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Pamela Galli

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Posts posted by Pamela Galli

  1. We had perfectly good storefronts on Xstreet, they just did not have banners. What we did not have was associated items, although many of us made our own clickable pics (so as not to use spam words in links). And we did not have fast pic upload.


    We also had the ability to see how much we had sold in a given time, how many of an item had sold and to whom, we could look at see how many clicks items were getting, etc.


    We also had relevant search, and "red shoe" brought up only things that were red and were shoes.


    I would take Xstreet back in a heartbeat.

  2. My inventory rarely loads fully -- I have wireless so that contributes.


    What I would like to know is: are these things going into inventory but just not showing up? Or are they really not receiving them? All support would need to do is tell me which happened -- they can see if something is in inventory or not. But two months later is not much help.

  3. Happens not really that often -- seems to go in waves -- ppl R click to buy some unboxed or boxed thing and it does not get it in inventory. I have tried asking live chat if something went into someone's inventory, and they refuse to tell me, say file a ticket -- and two months later the ticket will get a response saying, yes it is in inventory. Which tells me nothing, since by then I have replaced the items.


    Anyway if it happens in your store, here is a JIRA.

  4. Update:  I notice all three of my sims are on different servers now, so that may have fixed the inworld vendor problem and the Magic Box deliveries that were failing one out of another. However I don't know because I moved my workshop and my magic boxes so that I am not so often in a sim adjacent to the magic boxes and vendors, but actually in the same sim as them both. Not taking any chances and knocking on wood.

  5. For months LL has been allowing the reselling of full perm items being resold full perm -- with sculpt maps, and the creator's name on them.


    The avi that copied my kitchen and put it up for sale full perm on the MP is still in game, despite me having bought a copy of the copied kitchen as proof. 


    LL will not enforce EULAs or do anything about those who just copy.

  6. Yes, I have been reading forums for over 3 years now and there has NEVER been a time where a group of merchants did not claim there was a slump. I suspect it goes like this: at any one time there is an 80/20 split between merchants either experiencing growth or a slump. So there is always a group in a slump, but not always the majority.* But when someone starts a thread like this, if you are doing fine, you can get flack for saying so.


    * But of course most businesses in any life do fail, so many are going to be in a slump and on their way out.

  7. Agree, but the Commerce team could, I imagine, give more weight to item name than keywords or features, and instantly have more relevant results. Since their priority atm is Search, I am hoping they will do this -- and also create a separate search field for creator and store names.

  8. Hi Lanas, and thanks -- I was not very clear about the problem :-)  I do download the MP csv. -- but the problem, for my purposes with the Pivot Sheets, is that all that data is dumped into the transaction record with the inworld transactions -- EXCEPT that the "customer" is Marketplace Linded and the item is "order # 12233444". Which craps up the data. Though I see some utility in having all the transactions in one record, it is a mess because the reporting fields for the two sets of data are not the same.


    So I have to take out the MP data from the Transactions and then, if I want all the data in one record, import it back in column by column. (But I probably will not do that because what I want to know most of all is what is not selling, so I can delete it and avoid having to buy a 4th sim.)

  9. Okay someone has shown me how to make PivotTables* out of my Excel spreadsheets so I can see how much total someone has spent within a given time period, how much a given product has brought in, etc -- EXCEPT my biggest customer is MarketPlace Linden.  And all the objects sold on the MP are called Order # 12355555. NOT VERY ENLIGHTENING.

    So I have to manually remove all the marketplace data that is incorporated in with the inworld transactions and then somehow take the data from the MP order history and put it in the spreadsheet.

    It is nice, I admit, to look at the total number at the bottom of the page and know how much I sold that day. In the past I could also look at the total I had sold that day on the MP too BUT NOT ANYMORE!


    BECAUSE THE DATA IS CRAPPED UP NOW!  If you will not give us reporting tools can you just make it less horrendously difficult for us to make our own?


    *Actually he did not show me how, he just made one from my excel sheet so I could see it. I have no clue how to make one.


  10. Could not agree more! There is stuff I miss that without the keen eyes of my kind customers, would not come to my attention for a much longer time -- so I am grateful, esp when they are so very nice about it. Most trust that whatever needs fixing, I will drop everything an fix right then.

    The mean ugly ppl -- I wish I could prevent them from buying my stuff.

  11. Yes, it was quite surprising to receive that notification so quickly! It is as you say, Zanara -- these ppl are smart and on the ball. They were notified of a problem, asked for info, reproduced the problem, and I suppose now are in the process of fixing it. Wow. No months of pleading. No being ignored. No "It's too hard for us!"

  12. I hope so -- I have already had two failed house deliveries today -- yesterday lost about 8000L in house sales on the MP because they did not rebuy.


    ETA -- no that's now four failed deliveries, three of them houses, one a bedroom suite. I have the boxes on two sims.

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