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Lia Abbot

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Everything posted by Lia Abbot

  1. Yup, me too. And I had a 3 hour drive to White Plains in order to get to work this morning. I'll be up here until Friday.
  2. Happy New Year Hippie, Val, Maddy, Par and all out there.
  3. Super sexy dance Val! Thanks for sharing.
  4. Ags! How's my fave yellow monkey? Big huggggggs.
  5. Hump day? It's Boxing Day Hippie! Get up yer dooks!
  6. Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas. Big hugggggs to all!
  7. Jerry you are most welcome. Come sit by the fire and watch the world end.
  8. Very wise Val! So glad you got your house back sweetie. It's cold out there!
  9. Oh no Val! You didn't give Maddy your address did you? That girl is a pyromaniac (had to look that up on Wikipyrodia). That;s why it is important to hide any spirits you have from her! Well, that's my excuse. /me checks my liquour cupboard
  10. Yes, thank you Val. You know how I feel and I believe you share those feelings. Subject closed. Now, sweetie, how are you getting on building some walls around that house of yours?
  11. Zenephobe wrote: Lia Abbot wrote: Yes Val. Be angry! What kind of place is this when they allow sick, vicious, evil men like that to just walk in a shop and buy a gun? Grrrr! /me wipes away a tear and hugs my sweet pal. With all due respect and with the acknowledgement that the shootings in Connecticut were a senseless tragedy I would simply like to point out that a crazy man did not walk into a store and purchase weapons to kill innocents. He was a mentally ill young man who used his mother's legally owned firearms to commit this atrocity. There is no need to debate this. This is simply a fact. The American Constitution is still working for the rest of the populous that does not allow their mentally ill children access to their firearms. Where I come from his mother, his cousin, his politician, his head of state couldn't walk into a store and buy a gun. I come from a civilised country where we recognise that, outside of the military and a very small proportion of police officers, nobody's allowed to own a gun, and I am thankful for that. The gun that repulsive idiot used should never, never been allowed anywhere near him. And as for the magazine of 100 bullets... Oh, and his mother comes across as another person I wouldn't want within ten miles of me. If you think otherwise, then I'd like to hear your comments if (god forbid) your own child had to face this awful man. Sorry Hippie, Val, Maddie and all. I didn't want to stain this lovely forum with my grumpy thoughts. /me cries softly.
  12. Aww Val. It certainly looks odd! At least you won't have any problems with ventilation :>)
  13. Yes Val. Be angry! What kind of place is this when they allow sick, vicious, evil men like that to just walk in a shop and buy a gun? Grrrr! /me wipes away a tear and hugs my sweet pal.
  14. C'mon Maddy! You gotta bear the consequences.
  15. Wow Val! Have a great time sweetie! Hugggggggs
  16. I'm infuriated this idiot's irrelevant idiosycracies incessantly immerse us
  17. That's Maddy for you. I keep my polar bears well away from her (along with my gin).
  18. Morning Hippie, Val and all. Have a fun Monday.
  19. What? Hippie raided your kitchen Val? Hey Hippie, any foi gras?
  20. Hiya Hippie, Val, Par and all. Have a fun day!
  21. I hope you behaved yourelf with Santa, Val! On the other hand, you might have guaranteed yourself some nice prezzies...
  22. Hiya sweeties! Hope everyone has a fun weekend.
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