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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. 13 hours ago, Orwar said:

       Peeve: people who say you need a non-stick pan for frying eggs. You don't.

       Non-stick pans with tetrafluoroethylene were first made in 1954. Fried eggs appear in written history in around 1,000 B.C. That writing, in fact, instructs you on how to successfully fry an egg; use plenty of cooking fat (it specifies low-acidic olive oil, but seeing as I'm surrounded by pine trees and moose rather than olive groves and jackals, I personally go with butter or tallow).

       Perhaps if people bothered to actually learn how to fry a damned egg before becoming celebrity chefs .. Mutters.

    Agreed, but the non-stick pan does allow you to use much less fat.

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  2. All of my alts have a picture of me in the RL image spot. I have a picture of my first av there. I enjoy reading profiles.  When I was a host I'd read them if I was bored on a slow night.  Now I read them when I visit, since I'm not in world that often, and it gives me a glimpse of changes that have happened to people since I saw them last.

    Peeve: people who never change their profiles

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  3. 49 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    If one actually cared about such things (which mostly I don't), I'd say that this is one of the best acid tests to set apart the boys from the girls.

    I have men friends who almost literally never change their clothes. I guess they are passing the "sniff" test?


    I haven't changed my clothes in about 6 months. But I used to change them every day. 

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  4. i1st peeve - Peeved that I don't have time to read pages 643 - 648 before I comment on one of the peeves on page 643.

    2nd peeve - Apparently there was some drama that I missed. As usual whenever drama occurs, somebody gets peeved enough about it to come and post a peeve alluding to it. Sometimes that generates discussion about the quantity/quality of drama here in the forums.

    On 9/20/2023 at 9:29 AM, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    IMO, almost nothing that happens in or around this forum (and even inside Second Life) really counts as "drama" for me. Nothing that would make me reach for the popcorn, anyway. Even the place solely dedicated to it doesn't really satisfy the itch. Minor peeve, maybe. Sometimes.

    Peeved that I always miss the drama.


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  5. To me the difference between the creepy come on and the awkward one isn't a matter of perceived entitlement exactly.  It's that one makes the hairs on the back of my neck rise up and the other invokes my pity. 

    I think perhaps it's got to do with the sincerity of the come on.  The creepy one knows they are trying to get away with something and I pick that up.  The awkward one might be afraid they'll be misinterpreted as creepy and over compensate to counteract that impression.

    • Like 4
  6. 21 hours ago, Dafadilia Wayfarer said:

    It's up to the patron if they feel they wish to tip or not. There shouldn't ever be any pressure for them to do so and that is one of the few things I truly despised having to do as a hostess.

    Totally agree with you.   I always tip if I'm in a club.  I tip the venue, the host, and the DJ or musician. Operating a club is not a way to make money.  Most places barely squeak by, if they're not operating in the red.  Musicians, DJs and hosts have expenses too.  Back when I hosted, I was lucky enough to host at a club that didn't have any rules requiring me to beg for tips. 

    I had a job in RL, I didn't depend on my SL tips for a living.  I hosted for fun.  That being said, I did quite well as a host.  I didn't expect everyone to tip, and it didn't matter to me whether a person tipped me or not, I did my best to help them to have a good time.  It was rewarding in it's own right.  I got to help people.  I had some great conversations. I learned things.  And I made enough to support my shopping habit.  Now that I don't host any more, I've had to let go of my shopping habit.



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  7. 4 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    Cherry picking from 2016 doesn't work with me. Notice the first word is Fourth. That means there are 3 other points above this. People really should read the whole thing instead of cherry picking. 

    Looks to me more like Jess is not happy with users not updating when they've had more than a year to prepare for it.

    My point is the updates are on LL, not FS so we agree on that.

    Today we have to block version 4.6.9 - Firestorm Viewer - The Phoenix Firestorm Project Inc.

    I never upgrade until I have to.  I prefer not to be on the bleeding edge of development, it's so messy.  By the time I upgrade, all the kinks have been worked out.

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  8. On 8/11/2022 at 7:10 PM, kali Wylder said:

    I am defying the odds!  In January I was told that my kidneys were not likely to recover and that I would need to start dialysis this year and get on the list for a kidney transplant.  My kidneys were functioning at 12%.  Kidney disease is described in stages that are related to the percentage of function.  Stage 5 is below 15%.  I was at 10% in December of 2021 and had improved by 2% but the doctor told me there was unlikely to be any more improvement.  A  few months later I managed to improve anyway and I was at 16% which is just over the threshold for stage 4.  

    Long story short, my kidneys are continuing to improve and I'm now at 18%.

    Not sure why I stopped posting these, but fwiw my eGfr is continuing to improve and I'm up to 24% as of July 2023. I'm working my way towards stage 3, just 6 more percentage points to go.

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  9. Way back when I was a newbie, the dashboard page used to include 2 or 3 of the most recent forum posts.  I was intrigued.  The GD was hopping back then.  Largely unmoderated and people could post about whatever they felt like posting.  There were answers to lots of my questions about SL here. Also, there were incredibly dramatic flame wars.  More than that, there were lots of very interesting threads about SL and RL and how they differed and how they were the same. And there were the funny threads.  I loved it.  I made friends with people in the forums that I hung out with in world.

    Then it became so toxic that I stopped having fun.   My first av suffered her first heartbreak and I withdrew.  I couldn't bear to be reminded of how it used to be and so my first av stopped logging in.  I started using my first alt as my primary self and retired the first av.  My first av stopped posting in the forums.  I found a new crowd of people to hang out with in world and none of them posted in the forums.  I still kept in touch with my old friends here in a private thread that lasted a few years until it maxed out the number of posts allowed and it broke.  I would still pop in to the GD and read the first page worth of topics every once in a while. After the private thread broke I started posting here again.  

    Then in 2020 I took my first ever break from SL after 11 years of almost daily immersion.  It started out as a temporary leave due to lack of access for 5 months after a geographic relocation.  But it seems that was long enough for me to rediscover the real world.  Nowadays I login inworld once or twice every couple of months and I read  the forums more often, about once a week or so.

    Why?  "Uh, I don't know, the wind just kinda pushed me this way" 



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  10. I never though of it as an addiction, but I enjoyed playing GOH for a while.  Never had more than 2 premium accounts and used to pat myself on the back about that.  I had  a premium plus account for 2 months, just long enough to get a ranch, then quickly gave it up because the Ranch style was not a good match for me.  My all time favorite was a beach side Vic.  But eventually I got bored with it.  

    Now I just have a sweet little camper with a nice lake view.  

    • Like 6
  11. The worst time for me was when the griefers had a graphics card destroying thing and they targeted the junkyard, destroyed a few DJs and host's PCs and then sent the owners a message demanding money to cease and desist.  The junkyard had to become a private club due to that and couldn't allow new av's anymore.  We remained private for a few years after that fiasco, which almost killed the club.


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  12. 18 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    I don't get upset when someone asks if I use voice.  Often I'll get the response, "That's a shame, your loss".  " No, it's actually yours."

    Early on I had an intense relationship with a guy, who's voice I imagined. He talked me into voicing with him and his actual voice just ruined the image I'd created of him in my head.  A real buzzkill. If I'm asked to voice, these days, I'll first explain that I want to hear theirs first.  Not so much to ascertain gender, it's the voice quality I'm interested in. If it's not deep and smooth then I'd rather we leave voices to be imagined than hear something high and nasal. 

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  13. 5 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    What I don't get is . . .

    . . . this guy has like one visible group. It's one of those stupid Libertarian Techno-anarchist / Hactivist groups that were so big like 12 years ago or so. Very Woodbury U, with a right wing flavour.

    The guy griefs me regularly -- I'm sure I'm a favourite target, but I'd lay money that I'm not the only one. And I'd also bet he's been doing it for the better part of his 13 years in SL.

    So, like, for real: what exactly do you have to do to get permabanned for griefing? Cuz apparently targeting the same person over and over again ain't sufficient.

    Or is this guy a "special case" with some kind of immunity for some reason?


    ETA: Forgot to mention, he came by on an alt to watch the fun. I was on my sky platform, and got an IM from a three month old avatar with an unpronounceable name on the ground level of the parcel, wishing me a "Happy SL." I greeted him back . . . and noticed after a couple of minutes that he was still hanging around down below, which made me immediately suspicious. So I opened my Land dialog to check "Objects," and . . . there it was. He sped off when I TPed down.

    What's weird is that he didn't use the alt to do the griefing. He used his 13-year old account. The object belonged to the oldster, not the new account.

    It's like he feels he's got some kind of protection or immunity.

    It sounds like the original av gave his griefing tools to an alt before he was busted/banned. Then the alt could repeat the process giving tools to another alt before griefing.  So even though the original and the alt who planted the grief get punished, the tools continue to exist to be used again. Leaving you no choice but to report it every time with no hope of preventing another assault.  Very poor governance indeed.

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  14. 13 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    @Cinnamon Mistwood

    One imperfect solution is to uncheck the box that lets your friends see when you're inworld. I,'ve done this with several people who I just don't feel like talking with, mostly because I have RL issues I don't want to discuss with them, but also for a couple guys who are just horn dogs.

    This is an imperfect solution because if your post in a group that your friend is also in, they'll know you're inworld an wonder why you didn't show up on their list as being inworld. Some people resent being "ghosted" like this, but others understand because they're introverts themselves.

    I was just going to mention the same thing when I saw this.  Fellow introvert here.

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  15. Burning man was one of the reasons why I came to SL in the first place.  I wasn't physically healthy enough to go to Burning Man in RL and when I heard there was a Burning Man in SL I wanted to experience it.  At the time I joined in June, there was a ghost town called burning man that I wandered around and was very disappointed.  Had to wait until October to experience SL's Burn2.  

    But the spirit of giving away things you made, "the freebie" came from Burning Man.  And I really liked that concept.

    • Like 6
  16. 10 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    I personally take everyone at the avatar level and only really worry about going deeper than that if there's a chance the friendship/relationship will go beyond SL.

    I accept everyone as they appear to be as well.  Over the years, some of my friends have confided to me that they were the opposite gender than they appeared and while I was glad we had reached that level of trust, it didn't change our relationship.

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