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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Good morning all! Ugh! It's Monday! Have some coffee and root beer floats to take the edge off of this horrible day! Peace!
  2. The Breakfast Club pulls up to Helping Haven on the beach today at 8 AM! All are welcome! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Helping Haven Gateway/90/29/24 Peace!
  3. Good morning everyone! Yay! It's Friday! Car thermometer read 31F this Morning! Getting better! Peace!
  4. Good morning all! Happy Thursday! Brrrrr! It is cold for Florida this morning. 26F. With Hippiestock coming next Saturday, I thought I would post this video. Pictures that will take you back to 1969! Enjoy! Peace!
  5. Hippiestock 8 just 10 days away! You will not want to miss this far out and groovy event! Event location http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange Point/165/189/22 Peace!
  6. Good morning fun seekers! Happy peak of the week! Wow! Hippiestock 8 just 10 days away. I have been busy building the event. It will be fantastic! Many if us here in the States are in the deep freeze. The weather report for where I live is expecting temperatures to fall into the 20s F tonight. Brrrr! Bundle up everyone and drink lots of hot beverages! Have a great day everyone! Peace!
  7. Good morning fun seekers! Happy Tuesday! Enjoy this video. Tupelo Honey by Van Morrison! Peace!
  8. Ugh! Monday again already? Have some root beer and coffee to make it all better! Peace!
  9. Good morning all! Happy Thursday! I feel a weekend coming on already! Have a great day everyone! Peace!
  10. I am surprised that it doesn't have a flamethrower in it's talons! Peace!
  11. Ugh! Monday already? Well make the best of It! Have a great day! Peace!
  12. Hahaha! Falling manatees! Now I have heard everything! I am glad it was a mistake! Now if an iguana fell out of a tree and landed on me, I would scream like a little girl and run! /me shudders! Peace!
  13. Hippiestock 8 coming to Lagrange Point Spaceport January the 27, 2018. There will be a fantastic lineup of musicians for your listening pleasure. Event starts at 9 AM. Come and be a part of the happening! Hippiestock 8 coming to Lagrange Point Spaceport January the 27th. Event starts at 9 AM SLT and ends at 10 PM SLT. We have a great lineup for you! 9AM - Hippie Bowman 10AM - The Vinnie Show! 11AM - Winston Ackland 12PM - Lexus Melodie 1PM - Hippie Bowman 2PM - Songbird Sorbet 3PM - Joe Paravane 4PM - Lillie Woodells 5PM - LLuis Indigo 6PM - Jed Luckles - 5 PM - 7PM particles by Moondance Parx..PoofNGroovey - A Splendid, Groovy and Far out time will be had by all! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/165/189/22 Don't miss this far out and groovy event! Event location http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange Point/165/189/22 Peace!
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