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Sassy Romano

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Posts posted by Sassy Romano

  1. My advice would be to get legal council to explain in your language, the terms of the ToS so that it's clear and that you don't make a decision that could lead to you being banned.

  2. Charlar Linden wrote:

    Also, it's not a test - it's just a tutorial. You don't have to get any questions correct to become enabled. The purpose is to help those who might not be aware of some intricacies with intellectual property in SL.




    You might want to correct one of the questions in that case.  It's this one:-

    Darlene sells full permission mesh pillars, archways, and roof tops for other residents to use in their Second Life buildings. Darlene includes a notecard with the items. The notecard states that the items can only be re-sold as part of an original creation and are not to be re-sold as standalone items. Sally purchased the mesh objects from Darlene and wants to resell them. Sally can...

    The LL correct answer is incorrect because including the notecard with the items rather suggests that it was either inside the delivered box or delivered along with the box.  This would not be an enforceable contract.  See "shrink wrapped licence" as the terms of the contract do not appear to have been available to be viewed prior to forming the contract. 

    Better wording would be " Darlene  has a clear sign in the shop which outlines the terms of use. The sign states that the items can only be re-sold as part of an original creation etc."

  3. Mick Scarbridge wrote:

    My proposition for LL and SL is this: I suggest scripting avatars, hair, shoes, and clothing with special resizing scripts that auto-delete from their host prims once the user has finished resizing the objects to the particular avatar. This leaves the original items inside their boxes in case a user creates another avatar for a special occasion

    Go ahead, educate the dysfunctional merchants that sell items that do this which are no copy.  No mod, no copy, resize scripted whether they self delete or offer owner delete are dysfunctional creations.

  4. Just choose the nearest category if you're referring to the Marketplace items.  If you have an inworld presence there's no "category" to choose from, you just open business and carry on.

  5. From the mesh upload quiz.  The "correct answer being 1."  This is actually wrong for all of the reasons stated in the thread, including the notecard in the box with NO prior offer such that the contract can be appropriately negotiated would render it unenforceable:-

    Darlene sells full permission mesh pillars, archways, and roof tops for other residents to use in their Second Life buildings. Darlene includes a notecard with the items. The notecard states that the items can only be re-sold as part of an original creation and are not to be re-sold as standalone items. Sally purchased the mesh objects from Darlene and wants to resell them. Sally can...


    1. Include the mesh objects in the prefab houses that she creates, then sell the houses.
    2. Sell the mesh objects as standalone items as long as she creates new packaging for them.
    3. The permission settings on the mesh objects are "full perms," she can do whatever she likes with them.
    4. Sell the mesh objects as standalone items as long as she renames each object.
  6. Dear Brooke

    Please can you let the viewer development team understand that the profiles that are presented have no value.  Like many merchants, I use classifieds in my profile, not because I expect to be found in search, that is a long discussed topic in its own right but classifieds in profiles are there for when people see you out and about and profile perv.

    Now that Viewer 2/3 is now a mongrel crossbreed, unsure of whether it's a software application or a browser and giving the worst of both, there are no classified ads viewable in a merchants profile.

    On this basis, putting on your "lets pretend i'm a merchant" hat, what would you feel the value of paying for a classified advert that you only pay for on the basis that you expect it to be viewed when someone pervs your profile to be?

    I think it's now worth zero and on that basis, i'm going to cancel my adverts and take my $1 and spend it on something else! :)

    Ok, so I only now waste $1 but there are lots of merchants, a lot of whom spend far more than I do, the functional alteration of a viewer a component from which LL derives no revenue, has removed a feature that DOES derive revenue for LL.  As a representative for Commerce, you might want to go and flick someones ear and give them a clue?


  7. wiked Anton wrote:

    perhaps the dancing is an RLV hud.....tell her to take her name out of search, and disable her RLV if she has it..............

    and another... PLEASE read the entire thread, learn about RLV, there is no feature in RLV that permits an avatar to be forced to animate, this is simply a pre-existing acceptance of a request to animate in a dance hud (or similar) that hasn't been reset.

  8. Frankly i'd reword it to "Contact LL FIRST in case of failed delivery"

    Failed delivery is not the merchants fault and contact merchant first wouldn't do anything to address "I pay u 15 minutes ago and u has my monie you scamma".

    Bottom line is that no matter what you put, unless it's a Facebook button, it's assumed that nobody will notice it.

  9. Well the solution there is easy Pamela.  Put a button with a Facebook logo on it and say "click here to *like* complaining about non delivery".

    Given the present assumptions about the demographics of the user base, it could be assumed that they'd press that first.  Then just make sure it's a placebo button and everyone is happy.

  10. Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    Sassy Romano wrote:

    RLV itself offers NO tracking or stalking functions. 

    All a script has to do is pick up the change event for region change and then get the current region and IM it to someone (or us a timer event and do the same).  It's trival, please lets not attach any misaligned accusations in the direction of a very innocent and functional RLV feature set, it already suffers enough from misinformation.

    So what you're saying is that a script, such as the one in an Open Collar device, which enables you to tell region changes, therefore pointing out someone's location, has nothing to do with RLV?  If so, this is, indeed, counter to what I believed. 

    Pretty much yes.  The llGetRegionName and llInstantMessage functions and the change event are all LSL and are not RLV functions.  The above is all that's required to have a simple script that sends location to someone.

    OpenCollar has scripts that may utilise RLV functionality but there is NO feature in the RLV functions that is assisting anyone here.

    Merchants who offer RLV enabled items have enough of an uphill battle trying to educate people as to what RLV does and more importantly what it does NOT do, it's better not to suggest things that are not responsible.

    Only 2 days ago I had to explain to someone that "no, RLV will not let someone take your L$, nor can they see or take things from your inventory". 
  11. No you didn't, the fact that it was mentioned with no reference to why it should even be mentioned as even partly a culprit is enough.

    Since it cannot be responsible for either of the activities being referenced in the thread, the mere mention of it is out of place isn't it? :)

  12. RLV itself offers NO tracking or stalking functions. 

    All a script has to do is pick up the change event for region change and then get the current region and IM it to someone (or us a timer event and do the same).  It's trival, please lets not attach any misaligned accusations in the direction of a very innocent and functional RLV feature set, it already suffers enough from misinformation.

  13. animate avatar doesn't require RLV at all but it does sound like she's wearing a scripted object which will implicitly grant animation permissions when requested.  She'll have seen no popup.  Or, she could have just granted permission to animate avatar to his dance hud which has not reset the script or removed permissions such that permissions is still granted.

    In fact, there's NO RLV api that forces an accept of animation permission. I wish there was.

    Scripted object that's all, it's a half a dozen lines of script.  No RLV drama, move along, nothing to see :)


  14. Gwendolina Akina wrote:

    I don't think the report can doing something.

    I have reported a product for child, 50 times, it has the Restrained Life Viewer function onto. 

    wtf, why linden let these product on marketplace ?

    It's a shame. 

    First, there's no such viewer as Restrained Life.  It's Restrained Love but i'm just being pedantic.  I'm sorry that you're so uneducated about the use of the functions specified in the RLV protocol API that an automatic assumption is made that it's all about sex.

    One of my RLV enabled products automatically changes the avatar into swimwear on entering water, is that sexual?  No.

    Please learn a whole lot more before making such assumptions.  It's assumptions like this that also equate person with camera at a school play as a deviant.

    So in answer to the question, "the f*** Linden let these products on marketplace because there's ABSOLUTELY no reason not to.

    Now, on the other hand, lingerie, how come that isn't always adult rated?  There are buttocks on show (against the listing guidelines unless adult) and if it's not for erotic roleplay, what is SL lingerie for?  Erotic roleplay also requiring that the item be listed as adult.  I don't get it, bunch of deviants.

  15. As a child, there was a particular line of dolls where when you collected enough "stars" from the accessories and posted off the completed bonus card, they would send you your chosen gift.  I had a full card, I chose the top reward, another doll!

    My parents were as amused as the postman when it was delivered.  It was delivered in a small plain box with a sticker on the outside which read "NUDE".

    How utterly horrific to send such a clearly sexualised item, a plastic doll, through the post, naked.

  16. Arwen Serpente wrote:

    You're right Sassy, there are select vending systems that can tap into the MP info. Unfortunately, I'm not using them at this time (and many I suspect are not).

    Easiest thing (well conceptually anyway), would be a redeliver option for shoppers (for copy/no transfer items). It would be helpful now with the Magic box setup, and, even when DD is implemented. Just giving the shopper some measure of control would take so much frustration out of the process.

    I know it has been discussed before but given the other things that are being worked on, it would seem that it is low on the list of priorities.

    Yes indeed, it needs a FACEBOOK "LIKE THIS" button on the feature request to get some attention.

  17. Arwen Serpente wrote:

    ...and, you can't redeliver on your own (need to contact Merchant or LL), and there aren't redelivery stations for the MP inworld. I've had so many people come to my inworld store looking for a redelivery station for the MP. It only adds to their frustration because they just have no control over the situation.

    There are redelivery options in world from BSM vending system and CasperVend I believe.

    We can do it with ours but choose not to due to ANS not providing sufficient data about the transaction actually completing financially.  In short, if the MP refunds, it doesn't send any ANS data to report that to an external vending system.

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