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Alazarin Mondrian

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Blog Comments posted by Alazarin Mondrian

  1. The premium sandboxes are a welcome idea. Much as we'd like to, not all premium residents own their own sims or private sandboxes. So this comes as a welcome relief to the junk-ridden sandboxes we've had to work in up to now. Hopefully premium residents will also respect each others' IP rights and not spend their time trawling these new sandboxes with copybot clients. Something that's been endemic in sandboxes up to now.


    ...Can teens join any group?...  ...I bet a few will slip through and all you need is one precocious 13 year old to ruin your day and your clean criminal record.

    Surely it should be trivial for LL to make it impossible for minors to join 'Adult' groups. LL already have their true age details so it should only require a few lines of code to ensure that no resident under a certain age can join an 'Adult and/or Mature' group.

  3. Doing another OnRez? Surely it would have made beter financial and PR sense to find a buyer for AU and to pull out rather than to pull the plug outright. AU is used by more than just the SL community and shutting down AU because it doesn't quite fit the SL roadmap belies a whopping contempt for other virtual worlds and MMO's.

    OK, buying AU was a bad move. Fine. It didn't work out. Things happen and you want to cut your losses. Sure, that's understandable. But shutting it down is a seriously bad move. Sell it as a going concern and recouping at least part of your invetment would make far better sense. Even if you only get pennies on the pound from the sale of AU that's a step up from nothing at all.

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