your profile, this would qualify you for help via the phone method. I did speak to one of the operatives a few weeks ago about a non-billing issue and he was very helpful. I am so sorry you are being given the runaround.

    Billing support phone numbers

    Toll-Free (US/Canada)




    Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Local Toll-Free numbers
    •France: 0805.101.490
    •Germany: 0800.664.5510
    •Japan: 0066.33.132.830
    •Portugal: 800.814.450
    •Spain: 800.300.560
    •UK: 0800.048.4646
    •Support is in English Only

  5. I think if you apply to LL and pay 1500USD there is a remote possibility you can change your name.

    It might be a cheaper and easier option to just create a new account and buy an identical outfit.

    In SL you can never have enough alts or shoes anyway.

    • Like 1

  6. Perrie Juran wrote:


    Lonewolf Lightworker wrote:

    i only made these topic bc i foudn someone named "IBeatKittens" today.. he said all the normle names was taken 



    I now know the name for my next alt:

    EveryTimeYouMasturbateAKittenDies, aka



    New alt...



    Marigoldspare :smileyhappy:

    alone with the cat 2.jpg

    The registration process is so much easier now. The hardest part is, indeed, thinking up a first name that hasn't already been used.


  7. Does your TV need to be used with a receiver also? Have you set up your land correctly with it's media settings?  Please re-read the instructions that came with the TV.  If you have tried all, then I would suggest contacting the maker of the TV for specific help.

  8. Please just submit a support case or contact the phone number they gave you. (or if you are outside of the USA, Peewee has a list of freephone numbers, you can call one of those. An operator might be able to reactivate your account.) It does depend why the account was put on hold.

  9. @ Torley, your comment about me being a stalker is taken in the best of ways. I'm very proud of my stalking (investigating) capabilities, although, I have to confess, that on the day I took your photo, you really just happened to TP into the adjacent sim to the linden ocean I use regularly as my "sandbox".

    And thanks for not minding that I took a "secret" photo of you. You are possibly the most photogenic Linden of all. :smileyhappy:

  10. Valedric Faith wrote:

    Hello all,

    I can imagine that this thread will be mostly filled with hate towards me for even posting this, but as this is my first time to the SL forums, I can only hope I am wrong.

    I am 20 years old in RL.  I have a good job, a great family, and some alright friend.  All-in-all I am your average guy.  Somewhere along the line though, I became extremely shy.

    I will get straigh to the point.  I am looking for friends in SL but I don't want to just go sim to sim looking for them.  I have a hard time joining in and, being a Vampire avi (although I never go hunting/recruiting) I seem to encounter a pretty good amount of trolling wherever I go.

    SO! My question is:

    Where can I go to meet friends.. A place where people also go to meet friends.  Surely there are new people or old people who are in the same boat as me, and the beginner areas are a sorry excuse for friendly.

    Also, I am slightly interested in meeting a gal in SL I can spend lots of time with.  Is there a place where, instead of guys going out and being perverted in some sim, girls can go to meet guys?

    Sorry for terribad questions but I figured this is the best place to look.  If you're going to flame, at least make it an argument my 3 year old niece couldn't come up with.   Also be aware I won't read it anyway.


    Thanks in advanced, community.

    - Valedric.

    You don't sound super-shy to me, you just sound jaded and lacking in confidence currently.  I don't see why you'd think anyone would want to flame you.

    I don't think my comments will particularly help you, but the friend's I've made along the way, the ones I consider to be very special to me, have just come along when I've not been looking for them, while I've been occupied building, or ghost-hunting (an old hobby now that's passed), or generally exploring.  People with common interests have come along and stayed in my life. I think if you go out of your way to look for good friends, those friendships can be forced and short-term, and that can make you feel quite disillusioned at times.

    You say as a vampire you don't go hunting or recruiting. It is the look of being a vampire that appeals to you then?  In another of my lives I've been part of a vampire clan, and they were wonderful family, but I didn't feel close to any one of them.  Maybe you could try some different looks too part-time, and gauge people's reactions to you. Who knows where that could lead? You might find this will lead to you finding a very special chum/girl.

    Just keep all your options open. I know you stated clearly you didn't want to go sim to sim looking, but it sounds like you need to widen your horizons. When I get stuck I consult the destination guide. I like to take photos (although I am not a photographer - just a taker of snapshots), so I just find places that might look nice to photograph.  Whatever it is you get absorbed by, you are bound to find something within the destination guide, be it building, or treasure hunts,or looking at flowers! And somewhere on one of those sims is the very special person you are destined to meet. Think about that :smileyhappy:


  11. My new avatar is being chased around the grid !!!!!

    [05:55]  Second Life: Your region will restart in 1 minutes and 0 seconds for maintenance.

    Marigold on the edge.jpg


    I know, I know, that's the general idea. 

    Have fun Oskar, and keep keeping them ghosties out please.:smileyhappy::smileysurprised::smileytongue::smileywink:


  12. Wow, it is exceptionally easy now to sign up to Second life.  I did get an email, but didn't have to activate my new account first.  The welcome email contained links to Destination Guide, so there really is no excuse for anyone coming to the forums saying they don't know where to go next (but they will of course :smileytongue:)

    I was surprised when I could register this account to my old/regular email address, because in the past when I've tried to make a new account, I got told that I'm up to my limit at that address.

    Great choice of starter avatars on Viewer 2, but for me, not a good enough reason for using Viewer 2.

    Marigoldspare with tits - not adult content.jpg

  13. I'm very pleased you got a positive end result from this. I notice that Charlene Linden has marked the issue as resolved on the JIRA. You will, of course, be able to test this next time you place a classified, but this is very good to hear.  I do hope it will result in some further training for the Support staff too.

  14. If I were you I'd take a look at some of the groups inworld, and find people with similar interests; some groups are more chatty than others, and you can usually find a friend or two who is just on your own wavelength.

    I was going to recommend chat hotspots in the Destination Guide, but on looking at some of the locations, I absolutely would NOT recommend those, but the Destination Guide might actually give you some more direction of where you'd like to be and what you'd like to try next in SL.


    A for example is currently there are Easter-themed treasure hunts taking place, and in the past I've had tremendous fun hooking up with people on those.  If that's not your thing, then sometimes going for a quiet session of Tai Chi in Apollo sim can prove fruitful in meeting a kindred spirit or two.

    Be assured, though, that most people go through a plateau here and there where things might seem boring for a day, a week, or longer. This usually passes, and usually when a new friend or two comes into your life.

    Good luck to you.

  15. Welcome to Second Life and Second Life forums, shannn25.

    You are always welcome to ask as many questions as you want to on the forums, but you may find some of the answers to your most basic of needs over on Torley Linden's information page.


    If you scroll down his page, you will see a link to some very useful youtube video tutorials. I have used his tutorials from my first days in Second Life, and still learn much from Torley more than three years later.

    Good luck to you and your friend, I hope you have much fun and enjoyment in your Second Life.

  16. Peewee Musytari wrote:

    LOL Peter, you really need a hobby man

    The issue of the OP never coming back after the initial post has been raised several times, because even if they can`t work out how to post again it would be reassuring to know that they they at least got their answers, which is one of the main reasons for wanting default emails for questions that you post, though I gather from the last UG meeting that isn`t possible.

    There was always a high proportion of one-post wonders on the old SLA, but that number is significantly higher now as well as the number of people coming back to mark their question as answered.

    Hopefully the changes that Lexie n the team are working on will improve the situation


    One question that was a regular on the old SLA has completely vanished on the new one....No one is getting Ghosted anymore.

    And when something gets fixed rarely does anyone applaud LL - the ghosting issue was fixed with the rollouts that took place on 6th March.  There may have been one or two that occurred just after that date (I hear ya Bob ;-)) so well done to Oskar, Ambroff, Maestro, and others on the bug-squishing team for that one.

  17. I honestly think there should be a direct link to Thinkerer's blogsite; he seems to have been working on centralising all the most common issues over on his blog by collating all the information that has been repeated over and over again on the forums. I believe we do have a Knowledge Base, but that just seems too darn confusing to navigate, like the rest of this software.

    IMO anyway.

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