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Pixieplumb Flanagan

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Posts posted by Pixieplumb Flanagan

  1. <sigh>  No.  What I told you is completely correct.  You could possibly cover a 'painted on the skin hair base' by using a tattoo layer hair base, because this would be on the tattoo layer over the skin.  However, you are confusing different things.  Some skins have hair painted onto the skin, but this isn't system hair/ eyebrow shaper.   We now only use the system hair to adjust the eyebrows on the classic sl avatar. Pretty much no one wears system hair with any of the hair showing anymore, and if we do it doesn't look anything like a hair base.

    Some of the starter skins have the hair base baked into the skin, and no, you can't get rid of it, anymore than you can change the skin in other ways, like adding wrinkles to the face.  These starter skins are just that, free starter skins that it is expected you will use for a little while before trading up.

    So, you are critizising the hair maker quite wrongly, as they obviously thought you were more sl savvy than you are.  They assumed that you were ,as you claimed to be, wearing a separate hair base (a tattoo layer) which of course you could remove.  As the hair is painted onto the skin you cannot.  You are wearing system hair, of course, as we all are, but when the sliders are set to zero it is effectively invisible.

    When you buy a skin without painted on hair you will be replacing the skin you are wearing now, not covering it.

    How is having to replace the starter skin a ridiculous restriction?  SL expects the residents to engage with the world, and customising one's avatar is part of that.  Surely you don't expect SL to provide everything you could want. do you?

  2. A 'hairbase' is NOT the same as the system hair/bald base/eyebrow shaper.

    There are 4 items in sl that can NOT be removed, only replaced.  They are: shape, skin, eyes and system hair.

    System hair is the only one that has alternate names.

    If you are seeing a hairbase then it is either: a tattoo layer or an effect baked into the skin you are wearing or a mesh head hair base layer.

    So, as I said, ALL system hair/bald caps/eyebrow shapers are the EXACT SAME size.  

    As you are probably using a default sl avatar not a mesh one, here is how to solve your issue.  Take off your hair and all tattoo layers.  Change your skin to one that doesn't have a baked on hair base.  You can find several free skins on marketplace to check this.

    I understand that sl can be a steep learning curve, but there's a reason why this is what 'everyone says'. It's correct.

  3. Notices, and any attachments to them,  stay in group info for 2 weeks.  They cannot be 'purged'.  If an attachment has been sent in error all the group owner can do is disable notices until the notice expires.

    If you don't click to open an attachment when it is first sent then you have to go to group notices, scroll through and click on the item you missed.  It's not particularly onerous and it is how sl has always been.

    Incidentally, if you can't find an attachment that was sent you are looking in the wrong place.  Group notice attachments can be a notecard, an image, a landmark or a boxed object.  They all go to their respective folders, vis:notecards, textures, landmarks or objects.  They will never go to your received items folder, and folders cannot be sent via notices, so you always need to unpack any boxed items.

  4. All system hair/bald bases/eyebrow shapers (these are all the exact same thing) are the same size.  To make a new totally bald base all you need to do is go to your inventory and right click, New body part, New hair.  Wear the new bald base and set all the hair sliders to zero.  You can only wear one bald base at a time, so there is no possiblility of a new one 'not hiding an old one'.  

    There are also tattoo layer hair bases for using with specific hair attachments like pony tails or buns, or styles where the hairline should show.  These are NOT bald bases/system hair/eyebrow shapers.  If you wear a mesh head you can get hair base appliers and there are usually a few options for this included in the HUD that comes with the mesh head.

    If you wear a mesh head your bald base/system hair/eyebrow shaper is completely irrelevant.

    RE the OP.  You are wearing a classic default avatar and that blackness around the eyes is part of the skin. You can cover it with tattoo layer makeup, but that's an old skin and you'd be better off shopping for a newer skin with a bare option.

  5. ARing is sending an abuse report.  Click on 'Help' in your tool bar top screen and fill out the form with as much detail as possible, and say that you are going to pay the lindens to Governor Linden if you still have them by this point.  Leave the form open on your screen and make trhe payment to Gov. Linden and then copy the transaction history into the report.

    If you don't still have the lindens, find the transaction history with the back and forth and copy THAT instead.

    Send it off and try not to worry.

  6. Pretty much all the stores that sell head and appliers for those heads will have appliers for the most popular and best selling bodies, which would be Maitreya, Belleza and Slink.  Most also have Omega appliers,  which will work 'out of the box' on some bodies and some for which you will need to buy the Omega Relay specific to your body.

    When you find a head  you like it's a good idea to investigate the availability of matching body appliers to make sure they are available.  As with everything else, demo like mad.  

    There are now so many heads and so many skin makers making appliers for bodies and heads, you can be quite sure of achieving individuality in your lok.

  7. I think it's more likely, given the url in your question, that you were taken to a fake secondlife website where you entered your user name and password, which were then used to access your account and gift your lindens to the thief.  

    This is a common scam.  

    If you have not already done so you should immediately change your password, or your account will still be vulnerable, not only to theft, but also it will be used to scam other avatars in the same way, which will lead to no end of problems when YOU are reported as the scammer, since it will be your account that is used.

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  8. I think it was somewhat implied with the mesh starter avatars introduced a while ago, since superceded by better classic avatars with mesh clothing/hairs/accessories, but still in our library folder.

    As we all have to wear a shape, skin, eyes and hair/bald cap/ eyebrow shaper, even when none of these are visible, there is no danger of LL removing our system bodies.

    There will continue to be a market for classic texture clothing alongside standard size mesh for as long as SL lasts, probably.  Whilst I do use a mesh body, and I do think appliers look better than texture layers, it would be foolish not to supply both to our customers, especially since in the huge majority of cases it is the identical texture and it takes only moments to make texture clothing pieces.

  9. Whilst you cannot remove a notice, you can disable the ability to receive or view notices until the notice in question has expired, which I think is 2 weeks.

    To do this, go to Roles, Everyone, Notices and uncheck Recieve notices and view past notices.

    It's a bit extreme, but if you have inadvertently sent something your should not have, it's the only way to prevent it going to all members.  This won't affect anyone who already got the notice, of course.

  10. Is this the system eyes showing through 'holes' in the mesh head?  If so just use the eye alpha built into the Edit Appearance function in world. 

    If it's not your system eyes but part of the head mesh can you reposition the yes so that they are slightly forward of the layer? Alternatively perhaps the head has an option to hide the eyes for use with 3rd party mesh eyes.

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