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Pixieplumb Flanagan

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Posts posted by Pixieplumb Flanagan

  1. 5 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    What, Qie, you're admitting that Obama is an industry lapdog? That's another debate, but the point is, this isn't about industry, it's about ideology. Net neutrality/socialism under Obama; no net neutrality/capitalism under Trump. 

    Ajit Pai isn't anything like the caricature on this lefty blog, and he's right to use the ridicule that his enemies use constantly. I'll tell you who is scum -- the 4 channers who go to his house and put up posters threatening his children. The insanity of people opposing this rational decision that if applied to climate change denial would be cause for a civil war.

    I see you've lost your usual rationality on this subject too. It really is a religious fervour, this net neutrality.

    You don't like Mr Obama, do you?  I bet he's all upset about that.

    • Haha 1
  2. 45 minutes ago, encidious Opus said:

    Pixieplumb Flanagan and Phil Deakins, if you compare yours posts to Prokofy Neva posts, I observe many more personal slurs from both of you. If you aren't lobbing direct insults you insert passive aggressive barbs. 

    uh huh.  nope.  moving on.

  3. 3 hours ago, Klytyna said:

    If you knew anything about infrastructure based technologies, or business, you'd know that 'investment' ALWAYS goes down...

    Once you finish building a road from point A to point B, you don't tear it up and build it again, or build a second road 10 feet to the left of the first, you lower investment, and simply maintain the road, occasionally upgrading it a bit.

    Once high speed glass fibre has been laid to Sleepy Buttburg, to connect it to the internet by Megabucks Internet inc, NO OTHER COMPANY is going to bother investing in laying cable there unless they absolutely have to, because 20 companies trying to build 20 separate & isolated continent spanning internets coast to coast, is, and I'm going to use a technical expression here...


    I like you, you're awesome xxxxxx

  4. Also, sheesh, i pop out to buy a few bare essentials of life (speaking of which, it seems sainsbury no longer stock the light varieties of Belvoir fruit squash.  shocking.) and when i come back there's argy bargy and shenanigans.  tish and pish, next time you jolly well wait for me.  meanies.  (Not Phil - he's m'chum.)

    • Haha 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    My God, always such ignorance about the realities of the United States because of such virulent hatred, a product of media shaping and not without Russian help these days.

    Er, no, dears. You wouldn't say states' rights were "backward" when a state abolished the death penalty or legalized gay marriage while others didn't. Or in fact abolished shalvery and provided its own health care coverage when others didn't. Oh, well.

    Who abolished shalvery?  and why?????  I loved it, oh the nights my friends and I would shalve together and sing songs and pop corn - <sigh> such good times.

    • Haha 2
  6. 18 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    "who I have met, and who is a man of utter decency and integrity," -- well now, we've taken your measure. Corbyn is a notorious antisemite, a Putin lover, an Assad apologist and much more, as anybody who can read a newspaper has discovered now, so the tankies can't keep it to themselves any more. And it's typical of haters that they project others as being haters, or rising to bait or getting their "knickers in a twist" when it is merely calm and collected reasoning against hysterical, wishful thinking based on socialist ideology. The reason I am griefed is because a) griefers are criminals and do that b) the Lindens snicker and are dilatory, because c) people like you support it socially. That's all. It's not about me being anything, that's not what it is about. Assad, Putin, etc. thrive for the same reasons, the same dynamics, although of course on a wildly different scale. So I'm glad we see what you're about now and once you've got someone saying Corby is a man of "utter decency" then you know it is never worth debating the person. You see, this is why socialism, net neutrality, all of it get a bad name. This. 


    golly prok, no need for personal abuse; isn't that a bit rude?  chuh.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    If you have to ask that question after being inside Second Life for so many years and experiencing many of the negative features of Silicon Valley yourself, I don't know where to start. But read my blog Wired State. I was simply early with my critique, it's now all over the place.

    I think we (there is a we here, but you're not in it) can see what exactly is all over the place.  And it's not what you think ;)

    • Like 4
  8. 5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    British accents are so cute...when talking to someone on the phone from the UK I can't even understand what they're saying...all I can think about is how cute they sound :)

    But cockney....wow people can say several sentences and I can't comprehend anything.

    Yes, my husband is a proper Cockney and whenever we go to London to visit our daughter (we live in Cornwall) his accent becomes more 'eastenders' with every passing mile.  He says I do a similar thing when we go to Amersham (a small country town in Buckinghamshire) where I'm from; apparently my vowels become so strangled I sound like the queen.  I don't know cute we might sound, but we give each other hours of laughter!

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  9. Firstly that doesn't actually scare many Europeans, given that it was written a long time ago and doesn't sound too bad in any event, and secondly, if you think that's how successful socialist countries in Europe actually function then I guess you're about as well travelled and educated as most Americans.

  10. 3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Of course you have hatred, it seeps through your posts. You spew stereotypes like "99% of other sl residents" which simply isn't true. That's the problem with the forums -- they are run by 2% of the 5% of residents who bother with them, and it's full of bullies you can't fight back against because they AR you and the Lindens take their side. That's why I prefer to debate on my blog.

    Criticism of socialism and even more, communism isn't about "reds under the bed," not when we're talking about a brutal system that committed mass crimes against humanity including against my in-laws and friends. I'm aware that there's often less awareness of the realities of the GULAG in Europe, closer to Russia, than the US, and there's reasons for that.

    As for griefers, um, they aren't "teasing me" like I' just some "old bird," they are joining groups against their will, force-conferencing people, and spewing racist, anti-Muslim hatred, impersonating themselves as me. That's teasing?! It's far worse than that! And fortunately, the Lindens remove them although slowly. Perhaps because most of the people like you dealing with them think I'm the problem when they impersonate me, which is ridiculous, of course. This isn't "teasing." It's crime.

    A critique of net neutrality is in order because it is about a government agency that arrogated to itself the power to "redistribute wealth" in socialist fashion and undemocratically. Google fans bombing a comments section isn't democracy, it's mob rule. This should be decided by Congress. But in fact, it's being undone by an elected president. Burn him as you will, but I think Americans have shown they stand up to the worst of Trump and his ilk (i.e. in Alabama just now).

    Meanwhile, British citizens voted the Labour Party out of office after years of its stranglehold on power because socialism wasn't working. And liberals came to power and got a bashing, then conservatives but the bottom line now is the Labour Party is in a shambles, my God, look at Jeremy Corbyn. If I had to choose between Trump and Corbyn -- OMG what a choice -- I'd choose Trump simply because I think he can be curbed and overruled easier as self-interest rather than ideology drives him.

    I'm glad Net Neutrality is being removed and Silicon Valley can't win for once. It's a joy to behold. 

    Crime? Oh dear, you have got your knickers in a twist.  Do you think I hate you?  Surely not.  You're not of any consequence to me to qualify for that.  You really are just a bit of a sad case, and it's a shame you get teased and wound up like you do, but you'll continue to bring it on yourself because you can't help it.  

    I'm just teasing you because you rise to it without fail.  It's the same reason you get griefed in world.  You're just too easy.

    Also, anyone who would choose trump over Jeremy Corbyn, who I have met, and who is a man of utter decency and integrity, well, you're beyond parody, frankly.  You just openly supported a paedophile, a rapist, a traitor to your own country. Wow.  Amazing.  No hatred, prokky, but a fair measure of sickened disgust, which I wager is shared quite widely.  What a sad little woman you are.

    • Like 4
  11. 39 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    Wait... Someone from the UK is against Net Neutrality in the US? But, you have Net Neutrality in the UK, hell all of Europe does.. Why are you so against the US keeping it?

    Nah, prok's in the USA, but she gets into quite the tizzy.  

    • Like 1
  12. 23 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    Consider this famous Marx quote, which is the central core of communism distilled to its essence and ask yourself, would you really like to live under this system?

    From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.

    Very much indeed - surely this is the essence of decency?  That we all work to the best of our ability and get all that we need, regardless of the wealth or status of our parents.  Is a child of rich people genuinely entitled to a better life than a child of poor people?  Anyone who would say yes is beneath all human contempt, and has abandoned any pretence of humanity, Christianity, or indeed any pretence that they are other than the lowest, greediest, nastiest among us.

    • Like 5
  13. 2 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    You're being a Samaritan doesn't mean your figures are correct. They aren't. Also, perhaps this is legal in Finland, but in many places in the world, notably the US (or even worse in Russia), you could not sit idly by and do nothing while letting a person commit suicide, you would be viewed as an enabler and could be liable.

    Um, I can't "straight up admit" things that are false and some wild imagination you have about the critique of socialism. Socialism is not Christianity or the Christian ethic. It's ideology, not law. It is not the rule of law, but the rule of ideology. That's why I and other human rights advocates reject it. The fiction of "equality" and "fairness" as some committee of comrades decides it obscure the lack of real justice. You can have social justice, a fair health care policy, aid to vulnerable people in society without having socialism. In fact, it's done in the US in ways I think you just aren't informed about. I don't "look for validation and support". I vote against net neutrality.

    The Lindens put this in our face, and I erased the letter and wrote my own letter saying I support the removal of Obama's net neutrality rules. Honestly, you're way off course in this discussion merely because of your own seething hatred.

    Oh you're back; I guess we can't win them all.  I'm in the UK, and the Sams, being a listening service, does have a certain amount of protected status in terms of when we have to notify the authorities.  Specifically, threats or claims to have committed acts of terrorism or treason.  That's it.  Otherwise our service is confidential, so yes, if someone rang us, told us they had killed their spouse and were about to kill their children we cannot and do not notify the police, ambulance service or any other authority.  Now, some people have a problem with that, in training, and cannot cope with this.  They are either told that they are unsuitable, or decide so for themselves.  

    I am aware that other counties have different laws - there's a shocker! - but as a UK resident and citizen I only have to concern myself with ours.

    I have no hatred, 'seething' or otherwise,* bless your daft little cotton socks.  I just see you the same way as 99% of other sl residents do.  As a rather silly obsessed old bird with a reds under the beds complex and a loyal band of dedicated griefers to tease you.

    *I'll make an exception for your president - I hope he burns, and soon.  He's simply dreadful in every conceivable way.

    • Like 5
  14. 8 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    I don't think that's the attitude to take toward suicide, but now I have the measure of your morality. You're also wrong about the "likelihood" of being shot in the US versus the statistics for Finland's suicide. Go and look it up. Let me think now. I disagree with a socialist policy called "net neutrality". This has nothing to do with "hate" or "being old" or any thing of the sort. But as I said, I've taken the measure of your anonymous morality statement now, and I'm done. 

    Actually, prokster, I'm a Samaritan, and whilst our mission statement is still that fewer people die by suicide, if someone calls us, and has decided on that course, and doesn't change their mind, then it is our duty and responsibility to stay on the phone with them while they die.  I'm fortunate; I haven't had to do that yet, but some of my colleagues have.   

    You should just straight up admit that you hate socialism because you hate, fear and envy fairness, equality and all that is kind and decent in other humans.  Your bitterness is evident in every post you make.  I don't require anyone else's estimation of my moral worth.  You, on the other hand, desperately strive to be regarded more highly that you ever are, and long for validation and support.  You could give that some thought.

    • Like 7
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  15. 5 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:


    Finland has the highest rate of suicide in Europe. That's enviable? 


    Well at least it's their choice.  You're still more likely to be shot in the US than to top yourself in Finland.  As to the rest of your dribble, well, it's dribble, it's what you do best.  You're good at hate and not much else.  You poor old thing.

    • Like 6
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  16. 12 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

    Absolutely not.

    I've written a great deal on this subject but it boils down to this: socialism doesn't work.

    Bandwidth is a scarce resource you can't "redistribute it," you have to invest in it and earn a profit from it, and that means we have to pay for it.

    Happy to pay higher bills for my SL service if it becomes the "horror" all the geeks imagine.

    But it won't, and I do hope those advocating for it will have the intellectual decency to come back and admit it.

    pfft, it works in Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland.  All of which are better countries by far than the US for, oh shucks, just about everything.  Happiness, life expectancy, child care, education, healthcare, maternity care, people not getting shot by the police, people not getting shot by their neighbours, people just generally not getting shot really, better social care, better mental health support.  Those countries are cleaner, you know, just face it.  Socialism works.  The US, on the other hand, is being run into the ground by a nazi sh1t gibbon and his pals.  Sucks to be you.

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    • Haha 1
  17. Jenny, this is your third thread with the exact same question, photo and answer.  You've clearly seen the replies already, so just either buy some feet or stop wearing shoes like that. kthnx

    • Like 4
  18. 2 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    Standard tactics of the Self Rightious Suburban Fascist Committee for Community Dictatorship...

    You spout some crap about a "serious problem that all right thinking people will join your action group against", and when people quite rightly slap you down as some little self appointed Neighbourhood Snitch Street Dictator, you accuse them of having "anger management issues" or "not being calm".

    Then you claim, fraudulently that if they were "calm and rational" they would automatically see that your plan to ban your neighbours from painting their front doors red, or requiring all unmarried people to eject visitors before 10pm at night to prevent "sordid behavior" or whatever smug crusade your are on, is the TRUTH and the WAY and should be made FEDERAL LAW immediately.

    Obviously, since we don't seem to like self appointed Social Lifestyle Police Mentors, we are all irrational un-calm people...

    But you know she'll thank us for our input, while completely ignoring everything we say, and pointing out that our opinions are "just one opinion" as a way of claiming that her opinion is worth more than ours...


  19. 7 minutes ago, AshaShanti said:

    It seems many here (not all at all ) like to get all hectic on a poor first time user  - like it was fun - 

    I don't think that helps much in a forum - or I don't see the reason at all - but if you are into that - you are more than welcome. 

    It does help to be calm and discuss things without getting to hectic - you get further in solving problems, finding solutions or understanding things better - all the points that were made were equally valid and useful for understanding the whole picture.

    If I thought I am the ultimate authority on any subject I would not write on a forum. 


    Hectic, eh? Is this one of those 'telling calm people to calm down so that they get flustered (or hectic, if you prefer) thereby justifying the calm down injunction in the first place' things?  

    oh honey ;)

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