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Pussycat Catnap

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Posts posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. On 3/8/2021 at 11:03 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Tit for tat seldom ever ends well.


    Although, as someone who tires very hard to make sure I'm using good quality stuff, I actually appreciate when a neighbor returns some of my stuff on me. It tells me the item was not made to the standards I had thought and wanted it to be made to.


    My first land in SL, I was on this wonderful region that as I stayed there started to get more and more laggy, eventually being so extreme I felt like I was walking through thick soup.

    I recall ranting all the time that there must be some total jerk living around here somewhere rezzing laggy junk just to ruin it all for the rest of us. I really wanted to know who that absolute jerk was and tell them what for and put up all kinds of nasty banlines and signs, and abuse reports about them and so on...


    One day I took the trees in my garden back into inventory for some reason, and ZAP. All the lag was gone in an instant and I was seeing 'action gamer FPS' responsiveness.

    I quietly noted who that jerk had been all along and decided I would switch brands on garden items... ;)

    Years later when the ability to return things on other people's land that was encroaching you was added, I took out one of those trees again to look at it's bounding box - that sucker was maybe 2-3 times bigger than it looked on screen... Yeah... It not only went over my neighbors plot, it would have been going all the way through and into the next neighbor after them - and I had never noticed that.


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  2. On 3/15/2021 at 2:36 AM, Marianne Little said:

    This blogpost is a few years old, but if anyone has a newer list over complexity, post it. Maybe @Pussycat Catnaphas an updated one.

    These days I mostly ignore complexity and go into assorted complex tools to look at polygon count.

    Polygon count of the mesh bodies is... very bad...

    The best of the human bodies though is Maitreya >= 5.x (old Maitreya is bad), by a 'country mile'. The worst is either Legacy of Belleza, but I recall it being close. Basically horrible vs terrible.

    Other bodies and brands and so on... I don't know.

    Complexity is best ignored. There are too many ways to hack the results and get a complexity of 1 out of a 3-billion polygon mess and a complexity of 1 million out of two basic linked prims... Useless metric is useless.

    In the range of human bodies that I know of, Maitreya is going in the right direction, and everyone else is doing 75mph into oncoming traffic on the freeway. Long time observers of my posts will note that I have a long history of slamming Maitreya at every opportunity. But 5.x changed my perspective, because it's always about the tech, not personal. And if someone does it right, they need to be held up and cheered on for that. "Loosely held passionate beliefs" - that's how I go with these things.



    If you can go furry, and most people here are NOT considering that option... you want Regalia. That is your best female body in SL hands down, on nearly every metric. Not just lag wise, but also fit and animation and reduction of hassle (because it's mod), and well... just being cooler... But it has paws for feet and uses a different UV map. If someone knew how to change the UV map, you could use it with a human that always wore shoes... but that's... way beyond me.


  3. Just now, Janet Voxel said:

    MAAAAAAAANNN, I'm not turbo nerding this for you. 

    Do it yourself. Grab a demo and do ya homework.

    Y'all are a trip.


    That was my attempt at trying to engage you nicely on your level. After all, why did you mention the detail of the two ears if you didn't want to discuss them?



  4. Just now, Janet Voxel said:

    Here's a Genus ear:


    Here's a Lelutka EvoX ear


    I'd say the Lelutka ear has less detail. It's definitely modeled more simply.

    I can't do this (yet) as I lack Evo X demos (yet).

    But view it in wireframe. Also, and I forget how to do this off hand with the official viewer or firestorm, but in dragon viewer it's easy: look for the polygon counts.

    What you want to see... would be the polygon count go DOWN while the appearance quality goes UP.

    - ie: the more skilled the 3D modeler, the more they can do with less polygons.

    Next you would want to see how those polygons are positioned / shaped - and for this, you'd have to have modeling skills yourself to be able to tell good from bad. But the 'angles' and shapes of the polygons can play a MASSIVE effect on how well it rigs and animates.

    Lelutka claims they improved rigging in Evo between 2.0 and 2.5 - and I suspect that had to do with moving polygons into better positions so they could be 'bent and shaped' more easily.

    - But analyzing that part is beyond my skill level.


  5. 5 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

    So in effect, they basically optimized the head without adding more textures to it.

    If that is the case, I'll look it over, count the textures, and see what we've got.

  6. Just now, steeljane42 said:

    I suggest staying at your own place then and never going outside. Because, and I said it many times already, bodies and heads are just the tip of the iceberg. Most (longer) hairstyles are heavier than belleza/legacy bodies, lots of outfits are times heavier than those too. I got one at Equal10's last round. It's 1.5m triangles. And yes, I saw it before buying it. Crying about HD makeup when you probably bump into people wearing same kind of outfits all the time is rather.. unwise.

    That's a head in the sand 'just give up' perspective...

    If things start trending in the wrong direction, you call it out, push for change.

    Look at how many folks are putting in proportion kits with their bodies and in their CSR groups these days?

    Who do you think started that BTW? I'll give you a hint, you just called them unwise...

    Took years to do, but now the horrendously bad proportioned avatars are becoming the exception rather than the rule.

    Before that, we all went down this path with resizer scripts that were in each individual prim...

    Before that, there was dealing with the issues of bad overuse of flexi - a lag issue BTW.

    Notice also how the average mesh item today is NOT a gazillion in complexity, and a good half of them got down to lower values WITHOUT cheating. Half still cheat - this is a battle in progress.


    Many times, content creators in SL have gone the wrong way, and the push to correct them has started with a few voices, and grown over time as more people caught on.


    These HD things can have their place, but they should also be resisted in terms of attempts to make them a new default. We've only just managed to get people to see that BOM is a good idea, and much of that is about lag BTW... and now we've got these folks trying to abandon it again.

    Which means it's time to push back.


    • Like 3
  7. Just now, Rowan Amore said:

    Who the hell spends all their time zoomed in on their own face?  Seriously?  

    It's nit picky.

    If you don't, then why are we getting HD?

    I don't BTW, which is why I don't want this HD stuff lagging up my SL.


    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, Ziggy Starsmith said:

    Breaking news. The next theme Linden home has been leaked....



    There was a time when SL had a ton of boxes as homes for nekos, in assorted themes... They were always too 'grunge' for me because for some reason I still don't understand SLers associated neko with grunge. But yeah... still looking for that cardboard box dream home. ;)


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  9. 7 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

    I think it is more than one theme left. If LL want to make money, it is a huge demand for modern. I see every thread "What do you want now", modern comes up as one of the top, if not the top wish.

    There is a huge demand, but... when we look at the homes page we see that trads, campers, and stilt on land are basically permanent residents on that page. Victorians and Log Cabins are that friend that keeps staying over on the couch all the time, but goes home now and then... but houseboats and stilt on water are rare guests.

    - That tells me that we've run out the demand for certain kinds of builds, but still have a lot of pent up energy for getting a home as a whole, and for certain concepts in particular.


    People keep demanding modern.

    But guys in SL keep demanding more clothes.

    In both cases, anyone who meets the demand finds their product doesn't sell as well. ;)


    • Like 4
  10. 2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:


    I... don't think so here...

    Isn't the whole reason we're adding a 'fecal-ton' of lag to SL here to be able to get into super high detail with zoomed in up close and personal?

    If HD is all about super fine close detail... then that is exactly the the nit to go pick when critiquing it... Because that is what they are selling folks. That 'nit' is the actual product here: obsession over little details you rarely see.


    My 'nit' on this same thing is that these details are too minor a gain for the burden they add to the system... BUT if I was willing to pay that buren, you can be sure I'd be picking this other 'nit' and asking about little things like a tear-duct or the 73rd eyelash on the upper right lid... ;)


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  11. 3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    The problem still remains with applier eyeshadow as opposed to BOM.  It will glitch with some hair and hairbases?  This is one thing I love about BOM.  Will this still be an issue with HD applier?

    Almost by definition the answer would have to be yes, it would glitch some things.

    The only way to avoid that would be to make the eyeshadow 'alpha mask' at which point it would have hard edges and look horrible,



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  12. On 3/11/2021 at 10:39 PM, Orwar said:

       Evo X isn't 'all appliers' though. Evo X's skin is BOM, the difference is that it uses a different UV map than the standard SL avatar model, to allow a higher resolution .. At least that's what their FAQ says.

    BOM skins are 1024x1024 and HD is also limited to 1024x1024 because that's a hard limit of SL so what is this higher resolution unless they are splitting the head into multiple faces each with it's own UV...

    Yes I know this post in counter to my previous ones in part... in that I'm calling bunk on this whole HD craze. When applied to thinks like eyeliner, lips, ears, etc - as new faces then yes that's adding 16mbs of texture mapping where there used to be 4mb... But if it's a single UV for the head - then it's swapping one 4mb for another 4mb.

    I believe later in the thread there's some talk of the ears no longer being in the head UV... so maybe that's it. It's also why this is a subtle effect... because that doesn't shave as much off the UV map as one might think:


    You're removing the bottom two corners and shoving some of the other content over there. You will gain some detail, but not much. In exchange though - the ear gets massive added detail, for a part of the body usually not in close focus and often covered by hair.

    Seems an odd choice to make to so dramatically increase lag for such small gain.

    This explains HD, from someone who still fails to understand the costs of this whole mess:




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  13. 1 hour ago, Janet Voxel said:

    As much as I don't like Legacy, the 1.4 version looks pretty good with the EvoX head, zero neck seam. When I change looks in a couple months, that looks like what I'll go to.

    I know they're coming out with a Legacy X, but if its a separate body that costs 5k....ummm, I'll stick with what I got.

    Legacy is already SUPER HIGH polygon. Legacy X? I fear that sounds like an SL-killer...

    All these HD / X / etc things... it's all the wrong direction. Just spiking up the lag to insane degrees by ramping up too many polygons and too many high-ram textures.


    This is why I switched from Belleza Freya to Maitreya by the way - Freya is a lag beast with an insane number of polygons. Less laggy than Legacy... but it's close.

    Maitreya is at the moment the rare exception to this trend - they went the right way with 5.x - a single layer BOM with reduced polygon count and light weight scripts. Yet one which looks great because rather than just 'slam more into the box' and call it an upgrade they focused on 'craft it better, then call that an upgrade.'

    All these other fools just think the more crap you toss in, the better it is... that's just dragging SL down.



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  14. Just gotta shop more carefully and more intensely for animations.

    I've long had this issue as I have a rather busty avatar that only got more busty when I switched from Freya to Maitreya (I was so unhappy that Maitreya even dialed to 100 has such a small bosom, that I went silly with an addon and now have cartoon Jessica Rabbit big)...

    Half the animations and hairs out there cause clipping (my arms or hair cut into the body at some point), so instead of buying animation packs I buy them one by one after testing each out.

    It's really not any more difficult than that. You lose out on the 'fatpack discount' but if you were going to have to toss away 30% of animations anyway, until the fatpack discount is more than 31%... better to be selective. ;)


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  15. With Chalets, Traditionals, Victorians, and "almost" log homes and Stilt on land - I worry that the 'modern day house on a plot of land' theme might be a bit saturated.

    I'm hoping the next theme is, as Abnor stated - NOT what we're thinking. As in something really unique. But also appealing enough that people want it.



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  16. On 3/11/2021 at 9:17 PM, Gabriele Graves said:

    In my opinion, the writing is on the wall for BoM support going forward.

    I have been a participant/lurker on the Lelutka group for a long time and cannot tell you how much BoM has been plugged and pushed over and over again,

    For them to now signal a 100% return to appliers for Evo X mode with the highly likely removal of the BoM/"Classic" feature down the line, I feel they have, in no small way, willfully deceived people about where they were heading.
    From those who never wanted to go to BoM who felt they had no other choice for the newer heads and those who embraced BoM, loved it and expected more of a transition towards BoM only and away from appliers, who may find in a short while that BoM is no longer an option either for new heads and or updates to existing heads.

    I was probably amongst many who hoped that a future Evo head would make all applier layers optional that had BoM equivalents to give a pure BoM Lelutka head insofar as it is possible.

    That is exactly I abandoned Catwa and switched to Lelutka. Because Lelutka looked like it was staying true to BOM and Catwa's HDPro was a big slap in the face against BOM and in favor of more lag...

    I just bought another Lelutka head last night for an alt and now I kinda feel betrayed over that decision... If I'd been paying attention to recent news I would NOT have made that purchase.

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  17. 4 minutes ago, arabellajones said:

    Little bit of news on the railway. The last rez zone is still in Hawkesblood, but the switch just to the east is now operational, with one line running south to the coast and the other east and north to Randlesham Forest continuing as far as SSPE1193

    Does this have it's own thread?

    I feel it risks getting lost in here, whereas with it's own thread that tags a key mole or two, it might get better priority on the 'to do' list.

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  18. On 2/22/2021 at 4:45 AM, AltynTagh said:

    I literally have had them show up to two sims i was at on an alt, that was not a sim they knew about. My av wasnt wearing any objects granting them permission.

    One of the things having a huge stack of alts has revealed to me is that I am a bit more 'obvious' than I might think I am...

    Most people who know me can tell if it's one of my alts pretty quickly.

    If it happens 2 times in 4 years - I've randomly bumped into the same people more often than that because... we're kind of creatures of habit.

    That noted, your profile reveals that you most likely use RLV - so maybe not your alts, but you yourself could have at some point handed over one more perm than was ideal. I see you use Wendy's system, so you're pretty safe there, but did you always use it, or did you switch to it from the 'other system'. Because if you used to use the other system, the odds that you accidentally handed someone too many perms are much higher...


    It's not so much that folks here are deluded, it's that some of them have actually looked at the code. Some of them actually have used those tracking methods that do work (RLV) and know their limits, some of the folks here might even be merchants that make and sell such things.



    It's also possible to hand someone permissions to find you on the map. Look at your friend and 'contact sets' panel in people and make sure the individual in question isn't listed in one of them. Not sure if you can give this permission to a non-friend. I think you can but need to test that.

  19. 17 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    As for OL stilts, I think the issue there is just that everyone wants water, and a good number of OL stilts are firmly landlocked. 

    ETA: Now that I think about it, the fact that campers are on smaller parcels would tend to make them less popular. Half the land size = half the prim allowance. 

    I've seen one stilt on land where they built added rooms out of the space under it. That's about the only case of a stilt on land that looks like it needed to be that one kind of building.

    I feel as if they should have made about 7 over water for every 1 on land. But instead it's 50/50. It seems more like 1 water for every 7 land - but that's just because the ones on land have SL-cooties...

    Campers also - people have to really want that special look. Much of the desire for campers may have vanished when log homes came out. Anyone that just wanted forest that is. Obviously some people specifically want a camper. If it was on a 1024 plot I imagine it would compete very well against the other styles.

    The best use of them now is for people that want to be half on mainland and half in Bellisseria - without bumping up tier - who also realize they can even do this. Given how often the question comes up of 'can I get mainland if I this or that' I suspect a lot of people aren't even aware of this option...


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  20. On 3/1/2021 at 11:19 PM, animats said:

    Ideally, new users would start with a mesh avatar and some fitmesh that Just Works.

    I can already read the post about unfair competition, and even see the name of the poster... where that to happen.

    That noted... at this point, I think it would be perfectly sensible to log in every new account that chose female with a copy of Maitreya. Male is less certain - I think the 'war over which avatar will win out' is still going on over there - I have my thoughts on which should win (to help with lag - signature gianni), but the game isn't called yet.

    They could even have Maitreya make a 'basic' avatar that had 90% of the features missing. Maybe unscripted, no HUD (so you'd need to wear alpha masks to hide parts), only one foot shape (flat), one nail size, one neck fit, BOM only - etc. Ie: here's what will fit most clothes you buy (except for the flat feet thing - I feel this is logical but if they want common fit they'd go high), but it can't do anything else.

    And then the head... the head could stay as a system head or a very simplistic bento BOM only head with no features.


    And then... queue all the unfair competition remarks... but come on... "everyone" ends up buying that body eventually anyway... A 'basic' version of it might as well be the standard female SL body now.


    I'm highly disappointed that what they did choose to do was go full tilt on 'white girl default'. At the least, they should have a choice of ethnicity.


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  21. 18 hours ago, Doc Carling said:

    A mesh body gives your avatar a more natural look. The body form is smoother and more detailed. Last but not least, no stretchmarks. One of the biggest disadvantages that classic bodies have.


    Some of these skin makers updating to BOM have just slapped their old 512x512 skin file into a classic skin layer, put a 'BOM' logo on it, priced it for $900L, and called it a day... so yeah... stretch marks and looking like you've had a mess in your pants when viewed from behind are back in style... :O

    They shouldn't be... but... yeah...


    Reasons for a mesh body:

    1. You think SL doesn't have enough lag, and want to make more.
    2. You want to look good nude.
    3. You want to look good in clothing that exposes more than 1% of your skin.
    4. You feel you have too much $L and need an excuse to hand it out to other people.
    5. You want to be exposed to a whole pile of new random jargon that will make you look cool at SL parties when you quote it back at people.
    6. You're only willing to do the 'sexy-time' with that cute mesh body avatar, and she's finally gotten fed up looking at your 1999 low-polygon mess and insists that fair is fair in the visual eye-candy game.
    7. You've noticed those stretchmarks mentioned above, that always seem to be located on your upper thighs on the back as if you had a case of 'explosive #2'... and now that you can see it, you cannot unsee it.

    Some of these might apply to you... some might not. ;)


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  22. 57 minutes ago, Evangeline Ling said:

    while I wait for them to release Chalets anyways

    Did I miss the announcement of the upcoming theme or is that a wishful post?

    I don't even know what a Chalet is though...


    On the whole 'grabs all the homes vs. how dare you' thing...

    Every day is Christmas morning and one kid rushes down and opens ALL the presents then proceeds to play with them until nightfall. The other kids will all get a present, but they have to wait for that first kid to leave it behind - which they won't do until tomorrow morning when it's Christmas again and that same kid is down there first opening all the presents, but only able to open one for each one they discard from the day before.

    - It just sounds amazingly over dramatic and petty on ALL SIDES...


    I remember the first home I got in Bellesseria being a pain of several days of looking as nothing was around that I wanted. Other people already had stuff. Then finally something popped that was a keeper so I kept it for a while, and months later I moved - and I've now had my spot since the end of 2019.

    Was there frustration? Yeah. But I dealt with it. I kept looking. Eventually I got something. If fools are making drama when they get the toys first or when they have to wait to get their toy... shrug, be patient, and play the long game.


    I was literally born dying, never had nothing handed to me in life, and have been fighting since my first breath, and yet I've come very far. Never matters how many setbacks you have. Only matters whether or not you stand back up, try again. That's an over-dramatic way of saying... just be patient, play that long game. All of this is worth a lot less drama than some things, and takes a lot less patience to get through to a good result.

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  23. 18 hours ago, Mollymews said:

    not sure why your results are different to mine

    I think I'm talking about the wrong thing.

    I was talking about setting the physics type to 'none. But not the touch to none. I just remembered these are different. So... I think I've been thinking of the wrong thing here.


  24. That tree looks like a sculpty.

    Sculpty objects are often VASTLY LARGER than they appear. Sometimes 2-3 times larger. Sometimes this includes the physics and sometimes it doesn't. So just because a sculpty appears to be in your house, the actual bounds of the object might be all the way into the other side of the neighbor's land.

    Avoid sculpties.


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